• How to roll back to the previous verson

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    We can only guess: Someone else moaning about the Show close button on tabs not showing the button on inactive tabs? When I use a version now that DOESN’T feature that, all those red buttons make me feel overwhelmed.

  • UDL operator not recognized

    0 Votes
    4 Posts


    Is there a way to define additional style specification,

    No, not yet. There is an attempt to achieve this, but I have not yet succeeded.

  • find in files LIST instead of SHFT-F4

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Are you trying to say that the Search results panel doesn’t display for you?
    If so, you probably want to check the FAQ.

    this is driving me to distraction

    I guess this has been a distracting problem for you since Aug 2023 at least?

  • -1 Votes
    19 Posts
    dr ramaanandD

    @guy038 Oui, merci beaucoup!

  • Change Font for this Document Only

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @NotSoBitWise Seems like a familar issue with printing that someone else had. Have a look at this doPrint function that I rediscovered by using the PythonScript plugin.

  • config.xml reset debugging

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    I learned my lesson a long time ago, and I have a batch file that starts Notepad++. Before it starts it, it zips up a snapshot (into a zip file with a name derived from system date/time) of relevant config files. The batch file also removes older snapshots so this mechanism doesn’t use up too much disk space.

    It’s a shame we have to take defensive action against our favorite software. :-(

  • No text on selected line

    0 Votes
    16 Posts

    The solution on my side plugin called CSV Lint
    I do this steps
    Notpad++ > Plugins > CSV Lint > Settings > Colors > Normal Mode or Dark mode (foreground colors) > Yes > OK > manual restart notepad++

    this should fix your issue and that happen when you try to change the theme and than back to default, and thanks @ibrummel for the hint of CSV Lint plugin

  • "Word wrap" option is reset from time to time

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Terry RT

    @Arthur-Gordon-Pym said in "Word wrap" option is reset from time to time:

    I also have this strange bug

    As I think you will be aware, that information isn’t much to go on. You speak of “with latest versions” but don’t specify if it is “the” latest version. Additionally there might well be other factors such as whether you run Notepad++ in single instance mode or “multiple instance”. This is a setting under Settings, preferences, Multi-instance & date (ver 8.7.4). This setting can create the anomaly you see. If you run multi-instance and turn off the word wrap in one instance, and then when closing, make that instance the last to close the setting will change as it writes the change to the config files. Next time you start you will see it turned off.

    So far very few have stated they have this problem. We had a previous case where only a few had a particular problem and because of that it took a very long time to establish there was in fact a situation where the issue arose. Yours might be such a situation, or indeed just something you haven’t identified yet which is causing the problem to occur sporadically and not specifically a Notepad++ issue.


  • notepad ++ adjust indentation

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Terry RT

    @Bob-Smith said in notepad ++ adjust indentation:

    Where is this hiding? Not seeing it. Have the settings been moved around?

    Which version of Notepad++ are you running. The preference option is certainly there in the recent versions. You might need to show us your debug info. From the ? menu, select debug info, copy and paste that info here.

    As well as the previous post another idea is I think the “Column Editor”. If you want all the lines in your file to have the same prefix, position the cursor at the very start, use column editor and enter the text to be the prefix on EVERY line.

    If you just want a group of lines to have a prefix, position the cursor on the first line of the group, use Ctrl + Alt + mouse control to move down the left margin for the group of lines. Then use the column editor to insert a prefix for that group. You could also just type the character(s).


  • 1200 second time limit

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Bob-Smith ,

    The way you avoid that 1200 second time limit is to get enough upvotes that the system doesn’t consider you a threat.

    That rule assumes that anyone who has been here long has posted enough good quality posts to have earned a few upvotes.

    Given our additional anti-spam that’s been implemented since that limit was originally enacted, I think I’m willing to shrink the delay. But there will still be limitations on you until people have upvoted you enough.

  • How to multiselect with double click without ignoring whitespace?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    I’m not 100% sure whether I’ve understood your problem.

    I was going to ask for a screenshot of your Preferences > Delimiter page, wondering if maybe you had something added to your list of characters… but then I was reminded of the Delimiter selection settings (Ctrl + Mouse double click), which I forget about under most circumstances.

    So with the example text

    one two three four five six blah(seven eight nine)

    if I Ctrl+DoubleClick on one then five then eight, I get one and five and seven eight nine selected. Based on being reminded of the existing of the special meaning for inside-delimiter Ctrl+DoubleClick, that is now my expectation. But I’m wondering if you were hoping for just one and five and eight in that situation. If so, you would have to “defeat” the Delimiter selection settings, by changing the open and close delimiters to something else (or to nothing).



    With no selection-delimiters:

  • notepad ++ dark background in NppFTP show message window

    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Bob-Smith ,

    A few years ago, it was requested in the NppFTP repository’s issue tracker, but the maintainer didn’t have time (at least then) to take on the effort of adding all the DarkMode hooks.

    I’ve pinged the issue, and updated with the current state (because in the original issue, even the Profiles and Progress panel was still white, not just the Output and dialog boxes) – but the maintainer asked for help 3 years ago, and no one volunteered, so it’s not likely to happen any time soon, unless someone new volunteers. (@chcg is highly involved in a variety of plugins, plus contributes to the main app, so doesn’t often find time for requests like this; hence the 2021 request for help, which was unfortunately ignored.)

  • Update Failure

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @mkupper ,

    the OP’s question seemed clear enough to me. While they did not show their debug info …

    Maybe you didn’t notice which FAQ @Alan-Kilborn directed the OP to, because “it’s ambiguous” wasn’t meant to say that “the OP question was ambiguous” – “It’s Ambiguous” is one of the headers in the FAQ that was linked to.


