So I “solved” this issue.
Disclaimer: I didn’t do it all by myself; I enlisted the aid of a former contributor on this forum to get it done with a PythonScript – and he said that even he consulted some others about certain aspects…so it is not a trivial endeavor!
And solving this problem is not an absolute. It only prevents the novice user from copying from a Notepad++ window – it can totally be circumvented if a user renames a file to have a file extension that isn’t enforced, or one that knows how to disable the script, or one that does a Find All in Current Document search and then copies results from “THAT” window, etc., etc., etc… That’s why I said “solved” – with the quotes.
Ok, so let’s go with some details before presenting the script…
The general approach is to “hook” the Windows message loops for the Notepad++ window, and the two editor windows used for Notepad++'s two views. “Hooking” allows one to pre-process messages, and when you do this, you can “filter out” messages selectively – and not allow Notepad++ to process them. This is perfect for when you want to disallow a copy – you just intercept messages relating to copying of text and don’t allow Notepad++ to get them and do their default duty.
However, we can’t get at certain things by hooking the message loops. Meaning, we can’t get at a WM_COPY or an SCI_COPY message directly. This would be ideal: Any time we receive something that looks like a user request to copy data, it should look like a WM_COPY message which we could throw away – and nothing will be copied. Reality, however, is a bit more complicated. Here are the general rules:
A Notepad++ command that has no keycombo assigned in Shortcut Mapper is easily intercepted; one merely has to “hook” into WM_COMMAND messages and check to see if wParam has a value corresponding to the command of interest. The command values are found by looking at the Notepad++ source code file called menuCmdID.h, see HERE.
A Notepad++ command that has a keycombo assigned to it in Shortcut Mapper – and one that is NOT a “Scintilla command” – gets translated into something else BEFORE the “hook” function can obtain the keycombo. These commands get translated into a WM_COMMAND message with a wParam parameter (as described above for an command with no keycombo assigned). But it does mean that you can’t decide, for example, “I’m going to intercept anytime the user presses F5!” because it just won’t work; your “hook” function won’t see the WM_KEYDOWN messages for F5 (by default, this is the “Run” command on N++'s Run menu).
A keycombo that has a “Scintilla command” function tied to it can be directly intercepted as a WM_KEYDOWN message. While you can intercept at the keycombo level, you can’t – for key-assigned “Scintilla commands” – intercept at the functional (or command) level. As an example, you can intercept “Ctrl+c” but you can’t intercept the “copy” functionality itself – thus if your intent is to intercept “copy” and user assigns it to a non-standard keycombo, you can’t get at it that way, you have to go directly after the specific keycombo. And how would you know what that non-standard assignment is? – you wouldn’t.
So how do we apply the “rules” above to what I originally wanted to do, specifically, prevent a user from copying data out of Notepad++?
Well, we need to:
prevent menu commands (which possibly have keycombos assigned to them) that have to do with copying (or cutting) data from running – examples include Edit menu’s Copy and Cut commands, the right-click context menu’s Copy and Cut commands, the Edit menu’s Paste Special commands for Copy Binary Content and Cut Binary Content
prevent Scintilla cut/copy-related keycombos from executing their functions – examples include Ctrl+c, Ctrl+x, Ctrl+Ins, Shift+Delete
we also need to decide what file types (extensions) the copy functionality should be disabled for
The following script does all that. I call the script and here’s its listing:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from Npp import editor, notepad
import ctypes
from ctypes.wintypes import HWND, INT, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, BOOL
import platform
import os
