@Mate-Kikolashvili ,
why this tags showing on website?
It sounds like you are asking something like “I have the code mentioned in the screenshot, but when I uploaded it to my webserver and look at it with my browser, I see the raw code rather than seeing a normal webpage. Why is this?” The answer is probably one of two answers: 1) Because you didn’t name the file right. Or (2) you didn’t set up the website server right.
And the question would have the same answer whether you happened to type your HTML using Notepad++ or MS Notepad or copy con > filename. Since it doesn’t matter what editor you used for the typing, this question is not an appropriate question for a Notepad++ forum, and is off-topic here.
If you have more questions about how to set up a webserver and/or properly name website files, find a forum about web development.
If you have any questions that are specifically about Notepad++ itself, feel free to ask them in this forum.