• Temporary files are lost after upgrading to 8.7.5

    0 Votes
    12 Posts


    Thank you for your insight.
    I guess there are many ways of working.

    I am in an environment where add-ons are not readily available. Using the native capability over time has been my best option, and so I have not explored alternatives.

    Backup is not a deprecated feature, so expecting it to be reliable, as I do for any other saved file.

    Whether the number of un-named files is large or small, this highlights what can happen when the user changes the saved location, and is, I now think, a good case for consideration when designing or testing code modifications around the backup location.

  • [Python] Edit > Block Comment doesn't use triple double-quotes

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    In the script code, I accidentally left out the r I was preaching about earlier.

    quot3_comment_start = 'pass; {three}START-BC '.format(three=quot3)

    should be:

    quot3_comment_start = 'pass; r{three}START-BC '.format(three=quot3)

    See the r? I bolded it in the revised line of code. :-)

    BTW, I added the START-BC (start block comment) and END-BC (end block comment) text in there so one can be sure that the triple quoted string stuff really IS temporarily commented out code. If you don’t want that, just remove the text of those strings from the source code for the script.

  • Issue with user define function after 8.7.5 update.

    1 Votes
    8 Posts
    Zachary DeckerZ

    @PeterJones Thanks for all the help. Yes, your suggestion fixes this issue!


  • UDL Folding Sought

    0 Votes
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    No one has replied
  • RegEx Quandary

    1 Votes
    12 Posts

    Hello, @roy-simpson, @terry-r, @peterjones and All,

    @roy-simpson, may be the following regexes may help you to achieve your goal !

    For the example below, don’t forget to tick the Wrap around option in the Replace dialog !

    Given your last single line INPUT text, that you’ll paste in a new tab :

    <math display="inline"><semantics><mrow> <mrow> <mtable columnalign="left"> <mtr columnalign="left"> <mtd columnalign="left"> <mrow> <mn>0</mn><mo>=</mo><mo>|</mo><mn>4</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>|</mo><mo>−</mo><mn>7</mn> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr></mtable></mrow></mrow><annotation-xml encoding="MathML-Content"><mrow> <mtable columnalign="left"> <mtr columnalign="left"> <mtd columnalign="left"> <mrow> <mn>0</mn><mo>=</mo><mo>|</mo><mn>4</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>|</mo><mo>−</mo><mn>7</mn> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr></mtable></mrow></annotation-xml></semantics></math>

    With this regex S/R :

    FIND (?-s)(?:<.+?>)+([^< \r\n]|\Z)

    REPLACE $1

    You would be left with this tiny OUTPUT text :


    Now, with this simple regex S/R :

    FIND .

    REPLACE $0\x20

    The OUTPUT becomes :

    0 = | 4 x + 1 | − 7 0 = | 4 x + 1 | − 7

    And finally, with this third and last regex S/R :

    FIND (.+)\1

    REPLACE \\\( $1\\\)

    You get your expected OUTPUT :

    \( 0 = | 4 x + 1 | − 7 \)

    May be, get rid of the space char, between 4 and x, to simulate an implicit multiplication sign !

    Happy New Year !

    Best Regards,


  • Windows 10 Crash

    1 Votes
    2 Posts


    Does this crash happen immediately when you try to start Notepad++, or after it is already open?

    If you can get Notepad++ to start, please click on the ? at the right end of the main menu, select Debug Info…, then click the button Copy debug info to clipboard.

    Add a reply to your original message and paste in what it copies. That might help us guess what is going on.

    If you can’t get Notepad++ to start at all, then the question has to be, what changed recently in your system? If you can’t think of anything at all, one thing you could try is to download a portable version from the downloads page, unzip the file and see if that will run. What happens when you try that might give you, or us, a clue.

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Doc-Farmer ,

    Is there a new shortcut for Edit>Blanks>Trim Trailing Space?

    v8.5.7 was from November 2023 – a year ago. Do you really mean that, or do you mean the most-recent v8.7.5 from December 2025?

    Regardless, Edit > Blanks > Trim Trailing Space does not have a default shortcut in either v8.5.7 or v8.7.5 – the Alt+Shift+S keystroke is assigned to Macro > Trim Trailing Space And Save in both v8.5.7 and v8.7.5.

    I suggest you look at both menus to see if either says that, or if not there, then Preferences > Shortcut Mapper: filter for trim on the Main menu tab to see Trim Trailing Space, and filter for trim on the Macros tab to see Trim Trailing Space and Save:

    accc074f-c88c-4967-9c6b-18c28d3da1f2-image.png 7a1a2b8b-e016-4c38-a999-aad4130d7f17-image.png

    I get the Find drop-down

    Do you mean the Search menu drop-down? If so, then my guess is that your keyboard isn’t correctly sending the Shift when doing Alt+Shift+S (maybe an intermittent problem with that key on your keyboard), because Alt+S is the Windows OS “menu accelerator” sequence for "the menu with the accelerator S, which in Notepad++ is the Search menu – so that says that Notepad++ is hearing Alt+S instead of Alt+Shift+S from the OS.

    Though it is possible all your shortcuts got cleared – for example, if %AppData%\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml somehow got deleted or corrupted for you, then the Macro wouldn’t be there anymore and thus nothing would be assigned to that sequence, at which point I believe that Notepad++ would fall back to pretending the Shift wasn’t in your sequence and interpret it as Alt+S for the Search menu. If it did get cleared, you should be able to exit Notepad++, copy the one from C:\Program Files\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml to %AppData%\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml , and then run Notepad++ again, and the shortcuts and macros should all be back to their defaults.