user32 = ctypes.WinDLL('user32', use_last_error=True)
user32.CallWindowProcW.restype = LRESULT
user32.CallWindowProcW.argtypes = [WndProcType, HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM]
if platform.architecture()[0] == '32bit':
user32.SetWindowLongW.restype = WndProcType
user32.SetWindowLongW.argtypes = [HWND, INT, WndProcType]
SetWindowLong = user32.SetWindowLongW
user32.SetWindowLongPtrW.restype = WndProcType
user32.SetWindowLongPtrW.argtypes = [HWND, INT, WndProcType]
SetWindowLong = user32.SetWindowLongPtrW
WM_KEYDOWN = 0x100; WM_COMMAND = 0x111; WM_CHAR = 0x102
VK_SHIFT = 0x10; VK_CONTROL = 0x11; VK_MENU = VK_ALT = 0x12
VK_C = 67; VK_X = 88; VK_INSERT = 45; VK_DELETE = 46
class PCFCFT(object):
def __init__(self, debug=False):
self.debug = debug
self.registered = False
self.npp_hwnd = user32.FindWindowW(u'Notepad++', None)
assert self.npp_hwnd
self.enum_scintilla(self.npp_hwnd) # get hwnds for editor1 and editor2
assert all([ self.scintilla1_hwnd, self.scintilla2_hwnd ])
self.STOP_PROCESSING_MSG = False # consume the msg; don't let npp/scintilla process it when we return
self.CONTINUE_PROCESSING_MSG = True # let npp/scintilla process the message when we return
def enum_scintilla(self, npp_hwnd):
self.scintilla1_hwnd = self.scintilla2_hwnd = None
EnumWindowsProc = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, HWND, LPARAM)
def foreach_window(hwnd, lParam):
curr_class = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(256)
user32.GetClassNameW(hwnd, curr_class, 256)
if curr_class.value in [u'Scintilla']:
if user32.GetParent(hwnd) == npp_hwnd:
if self.scintilla1_hwnd is None:
self.scintilla1_hwnd = hwnd
elif self.scintilla2_hwnd is None:
self.scintilla2_hwnd = hwnd
return False # stop enumeration
return True # continue enumeration
user32.EnumChildWindows(npp_hwnd, EnumWindowsProc(foreach_window), 0)
def register(self):
if not self.registered:
self.new_npp_wnd_proc = WndProcType(self.new_npp_hook_proc)
self.old_npp_wnd_proc = SetWindowLong(self.npp_hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, self.new_npp_wnd_proc)
self.new_editor1_wnd_proc = WndProcType(self.new_editor1_hook_proc)
self.old_editor1_wnd_proc = SetWindowLong(self.scintilla1_hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, self.new_editor1_wnd_proc)
self.new_editor2_wnd_proc = WndProcType(self.new_editor2_hook_proc)
self.old_editor2_wnd_proc = SetWindowLong(self.scintilla2_hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, self.new_editor2_wnd_proc)
self.registered = True
def unregister(self):
if self.registered:
_ = SetWindowLong(self.npp_hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, self.old_npp_wnd_proc)
_ = SetWindowLong(self.scintilla1_hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, self.old_editor1_wnd_proc)
_ = SetWindowLong(self.scintilla2_hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, self.old_editor2_wnd_proc)
self.registered = False
def modifier_key_pressed(self, the_key): # the_key can be VK_SHIFT, VK_CONTROL, VK_ALT
return (user32.GetAsyncKeyState(the_key) & 0x8000) == 0x8000
def new_npp_hook_proc(self, hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam):
retval = self.common_msg_processing_function(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam)
if retval: retval = user32.CallWindowProcW(self.old_npp_wnd_proc, hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam)
return retval
def new_editor1_hook_proc(self, hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam):
retval = self.common_msg_processing_function(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam)
if retval: retval = user32.CallWindowProcW(self.old_editor1_wnd_proc, hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam)
return retval
def new_editor2_hook_proc(self, hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam):
retval = self.common_msg_processing_function(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam)
if retval: retval = user32.CallWindowProcW(self.old_editor2_wnd_proc, hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam)
return retval
def common_msg_processing_function(self, hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam):
