• Link to Edit with Notepad++ status/fix please

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @PeterJones Yes, the paths were accurate. I have Notepad++ installed on a secondary drive with %APPDATA% path turned off - if you recall that install option. I tried installing on the default drive/path to no avail. I have added the PATH in my Environment settings to the dll’s and app just in case as well.

    I wish there was a way to compare registries just for Notepadd++ with you. I’m glad it works for you, hopefully another method will present itself here. Thank you.

  • Can't decode byte 0x89 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    Don’t use editor.getText with binary files. Notepad++ treats the file’s text as a NUL-terminated string for the purposes of that command, and most other text-retrieving commands. Apparently there are some ways for a plugin to get around this, but they are undoubtedly much more arcane.

    Have I ever mentioned how irritated I am that Don Ho refuses to implement a system for warning people that NPP is an inappropriate app for working with binary files?

  • Open file to most recent edit

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @afk-afk ,

    The closest command line option is -n# to take you to a specific line. If you pick a number that’s more than the number of lines (like -n999999), then it will scroll to the end.

  • How to style URL?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @IstvanZachar Issued a feature request for styling URL-s here.

  • plugin admin not appearing

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Dog five meD

    @PeterJones @Terry-R
    i opened notepad++ to do some coding for my website and tyo get the rest of the debug info and suddenly my notepad++ decided to work properly and have all the missing things appear i haven’t done anything. so sorry for wasting everybody’s time

  • [8.7.1] File doesn't open expected file in list

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn said in [8.7.1] File doesn't open expected file in list:

    In this case, even though files are being closed, they aren’t saved in the “recent files” list. There must be something in the code that prevents this from happening during closure via shutdown.


  • File does not exist.

    0 Votes
    11 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    BTW my HugeFiles plugin is more feature-rich and actively maintained than BigFiles.

  • How to remove this symbols from txt file

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    dr ramaanandD

    @mohammad-Al-Maaitah if your first and last symbol is symbol.PNGyou can type \x16.*?\x16 in the Find field, tick the regular expression mode, leave the Replace field empty and click Replace in files (to remove it from multiple files). That will help you get rid of all of those (and anything else in between). There are no spaces anywhere in the middle, so I am explaining the same to you

  • Can't find and replace text within multiple quotations

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Moderator restored the original post.

    Deleting a post after there have been replies is highly discouraged. There is nothing sensitive in the original post, so the post has been restored to maintain the history of this conversation:

    Don’t be embarrassed about having figured out the real problem: in internet help forums, there’s a whole category called “rubber duck debugging”, wherein just explaining the problem to someone else (ie, making your post) is enough to nudge your mind in the right direction, even without a reply – it’s nothing to be ashamed of. And thanks for letting us know you figured out your problem (so many times, people just go away after figuring it out, and never tell us whether we helped or whether we just acted as the rubber duck).

  • figuring how to create multiple pages on html for website

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Terry RT

    Your question seems to be related to html code and websites. Possibly you are using Notepad++ to generate this code, but as the issue isn’t really a Notepad++ issue you need to go to a HTML forum to get the answer.

    Can I refer you to this FAQ post here.


  • 1 Votes
    5 Posts
    Alessandro PaceA

    @PeterJones Thank you so much these all worked perfectly!!

  • Add number in each line

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @dr-ramaanand said in Add number in each line:

    please explain how to use the above RegEx

    I think the “explain” part was already done.
    But it isn’t a “RegEx”; it’s a syntax peculiar to the MutliReplace plugin.

  • Is there anyway to modify "Function List" font style and size?

    1 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Alberto-Casanova said in Is there anyway to modify "Function List" font style and size?:

    Maybe a mod or a plugin?

    I don’t think there is a way for a plugin to influence the font in a Notepad++-built-in panel.

    I’m not a plugin author, so I’m not sure; but as I’ve documented the plugin-communication messages, there isn’t a message which affects the font in that panel. However, there might be a clever programming trick that I’m not aware of to hack something like that. Someone with more plugin experience than I have would have to chime in.

  • Pinning of files on Notepad ++

    1 Votes
    6 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    …and I have recommended that issue be CLOSED, mainly because this idea was not taken up:

    supply some concrete ideas for change

    The suggestion made in the issue was for a way to disable the feature, not “pinning in a different way”.

