• Recording: How can I change the regex operations in MACRO?

    0 Votes
    11 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @neculai-i-fantanaru said in Recording: How can I change the regex operations in MACRO?:

    The location of shortcuts.xml is

    That isn’t an absolute. Maybe for you it is, but it depends upon your setup. If you look at your Debug Info… (on the ? main menu), example:

    Local Conf mode : OFF

    then yes it is in %APPDATA%\Notepad++.

    but if it says:

    Local Conf mode : ON

    then it is in the same folder as notepad++.exe.

    Also, there is more info on “appdata” HERE … I should have pointed that out before.

  • FunctionList issues

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @lycan-thrope said in FunctionList issues:

    removing the ^ allowed the two ‘Object’ lines to be found

    @Pat-Sinclair , with @Lycan-Thrope’s suggestion, it might match a line that says
    SomethingElse_OBJECT_Here that you don’t want it to match.

    if I were changing your expression to work with OBJECT_IndentedSomething, I would actually change it to mainExpr="^\h*OBJECT.*", which will still anchor to the beginning of line, but allows whitespace (spaces and tabs) between the beginning of the line and the OBJECT. This prevents anything but whitespace to be between the beginning of the line and the OBJECT,which I think is what you want.

  • Deleting all even-numbered lines an something more?

    0 Votes
    20 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @juan-flavio-orozco said in Deleting all even-numbered lines an something more?:

    It would not complicate me so much, I would place myself at the beginning of the first line with the time, I would start recording a “macro”. Already recording the macro; holding the “shift” key you would press the “end” key and then (without releasing “shift”) once the “right” (→) key, release “shift” and press “Delete”.

    So just a note on this technique:

    It doesn’t “protect” your data. If you accidentally start the macro on the wrong line, you will operate (delete) the wrong data.

    With the replacement approach using regular expressions, only data that matches the proper pattern will be removed.

  • File name variable to replace text.

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Terry RT

    @guy038 said in File name variable to replace text.:

    So, I don’t understand why you and @terry-r used, for instance, the %1 parameter, like in here.

    Well, I guess I’ve always done it that way and it’s always worked. See here:


    However, upon reflection (well some googling) I see Microsoft’s official documentation supports your statement. See here

    So I stand corrected, yet why does the %1 thru %9 work then if Microsoft say those variables aren’t to be used in this context but within the batch file as batch parameters.


  • slow scrolling on RD

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @sergey-shelukhin ,

    For other readers, I believe that “RD” means “remote desktop”.

    (Not everyone uses remote desktop, and you cannot expect all Notepad++ users (which is what this community is made of) to understand such abbreviations – so your question was complicated to understand. And even though I use remote desktop nearly every day, I cannot say that I’ve ever referred to it as RD.)

    Also, in that daily remote desktop usage, I haven’t really noticed significant slowdown in Notepad++ scrolling. But I also don’t do files that are hundreds of MB large, so maybe I’m just editing files that are too small to affect the remote desktop connection. (My only complaint remotely is that the Alt key is highjacked when I’m on some systems, so I cannot do column edit remotely.)

    if Notepad++ just does an unnecessarily large number of updates

    Whether the refresh/screen-updates are “unnecessary” or not is probably a matter of opinion, and how smooth various users want scrolling to appear.

    There are a number of posts about this,

    It would have helped if you’d linked us to them, because I don’t remember those discussions off the top of my head. (My memory isn’t as good as … what was I talking about? 😉 )

    but no real resolution

    If it’s just been talk in the Forum (a community of users), then nothing will ever be done about it. The Forum is not the issue tracker for the project, as is well-defined in our feature request / bug report FAQ. If no one has ever made an official issue, nothing will ever be done about it.

  • can't find ASCII characters !

    0 Votes
    12 Posts

    @neculai-i-fantanaru said in can't find ASCII characters !:

    what is the formula in this case with iconv? Can anyone tell?

    Did you see the line I had in the exact post I linked – the one written by me?