# maybe the active file is NOT one that we are looking for...
filename = notepad.getCurrentFilename().rsplit(os.sep, 1)[-1]
if '.' in filename:
(file, ext) = filename.rsplit('.', 1)
if ext.lower() not in [ 'txt', 'py' ]:
if self.debug: print('received a msg we handle, but not in a file with an excluded extension')
if self.debug: origin = 'npp' if hWnd == self.npp_hwnd else 'editor1' if hWnd == self.scintilla1_hwnd else 'editor2'
if msg == WM_KEYDOWN:
if wParam not in [ VK_SHIFT, VK_CONTROL, VK_ALT ]: # these keys come thru when they are pressed by themselves (we don't care about that case)
shift = self.modifier_key_pressed(VK_SHIFT)
control = self.modifier_key_pressed(VK_CONTROL)
alt = self.modifier_key_pressed(VK_ALT)
if self.debug: print('origin:{o}, msg:WM_KEYDOWN, wParam:{w}, lParam:{L}, Shift:{s}, Ctrl:{c}, Alt:{a}'.format(
o=origin, w=wParam, L=lParam,
s=shift, c=control, a=alt))
if wParam == VK_C and control and not shift and not alt:
if self.debug: print('Ctrl+c keydown consumed!')
if wParam == VK_X and control and not shift and not alt:
if self.debug: print('Ctrl+x keydown consumed!')
if wParam == VK_INSERT and control and not shift and not alt:
if self.debug: print('Ctrl+Insert keydown consumed!')
if wParam == VK_DELETE and not control and shift and not alt:
if self.debug: print('Shift+Delete keydown consumed!')
elif msg == WM_COMMAND:
if wParam not in [ VK_SHIFT, VK_CONTROL, VK_ALT ]: # for some reason these happen with WM_COMMAND...filter them out
if self.debug: print('origin:{o}, msg:WM_COMMAND, wParam:{w}, lParam:{L}'.format(o=origin, w=wParam, L=lParam))
if self.debug: print('copy/cut related menu item consumed!')
elif msg == WM_CHAR:
if self.debug: print('origin:{o}, msg:WM_CHAR, wParam:{w}, lParam:{L}'.format(o=origin, w=wParam, L=lParam))
if wParam == CTRL_C_CHAR:
if self.debug: print('Ctrl+c char consumed!')
if wParam == CTRL_X_CHAR:
if self.debug: print('Ctrl+x char consumed!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
except NameError:
debug = True if 1 else False
pcfcft = PCFCFT(debug)
if pcfcft.debug: print('installed')
if pcfcft.registered:
if pcfcft.debug: print('deactivated')
if pcfcft.debug: print('reactivated')
Some supplmental info:
An interesting thing about “hook” functions is that you can use them to either avoid original functionality (like our example here shows) or you can “add on” functionality. To “add on” you simply call the original window function in addition to doing your special functionality. So maybe some add on functionality is just to print to the console “got message” or something like that. You do that print in your hook function, and then call the original function – blammo, add-on functionality! If you’re interested in seeing how that is accomplished in the script, look for usage of CONTINUE_PROCESSING_MSG and STOP_PROCESSING_MSG. This is also what lets the script be selective about which filetypes copies/cuts are disallowed from (the demo script chooses .txt and .py files).
In the case of the non-keycombo commands, looking up the IDs for the commands in menuCmdID.h in Notepad++ source code yields this information (C++ code):
#define IDM 40000
#define IDM_EDIT (IDM + 2000)
#define IDM_EDIT_CUT (IDM_EDIT + 1)
#define IDM_EDIT_COPY (IDM_EDIT + 2)
leading to these "equivalent"s in the PythonScript code:
Another interesting thing with the script’s execution is that if you don’t allow Notepad++ to process the Ctrl+c keycombo as a WM_KEYDOWN event, you’ll get an “ETX” (hex code = 0x03) character in your document at the caret position. This occurs because, with Notepad++ ignoring the Ctrl+c as a command, it thinks that you want to embed a control character with value “3” into the doc (it gets a WM_CHAR message to that effect, which it would normally filter out on its own). So… in the case of preventing copying data, we have to remove any Ctrl+c or Ctrl+x characters that might get inserted; we do this by processing the WM_CHAR message and filtering those as well.