  • I want ctrl-shift-tab and ctrl-tab activate tabs like browser

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @moyprofile said in I want ctrl-shift-tab and ctrl-tab activate tabs like browser:

    I want ctrl-shift-tab and ctrl-tab activate tabs like browser: ctrl-shift-tab should activate the tab left to the active, ctrl-tab should activate the tab right to the active.

    They do, plus by default it gives you two pieces of extra functionality as well:

    it also pops up a “Document Switcher”, so that you’ve got more feedback on where it’s going and what it’s doing, and it also gives “MRU” (most recently used) behavior, so that Ctrl+Tab, do something, then Ctrl+Tab again will take you back to the first tab, rather than blindly switching to some “next” tab

    Both of those extras are user-configurable in the Settings > Preferences > MISC > Document Switcher (Ctrl+TAB) section of the settings.

    the ☑ Enable checkbox will turn on and off the switcher; with the checkbox unchecked, it will go to the simple behavior you described; if checkmarked, it will allow the Doc Switcher to make your life easier. the ☑ Enable MRU behavior will make the Document Switcher cycle through in order of most-recent to least-recent, instead of going purely left-to-right. So if you want the Document Switcher, but want it to only allow left/right rather than remembering last-accessed-order, turn off this checkmark.

    This is all in the Online User Manual, as you can see from the links I provided.

  • replace \r\n with ' ' for lines enclosed in " "

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Hello, @brenda-gross, @dr-ramaanand, @terry-r and All,

    @terry-r, your use of the search regex (?-si:"(?!\R)|(?!\A)\G)(?s-i:(?!").)*?\K(?-si:\R) is just clever, because :

    Any string may occur after the first " character ( the word Select or else )

    It ensure that, if the global replacement is re-run, no change will occur again, thanks to the negative look-ahead (?!\R) after the double-quote character

    Now, Terry, we still can tune this search regex !

    In all parts of this regex, alphabetic characters are not involved. So, we can omit the -i modifiers

    In the first and last part of this regex, the regex . character is not involved, too. Thus, we can omit the -s modifiers as well !

    We do not need the non-capturing group around the searched string \R, too

    Thus, the shortest syntax of the generic regex S/R is simply :

    FIND (?:"(?!\R)|(?!\A)\G)(?s:(?!").)*?\K\R

    REPLACE \x20

    Note that, if the OP speak of the smart quotes and , of Unicode value U+201C and U+201D, this regex S/R becomes :

    FIND (?:“(?!\R)|(?!\A)\G)(?s:(?!”).)*?\K\R

    REPLACE \x20

    So, @brenda-gross, just follow this road map :

    Open your file in Notepad++

    Add an empty line at the very beginning of your file, for security

    Hit the Ctrl + Home shortcut to move at the very beginning of your file ( IMPORTANT )

    Open the Replace dialog

    Uncheck all box options

    According to your case, use, either :

    FIND (?:"(?!\R)|(?!\A)\G)(?s:(?!").)*?\K\R

    FIND (?:“(?!\R)|(?!\A)\G)(?s:(?!”).)*?\K\R

    REPLACE \x20

    Select the Regular expression search mode

    Click, once only, on the Replace All button

    => All the lines between regular or smart quotes should be displayed in single lines !

    Now, if you want to get rid of these quote characters, at beginning and end of some lines :

    Move at the very beginning of your file ( IMPORTANT )

    Find ^"|"$    or    ^“|”$


    Select the Regular expression search mode

    Click once on the Replace All button

    Best Regards,


  • Version issue

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Jeff MathenyJ

    @Terry-R, @PeterJones - It was pretty strange. I ended up having to uninstall 8.7.4. Once it was uninstalled, there was a ghost from 8.6.2 listed in Add/Remove Programs. Redownloaded 8.6.2 and installed it, then uninstalled it. That seems to have wiped the residual traces of the original install away. 8.7.4 is installed again, and working as it should.

  • remove characters

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    @sir-twosheds ,

    I told you the FIND and REPLACE and the MODE.

