It seemed to be files > 10k
I agree too many plugin installed (going to use vs need - assessed)
I uninstalled many including
Leaving only these installed:
BigFiles - Open Very Large Files 0.1.3
Compare 2.0.1
JSON Viewer 1.40
Mime tools 2.7
Notepad++ bplist plugin 1.3
Npp Xml Treeview 2
Save as admin 1.0.211
Updated compare to 2.0.2
Added back in Python, XMLTools, CS-Script, CVSQuery, DSpellCheck, CSV Lint
Had to Remove CSV Lint
Cause of crashing CSV Lint
Codepage - by default WIN 10 claims to use UTF-8 by default. My regional settings are English (US) and the Box - Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 is checked.
in NPP UTF-8 and apply to opened ANSI files are checked. UTF-8 with BOM is not
Side note:
If someone were to stumble onto the issue while searching for UTF-8.
However I remember and issue with opening these csv files with EXCEL and UTF-8 with BOM,
Double clicking on a CSV to open in EXCEL would open and import the file as ANSI.
To change this open the Registry Editor, navigate to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Office>15.0>Excel>Options (In my case EXCEL 2013)
Look for the key DefaultCPG if it exists skip to the last line. Otherwise add it:
Right click in the right-hand window and choose New>DWORD
Name the new DWORD item DefaultCPG and hit enter.
Then right click on DefaultCPG and choose Modify.
Set the Base to Decimal, and enter the decimal value for Unicode UTF-8 (65001 in this case), then hit OK.