• Launching Lua

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @PeterJones said in Launching Lua:


    I never remember this kind of stuff, so…

    I have a Run menu command – saved as NPP $(XXX) vars echo (file info) – that gives me an example when I need it:


    Sample output:


    After running, I can copy the FULL_CURRENT_PATH – or whatever text – from the cmd window, so not only do I NOT have to remember the names, I never have to type them either.

    Later edit:

    However, I can’t actually echo the verbatim text $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH) to the cmd window, because Notepad++ will hijack that and replace it. This could be “fixed” (see https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/9567) but perhaps doubtful that it ever will be.

  • SQL Code Folding

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Notepad++ does not have built-in support for Microsoft Transact-SQL: https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/12610#issuecomment-1340297100

    That may change in a future release, but I would not hold my breath.

  • SurroundSelection sometimes hijacks shortcut Ctrl+Shift+2

    1 Votes
    5 Posts

    Norton prevents extracting dll from downloaded zip).

    If anyone visiting this thread is in similar circumstances, AppVeyor artifacts will be online until about MAR-28-2023:

    SurroundSelection (patched) x64 SurroundSelection (patched) Win32
  • Why [A-Z] = [a-z]?

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @Bahaa-Eddin-ツ ,
    Nah. You’ll hardly even remember it once it sinks to the bottom of the new posting queue. :)

  • How to replace multiple words?

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    Find: (Lorem)|(amet)|(elit)
    Replace: (?1human)(?2friend)(?3fruit)

    Really, if you’re going to go “long” with that syntax, you could have a script do it – create the syntax for you. But…if you’re making the scripting leap, maybe it is best to go “all the way”.

  • Replace based on input CSV file

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    You would likely need to use a scripting plugin for such replacement. Maybe search this forum for “replace from list” or something similar.

    For example, THIS appears to be a script that solves a problem similar to your need, although not exactly.

    Sometimes a regular expression replacement operation can do it, by combining your data and your list together in a single file tab, but this method may not be reliable on larger data sets.

  • one corner case where npp doesn't warn about "{file} doesn't exist anymore"

    0 Votes
    13 Posts
    Neil SchipperN

    @Pierre-McGrail I was able to replicate OP’s issue with npp.8.4.9.portable.x64, so the option you mention, while very helpful in many situations, does not eliminate the problem.

  • How to remove duplicates words?

    1 Votes
    12 Posts

    Hello, @alan-kilborn and All,

    I’ve found out an interesting thing about posts which contains a literal [ character in search regexes :


    If you must edit one of these posts in order to change any other part, you’ll need to repeat the special modifications, regarding the regexes, by using, again, the syntax :




  • Remove right side white bar in npp 8.4.9

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Debajyoti-Datta said in Remove right side white bar in npp 8.4.9:

    npp highlighter plugin, which I don’t remember if that came default with npp 8.4.9 first time.

    It did NOT. The only plugins that ship with Notepad++ currently are:

    mimeTools NppConverter NppExport
  • Is there a way to make notepad++ faster ?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    The find/replace feature has been implemented in HugeFiles. No formal benchmarking, but was able to perform a find/replace operation with over 50,000 changes on a 200MB file in about 3 seconds. Your mileage may vary, and I haven’t yet tested it on anything bigger than that.

  • Line combination

    0 Votes
    13 Posts

    @Mark-Olson ,

    Why not just … ?

    In this specific instance? Because it shares the same problem as \R in this instance: if your real text is "\r\n, then (?<!")(?:\r?\n|\r) will match between the \r and the \n in the file.

    In general? Because in the vast majority of plaintext files, everything it matches is also matched by \R, which is so much easier to type.

  • target links

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Lhuillier-Sébastien ,

    You say you can do the replacement – which means you aren’t asking about the replacement. (unless there’s a language barrier which has caused a mis-translation between you and me)

    And other than having a target attribute in the link example you showed, you haven’t actually asked anything about “target links”, despite that being the title of your question.

    So I’m not sure then what your question is about.


    Useful References Please Read Before Posting Template for Search/Replace Questions Formatting Forum Posts Notepad++ Online User Manual: Searching/Regex FAQ: Where to find other regular expressions (regex) documentation.
  • Replacing 5-digit numbers in lines that start with specific characters

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @FurBlood-Abe ,

    Thank you for the example data, but it would have also been nice to explain what you wanted in words.

    I have interpreted your request as “How do I replace any line like <Y>#####</Y> with <Y>27245</Y>, where ##### can be any 5-digit number?”.