    Looking at the Replace dialog (Find > Replace), we can then see where each piece of the answer goes:

    What I called FIND and @guy038 called SEARCH goes in the Find what field in the dialog. What I and @guy038 each called REPLACE goes in the Replace with field in the dialog. What I called the MODE is the Search Mode set of radio buttons, and that needs to be set to Regular expression (as shown in my screenshot). Then to do the replacement, you hit the Replace All button. This is shown below:


    Even if you choose to not try to understand the syntax (despite the fact that @guy038 and I both went to lengths to explain every part of the syntax we shared, and I provided you with links where to learn more), I gave you the exact fill-in-the-blanks to do it without any learning on your point, so you can use either of the answers we gave.

    To claim that our answers are not helpful because “I am a normal computer user… so I have no idea what you are talking about” is not reasonable. Our answers provided the FIND and REPLACE fields that you needed, without requiring any understanding of the syntax we told you to use, and only requiring you to be able to figure out that FIND or SEARCH maps to Find what and REPLACE maps to Replace with which is not a difficult ask for a “normal computer user”. It is also lying to yourself about your own abilities – you can figure out how to implement the solutions that @guy038 and I described, as can anyone who can follow reasonable directions. If you choose to lie to yourself and tell yourself that you cannot learn the specifics of the syntax, that is your choice (though a bad one): if you choose to believe that lie, then you can just take the solution we gave you and use it, without learning what it means, meaning that you will not be able to replicate similar results for slight changes in your desires in the future, but it will solve your immediate problem.

  • 0 Votes
    21 Posts

    Hello, @dr-ramaanand and All,

    See also the last part of this post which exposed a simple solution when you just want to insert a multi-lines text, even in multiple locations, of the curent file, only :


    Best Regards


  • new lines in replace?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Hello, @kracovwolf, @alan-kilborn and All,

    The solution, provided by @alan-kilborn which uses the Extended search mode is really valuable !

    In fact, except in very rare cases, the syntaxes of the replacement part : Line1\r\nLine 2\r\nLine3\r\nLine4\r\n... will preserved the syntax of each line !

    BTW, if you’re usually deal with UNIX files ( see on the right part of the status bar ), you’ll have to change the REPLACE part as below :

    Line1\nLine 2\nLine3\nLine4\n...

    For example, from this INPUT text :


    Open the Replace dialog ( Ctrl + H )

    Unckeck all box options

    SEARCH ab$cD^E\Fg-h()iIJ[]K:L

    REPLACE ab$c\r\nD^E\F\r\ng-h()i\r\nJ[]K:L

    Check the Wrap around option

    Select the Extended ( \n, \r, \t, \0, \x... search mode

    Click on the Replace All button

    => You get the expected OUTPUT text :

    ab$c D^E\F g-h()i J[]K:L

    In these others posts, below, I imagined a way to insert a multi-lines text, using the Regular expression search mode :



    However, now I see that the Extended search mode or, even better, the Normal mode could drastically simplify the method when applied to a single file !

    So, when you want to insert a multi-lines text, even in several locations, of the current file, just follow this method :

    Let’s suppose that this INPUT text, below, is the text to be inserted : ------------- Inserted Multi-lines Text -------------

    First, paste the text to be inserted in a new tab

    Select this multi-lines text without its last line-break ( so the line-break after the series of dashes )

    Open the Replace dialog ( Ctrl + H )

    => The multi-lines text should be copied in the Find what: zone

    Now, let’s switch to this text, in an other tab, which is the main text : bla blah ¤ bla blah <test>¤</test> blah bla Begin ¤ blah bla blah ¤ end

    Note that I use the ¤ symbol as an insertion symbol !

    Click on the symbol, of the replace dialog, in order to swap the Find what and Replace with zones

    => The multi-lines text has moved into the Replace with : zone

    Insert a single ¤ symbol in the Find what : zone

    Unchek all the box options

    Check the Wrap around option

    Select the Normal search mode ( No need to choose the Extended mode )

    Click on the Replace All button

    => The ¤ should have been replaced by the multi-lines text in four locations and you get the following OUTPUT text :

    bla blah ------------- Inserted Multi-lines Text ------------- bla blah <test>------------- Inserted Multi-lines Text -------------</test> blah bla Begin ------------- Inserted Multi-lines Text ------------- blah bla blah ------------- Inserted Multi-lines Text ------------- end

    Best Regards,