    FOR %f in (*.srt) do @( iconv -f ISO-8859-2 -t utf-8 "%f" > "%~nf.utf8%~xf" )

    In your case, just switch from *.srt to *.txt – or if it’s all files in the folder, *.*. You need to make sure you’re at the command prompt; if you are in a .bat file, every % will need to be %% instead. The fancy stuff at the end just auto-generates the new name with .utf8 in the new filename, but otherwise uses the filename that it matched during the loop.

    (That is a command-line question, not a Notepad++ question. cmd.exe has a for loop syntax as shown above. if you use powershell, you will need to find powershell loop syntax help elsewhere, as it’s not on-topic for a Notepad++ forum)

  • Color Picker for 64bits doesn't work

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Durand PaulD

    Thank you very much Michael for your answer, it work fine with this version https://github.com/vinsworldcom/nppQCP/releases/tag/

  • How to select all the text in notepad without "lines of code"

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    I understand. Thank you very mutch again!

  • my .txt is in blank

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    @yefrith-gil said in my .txt is in blank:

    hi! i need help, first my power off on my pc
    i open again notepad++ and in my .txt say all: “NULL NULL NULL NULL”

    Could you describe how was your PC power-off ?

  • Cannot open .csv files

    1 Votes
    6 Posts
    Hard_Thinking AboutH

    It seemed to be files > 10k
    I agree too many plugin installed (going to use vs need - assessed)
    I uninstalled many including


    Leaving only these installed:

    BigFiles - Open Very Large Files 0.1.3
    Compare 2.0.1
    JSON Viewer 1.40
    Mime tools 2.7
    Notepad++ bplist plugin 1.3
    Npp Xml Treeview 2
    Save as admin 1.0.211

    Updated compare to 2.0.2
    Added back in Python, XMLTools, CS-Script, CVSQuery, DSpellCheck, CSV Lint
    Had to Remove CSV Lint
    Cause of crashing CSV Lint

    Codepage - by default WIN 10 claims to use UTF-8 by default. My regional settings are English (US) and the Box - Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 is checked.
    in NPP UTF-8 and apply to opened ANSI files are checked. UTF-8 with BOM is not
    Side note:
    If someone were to stumble onto the issue while searching for UTF-8.
    However I remember and issue with opening these csv files with EXCEL and UTF-8 with BOM,
    Double clicking on a CSV to open in EXCEL would open and import the file as ANSI.
    To change this open the Registry Editor, navigate to

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Office>15.0>Excel>Options (In my case EXCEL 2013)

    Look for the key DefaultCPG if it exists skip to the last line. Otherwise add it:

    Right click in the right-hand window and choose New>DWORD

    Name the new DWORD item DefaultCPG and hit enter.

    Then right click on DefaultCPG and choose Modify.

    Set the Base to Decimal, and enter the decimal value for Unicode UTF-8 (65001 in this case), then hit OK.

  • Can't modify

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Кирилл ФроловК

    Notepad++ shouldn’t disable editing read-only files.
    It should disable overwriting them.
    It should ask user to save with another name.

  • Can Notepad++ check for uppercase letters?

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    @peterjones I didn’t mean to say it should be a no-brainer for a computer to do the job that I thought would be a no brainer with also getting all the exceptions that need to be made right. In fact, notice that I said “it probsbly won’t be a perfectly done job”.

    At any rate, I gather it’s not the right task to perform with Notepad++ and a word processor is probably what is best suited for me here.

    Thank you.

  • CSS styling not updating

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Ron Payne 0R

    @peterjones I mentioned what I used so as the person would know what I used to look at his code. It’s also why I made it clear that the name had nothing to do with an endorsement. You need to lighten up as we all know this forum is about Notepad++ which I have used for over 10 years. No need to make a public display of dressing me down. A polite personal message would have been fine.