    So my guess is that the problem is that you misremembered, and you’ve really been doing Trim Trailing Space and Save macro shortcut, and that now your Shift key isn’t coming through, or that your shorcuts.xml got cleared.

    All that said, with the Shortcut Mapper, you can change the shortcut for either of the actions I’ve mentioned, or most other menu entries, to whatever you like.

  • How to Find and Replace a value bigger than 100(Float)

    1 Votes
    13 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    FWIW, JsonTools v8.3.1.3 (see instructions for downloading an unreleased version) now has a function that would allow JsonTools to solve this problem without knowing the full structure of the JSON document.

    recurse_until(@, and(@.Value > 100, @.Name == Intensity))[:].Value = 1.0 will convert all the Value instances greater than 100 where the Name was Intensity to 1.0.

    For example, in {"foo": [{"Value": 101, "Name": "Intensity"}, {"Name": "Blah", "Value": 200}], "bar": {"Name": "Intensity", "Value": 60}}, running this query would return {"foo": [{"Value": 1.0, "Name": "Intensity"}, {"Name": "Blah", "Value": 200}], "bar": {"Name": "Intensity", "Value": 60}}

    I should note that the recurse_until method is very slow compared to other JsonTools functions because it can potentially throw and catch an exception for every node in a document, so I do not endorse this approach for very large documents.

  • How to hide columns like the way we hide rows?

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    If you need to quickly navigate to the tags of an HTML document while ignoring whitespace, maybe a tree view would help. From a quick trip to Google, it seems like XMLNavigator might be a reasonable option, although it hasn’t been updated in a few years. I haven’t used it myself, but if it seems interesting to me I may try to fork and update it.

  • 0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @guy038 ,
    Sure am glad I didn’t suggest a dBASE Plus solution for this problem and end up in that list. <g,d,r>

  • How do I create a custom fold in PowerShell

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    David A. StewartD

    @PeterJones Thanks, I’ll look into that.

  • Regex Help Please

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Mark OlsonM


    In the future, please read this FAQ and use literal blocks of text wrapped in ``` to show your text rather than pasting images.

    It is not clear what you want to remove at the end of the line, but if you want to remove everything before CUSTOMER REFERENCE NUMBER: on lines with that text, you can use Search->Replace... to open the find/replace form, check Wrap Around, set Search Mode to Regular expressions, set Find what: to (?-si).*(?=CUSTOMER REFERENCE NUMBER:), leave Replace With: empty, and hit the Replace All button.

    Here is the standard documentation for regex in Notepad++.

  • How to prevent re-alignment of lines

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Graham-Norris said :

    Hopefully someone else does.

    Yes. But yours is such an oddball problem, I have doubts.

    Are you using any unusual plugin?
    Can you post your Debug Info here?
    See Notepad++'s ? menu for how to obtain that.

  • How can I specify the priority of styles in stylers.xml?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @juyoung9653 said in How can I specify the priority of styles in stylers.xml?:

    in substyle1, it gets overwritten by DEF NAME.

    Presume that by “substyle1” you mean “USER KEYWORDS 1” ?
    Otherwise, be clearer, because I see no “substyle1” anywhere.

    It seems to be working for me, in N++ 8.7.5:


    I think I’d notice if it were using the “DEF NAME”, as that is a radically different color:


  • File name on UI tab is wider now. On purpose? Can I revert?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Joseph-Millenbach said:

    All my tabs in the app, where the filenames are shown, are much wider now.

    Hmm, I somehow can’t believe that someone would complain about wide tabs, and yet fail to notice the “pin” icon on the tabs.

    so I was assuming it was a purposeful change

    It was.

    And I’ll mention I almost gave up before working around this “new user” UI. This is not a “complaint” proper that I would instead put in the complaint area (round bin).

    This UI was not intuitive to a person with a CS BS and decades of experience. And you allow zero other ways to get help.

    All I kept seeing was “you need to type at least 7 characters” but the title had plenty of characters. I didn’t realize the area on the left had a cursor (was under the pretty dialog message on Firefox). I thought it was a queue management interface. That after I posted something it’d appear there until it was approved, and go through various states (waiting, approved, etc).

    These seem to be complaints against the forum software, not Notepad++.
    The forum software is just something used by the Notepad++ authors, not developed by them, so if you don’t like it, go complain somewhere else about it (the software used is NodeBB).
    More forum complaints by this user HERE.

  • How to make the Find box open in the same monitor?

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Snabel42 said:

    potentially semi-transparent

    Yea, this has long been a feature of N++'s Find window, but it’s not a great solution IMO for how huge the Find window is.

  • 1 Votes
    5 Posts

    @mpheath Your are a legend! Thanks. It works. :-)
    Unfortunately, my reputation is too low. That’s why I’m not allowed to give your post a positive vote.

  • How do I cancel column mode by moving the cursor?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA



  • Adding more steps to an existing Macro

    0 Votes
    12 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Robert-Or-Janet-Diebel said in Adding more steps to an existing Macro:

    Are comments allowed in shortcuts.xml?

    You can do this:

    <Action type="1" message="2172" wParam="0" lParam="0" sParam="I am a comment!!!!!!!!" />

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts


    Sorry, I didn’t see it was a second copy when I approved the second.

    Conversation will continue in the other