@alan-kilborn & @Ekopalypse ,
After getting back from the coast, I confirmed that
import ctypes
notepad.hwnd = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowW(u'Notepad++', None)
nppv = ctypes.windll.user32.SendMessageW(notepad.hwnd, 1024+1000+50,0,0)
console.write("NPP v{}.{}\n".format(nppv>>16, nppv&0xFFFF))
ctypes.windll.user32.SendMessageW(notepad.hwnd, 1024+1000+104, u'GEDCOM', 2)
mode = ctypes.c_ssize_t(0)
ctypes.windll.user32.SendMessageW(notepad.hwnd, 1024+1000+103, u'GEDCOM', ctypes.pointer(mode))
did what I wanted in old PythonScript, so it was a matter of the missing unicode marker. Which probably means that the reason my compiled version failed was probably that it wasn’t in UTF-16-LE like it should have been. But it gives me a lead, and I know in my PerlScript source code what I need to do to make sure that I send the string as UTF-16-LE.
(A few minutes before the moon set behind the clouds this morning. Twas a nice few days… but now, back to reality.)