    I am thinking that when Alan said, “It’s Ambiguous” and directed the OP to a FAQ that you thought he was linking to the “request for more information, especially debug info” FAQ. But he actually linked to the FAQ: Why Can’t I Just Say “Most Recent Version”, which explains in detail about why the Update Notepad++ doesn’t find v8.7.4 right now, using much the same language that you used in your reply.

    update 1: Yes, I admit that “Most Recent Version” FAQ also asks for Debug Info, but the “It’s Ambiguous” section can double as the answer to the FAQ “why does Notepad++ say there’s no newer version, when the downloads page clearly shows a newer version”.
    I guess I could make the FAQ more explicit in that regard.

    update 2: I have now tried to make the FAQ more clear that it’s answering two questions that both have the same root description, even though they seem, on the surface, unrelated.

  • 0 Votes
    13 Posts
    dr ramaanandD

    On using the above RegEx, in 80 files out of 300 files in a folder, the whole text of the file was selected, instead of just a word stuck to a simple, round bracket/parenthesis to its right. Is it because no such words were found in the file (only 2 such words were found in two different files)?


    0 Votes
    4 Posts


    Thank you for these figures.

    However, I can confirm that it was impossible to enter data in the USER TAGSx fields on my laptop at the time I wrote my message.
    After restarting my laptop, it was possible to enter data again.
    The reason for the sudden freezing of data entry is a mystery.

  • Run an external program

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Thomas HoppeT

    @PeterJones Thank you very much, all works fine;=)


  • Change in the way end of line characters act in regex?

    0 Votes
    11 Posts
    Daniel BrandonD

    @Daniel-Brandon It also appears that some (but not all!) of the files are indeed reaching me with \r Carriage Return characters instead of \n Line feed characters baked in, which should not be happening, and never happened before, but there you go. Thanks to everyone who suggested looking for them. Between that and matches newline, I’m really hoping I’ve got it sorted now.

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    @Matthew-Owen @PeterJones
    It’s actually perfectly feasible to remove all non-empty lines that are duplicated anywhere in the file, regardless of order, without using plugins, although this unfortunately can’t be saved in a macro. This is an extension of the “group lines by content and then put them back in order” procedure that I’ve also used to empty all duplicate lines (leaving them empty) efficiently. The general “group lines by content and then put them back in order” procedure is just steps 1-5 and 7-10 below, where step 6 is the part where you do whatever you want with the lines while they’re grouped by content.

    For all of the below find/replace operations, Wrap around must be checked, and Search Mode must be set to Regular expression.

    The steps are as follows:

    Replace ^ with \x20 (add a space at the beginning of each line) Move the caret to the start of the file Use the column editor to add line numbers at the start of each line: Number to Insert checked Initial number, Increase by, Repeat all set to 1 Leading = Zeros Format: Dec Replace (?-s)^(\d+)\x20(.*) with ${2}\x20${1} (swap the line numbers with the rest of the line, so that unique lines are annotated with their location) Run the command Edit->Line Operations->Sort Lines Lexicographically Ascending Replace ^(.+?)\x20\d+(\R)(?:\1\x20\d+\R?)+ with nothing (remove all non-empty lines that aren’t unique, replace the .+? with .*? if you also want to remove empty lines) Replace ^(.*?)\x20(\d+)$ with ${2}\x20${1} (move the line numbers back to the start of the line) Remove the empty line from the end of the file, if there is one Run the command Edit->Line Operations->Sort Lines Lexicographically Ascending again (put lines back in the original order) Replace ^\d+\x20 with nothing (remove the starting line numbers and space)

    As a demonstration, this procedure can take the file

    1337 1 bar 1337 1 baz jke quz 1337 1 quz nhj blah baz jke 103

    and convert it into

    bar nhj blah 103
  • How to combine a multi-line html element into one line?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Terry RT

    @pbarney said in How to combine a multi-line html element into one line?:

    What’s the best way to construct this search and replace?

    A similar question was posted some time ago here. I suggest reading that. As you seem to be proficient at regex hopefully you can adjust to suit your need.


  • Copy all text that are exactly 4 lines before a search result.

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Hi, @david-l, @mark-olson and All,

    @david-l, I do not understand !

    The second part of my regex, AFTER the alternation symbol ( | ) was :

    SEARCH (?<=<text>).+(?=</text>\R(?:.+\R){3}\h*<color)

    That I, now, improved as :

    SEARCH (?-is)(?<=<text>).+(?=</text>\R(?:.+\R){3}\h*<color value="255,255,255"/>)

    and these both regexes just match the string 400, against the INPUT text below, not more :

    <value> <text>400</text> </value> <font size="8pt" typeface="Helvetica" baselineShift="0pt" weight="bold"> <fill> <color value="255,255,255"/> </fill>

    So what ?

    Now, @david-l, in your first post, you said :

    Also, I’d like the expression copy what is inside

    <text name=“title”>Find and copy me</text>

    This was considered in the first part of my regex :

    SEARCH / MARK <text name=.+>\K.+(?=</text>) which does find the string Find and copy me only, against the INPUT text, below :

    <text name="title">Find and copy me</text>

    Now, may be it’s because i’m not fluent with the HYML language but, in your second post, you said :

    So, my idea was to search for all code that make a box black

    <fill> <color value="255,255,255"/> </fill>

    And, obviously, the color referenced is the white color ! So what ?

    Sorry, I’m a bit lost !!