    FIND = <Y>\d{5}</Y> REPLACE = <Y>27245</Y> SEARCH MODE = Regular Expression


    Useful References Notepad++ Online User Manual: Searching/Regex FAQ: Where to find other regular expressions (regex) documentation
  • Maximum number of windows can be opened in one notepad++

    1 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Dziekan-TEK ,

    You are replying to a thread that’s 7 years old. Claudia hasn’t been here in years (unfortunately so: she was one of the most-helpful users that I’ve ever seen on this site, and her input has been missed since she left).

    If you want to search 3000 files, you don’t have to open them all and “Find All in All Opened Documents”. The “Find in Files” feature will work much better for that: it will search a directory (recursively, if you want), and list all the files that have matches, without having to have them all actually open in Notepad++ at the same time. That seems like the ideal solution. (I don’t remember whether Find in Files existed in 2016 or not.)

  • Help wanted for translate of part text

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Although it goes “off-topic” for this forum, perhaps having a look at the postings in THIS THREAD would be of assistance to you, especially the ones that are February 2.

  • 0 Votes
    19 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Notepad++ provides the “Explorer Plugin” with “Favorites” or “Project” with 3 “Project panels”.

    To be correct:

    the “Explorer Plugin” provides “Favorites” Notepad++ itself provides “Project” with 3 “Project panels”

    When using “Favorites” how can I add a file from [Sessions] to [Files] with drag & drop?

    Explorer doesn’t seem to have “drop target” functionality, so you aren’t going to be able to do this.

    You could make a feature request of the Explorer plugin author for this.

    When using “Project Panel 1” and trying to add open files with drag & drop to a Project the file has not been added.

    Notepad++ itself doesn’t seem to have drop functionality for a project’s / workspace’s files.

    You could make a feature request for this.

    When I have “Favorites” and “Project Panel 1” open and restart Notepad++ “Project Panel 1” is always in focus instead of “Favorites”.

    How can I change that behavior?

    If they are in the same docking panel, which it sounds like they are, then probably the one that is the right-most tab will be the one that N++ actives on its startup?

    Hmm, no I tested that theory and a project panel (Project 1) moved to the far right and became active after the next N++ restart.

    Another theory would be that the Explorer plugin panel tabs (I have 2 active, the “explorer” one and the “favorites” one) would always be adjacent as one would think they would be created as the plugin loads. But no, experimentation for me shows I get, left-to-right, “explorer”, another plugin’s panel tab, and then “favorites” (and then “project 1” as I mentioned).

    Bottom line is I’m not sure how the ordering of tabs in a panel is “restored” from a previous run of N++ when it restarts, except to say that restoration order doesn’t appear to be ideal…

  • 3 Votes
    3 Posts
    Casper AbrahamC

    Tried all kinds of things and eventually it was THIS problem. Great insight into why this happens all of a sudden. Old maybe but still relevant.

  • Delete lines with PythonScript

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Brian HigdonB

    @Alan-Kilborn Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.

    Yes, you are correct on my regex string. Adding \R did what I needed it to do.

    editor.rereplace(r’^.: “”.$\R’, ‘’)

    You are not confused; I confusingly wrote my question.

    The issue is solved.
    Thank you.

  • Pinpoint what I did and want to see on a taskbar

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Su KimS

    Many thanks to your quick answer and I appreciate your comment.

  • Deleting a string and the surrounding code.

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @Usman-Isa ,

    Your example data isn’t as complicated as what you’ve described earlier – it doesn’t have any of the “sometimes” that you kept mentioning – but it’s also got new features (indentation) that weren’t there before. So I virtually guarantee that after you try this, you will come back and say “it doesn’t work” – and it’s because you haven’t shown representative data. As the FAQ that you “read” to be able to quote the syntax made very clear: to get a good answer, you need to provide multiple examples, of things that will and won’t be transformed. Once again here, you just showed one example. So it’s not going to 100% meet your needs. And you are going to have to live with the consequences of your decision to provide insufficient data.

    But pretending that what you said in your most recent post is literally what you meant:

    FIND = (?-s)^.*\R.*(/AISC-SPEC/).*\R^.*\R
    REPLACE = $1
    SEARCH MODE = Regular Expression

    This will look for a group of three lines, where the second line contains whatever is in between the parentheses in the regex; it will replace those three lines with just the text that was stored in the regex parentheses.

    If you decide that this isn’t sufficient, you are going to have to put more effort into your request. Good luck.