  • Different icons for file extensions

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.css\OpenWithProgids] "Notepad++.css"="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Notepad++.css] @="CSS Source File" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Notepad++.css\DefaultIcon] @="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft VS Code\\resources\\app\\resources\\win32\\css.ico" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Notepad++.css\shell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Notepad++.css\shell\open] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Notepad++.css\shell\open\command] @="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe\" \"%1\""

    Replace .css with the file extension you want. Set the DefaultIcon path to what you want to use. If using x64 version of Notepad++ then remove the (x86). Save the file with a .reg extension and then run it.

    Next time you open a file you will be prompted to choose an application open with. Select Notepad++ and then the icons should update.

  • Which download version is stable vs feature etc.?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts


    I’ve just noticed by chance that v8.3.3 is released, though I’m on v8.2.1 and the auto-updater hasn’t prompted me to update yet.

    Please, before initiating any upgrade, check your local plugin library against this list to see if compatible versions are available.

    How can I tell from the www site which is the current stable release? Or do I just ignore it and wait for the app to prompt me (though I recall it only does this at app restart)?

    There are no release “channels”; there is just a download website that is continuously updated.

    The closest thing to pre-release versions are the tagged releases that appear on GitHub at least a week before general distribution.

    AppVeyor build artifacts are sometimes shared on the forum for beta testing, but those are primarily for developers.

  • file associations Win10

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Jari RubanoJ

    @neil-schipper xcuse me, I’m Italian, sorry, I view I my mind the italian, not the englijsh, I’m sorry… :) And I thank you :)

  • Question about starting behaviour of NotePad++

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @xianhua-zhao said in Question about starting behaviour of NotePad++:

    But there is a noticeable and annoying delay (about 5 to 10 seconds) after I start NotePad++, before it shows its main edit screen.

    Notepad++ v7.8.4 (32-bit)

    Notepad++ v8.2.1 (64-bit) Build time : Jan 19 2022 - 18:43:05 Path : C:\Programs\Notepad++\notepad++.exe Command Line : Admin mode : OFF Local Conf mode : ON Cloud Config : OFF OS Name : Windows 7 Professional (64-bit) OS Build : 7601.0 Current ANSI codepage : 1252 Plugins : AnalysePlugin.dll LuaScript.dll mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll NppExport.dll PythonScript.dll

    Starts up in ~200ms on a 6 core cpu desktop system. The system used can have a large impact on startup time. Some systems are slow at everything.

    Update check turned off, though enabling was also similar startup time.

    Contains 1 empty document. Numbers and sizes could impact startup. Loaded all autocomplete xml files which are not huge in size, added maybe an extra 100ms on startup. I also dropped the notepad++.exe binary on a tab to open, and took about 300ms to open. Huge documents could takes seconds, even minutes if massive as even notepad.exe can do the same long startup on huge files.

    If slow startup, then some investigation might be needed. Guessing in this topic of the cause might not achieve much, as many factors are involved. If discover a bug that is causing it, then let us know.

  • Compare Plugin not working

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Felix VillalobosF

    I’ve been with similar problem and I’ve solved it downloading exactly the DLL plugin version asked by the Notepad++ version you have on your computer.

    You can see this version on menu “Plugins\Manage Plugins”, searching for “Compare” plugin and taking the number on its right side:2022-03-25 10_34_36-Window.png image url)

    After that you can search on https://github.com/pnedev the plugin Compareplugin matching the Notepad++ version you work with.

    Hope this may help you.

  • How to un-do cleared styles

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Neil SchipperN

    @jeongyong-kim said in How to un-do cleared styles:

    Can I undo this unintended clearing?


    Also have you discovered that styled text is not restored upon file reload, and, upon npp quit and restart?

    If the text you like styled is findable and you’d like to automate reapplying the styles, see these:


  • Auto-Complete List Format Changed

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @sunstarunicorn said in Auto-Complete List Format Changed:

    I guess I will stay on Version 8.2.1, then.

    As far as I can tell, this is the root of the complaint:


    To me a little bit of whitespace isn’t a deal-breaker for this feature. But sure, stay on some old version because of this, and miss out on any new enhancements.

    BTW, IMO this is not something that needs a preference setting controlling it. In the words of the N++ author: “too many options = no option” (that may not be an exact quote).