• Stop Macro when find fails

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Neil SchipperN

    @Vance-Neff I’ve also had some surprising behavior when deleting or moving lines in macros.

    I suggest you abandon this approach, and instead, use a regex F&R to match a complete line containing the term, something like:


    and then, make sure the Replace with field is properly empty (no spaces).

    Use Replace a few times to satisfy yourself replacements are being done as expected, then Replace All to act on the whole file.

  • Document switcher - saving state

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Rob O'DonnellR

    @Terry-R Thank you. I’ll read through those, and possibly put in a request when I have enough time to formulate it properly!

  • colored background

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Terry RT

    @Marc-Van-Den-Bril said in colored background:

    I must have activated something by mistake…
    But I don’t see what…
    Can you help me ?

    Please read the FAQ post here.


  • NPP 8.4.6 Line number how to back to decimal mode?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @PeterJones said in NPP 8.4.6 Line number how to back to decimal mode?:

    plains how to turn off the hex-line-number f

    Yes, the issue is from CustomLineNumbers. I change to not active mode, and the line number is back to the decimal mode.


  • Create an icon for this command on the menu bar

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Text marking?

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    There is a new FAQ addressing the new Change History, including what it is, how to use it and toggle it, how to reset the history on the active file, and how to deal with printing.

  • Notepad++ using a lof of CPU

    0 Votes
    33 Posts

    @Andre-Viol ,

    @xomx linked to the official issue months ago. We in the Forum can do nothing to get bugs fixed – we can help users through the process of proving it’s a bug, and can sometimes find workarounds. But in the end, the official issues pages, like the one linked above, are where the official debugging occurs. If you want to remind the developers to continue working on the problem, there is the appropriate place.

    In the discussion in that issue report, you will find links to debug versions, and requests for logs from that debug version. If it hasn’t been fixed yet, then you need to follow the instructions in that discussion, and post the results in that discussion, and hopefully @xomx will be able to take the information you provide there and help incorporate it into a fix.

    Discussion Locked

    This issue can only be fixed if people who have this problem participate in the official issue report at https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/11556 . Posting in this Forum discussion thread will not propagate the information to all the right individuals. Any further discussion on this problem needs to occur in the official issue. As a result, this discussion is being locked, to encourage you to use the issue tracker to discuss the known issue.

  • Some characters are not displayed [Unicode]

    1 Votes
    21 Posts

    Hi all,
    just by chance, I have found the solution here:
    Simply in Settings | Preferences | MISC.
    enable the option “Use DirectWrite”…
    And restart Notepad++.

    We definitely needed this!

  • How to delete a mysterious line.

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Patrick-Laughter ,

    That’s a known issue with an underlying library. it has been reported to the library developers, but until that upstream library is fixed, it cannot be fixed in Notepad++.

    As a workaround, if you add the macro described in my post here, you can then use Ctrl+Shift+H to toggle the history off before printing, then toggle it back on when done printing (though, unfortunately, after toggling it back on, you may have to restart Notepad++). The other option would be to save, restart Notepad++, and then do the print (because the change history will be reset to no changed lines). Whichever workaround will help you get through your printing until the bug in the library can be fixed so that Notepad++ can be updated so that the problem is actually solved.

  • Specific Column Value to Rows

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Shaun HillS


    Thank you for your response Terry. I’ll dig into @PeterJones comments as well as your advice. Appreciate the quick responses and will follow up as soon as I can.


  • CASE statement help lines

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    now i see what you mean with that
    Settings > Style Configurator > Global Styles > Fold active color setting
    hadnt noticed that! that helps
    thanks for you replies!

  • Good old highlighting issue topic

    0 Votes
    15 Posts

    @PeterJones @Alan-Kilborn

    Thanks for fabulous help, case solved :)

  • column mode misbehaving?

    1 Votes
    4 Posts
    dull riderD

    Than you all for your comments.

    It did turn out to be bettermultiselection - an update has fixed

  • Help with JSON and Scintilla Lexer

    1 Votes
    14 Posts

    For future readers:

    Approximately two years later, someone put in feature request #11713 to request this toggle. (They also put in a separate request #11676 to add all the features of JSON5/JSONC, not just comments.)

    update: This request was implemented and released in v8.4.9 in January 2023 (see release notes item 3)

  • Auto Backup and Recovery not working

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    @Geoff-Winkless said in Auto Backup and Recovery not working:

    It pops up the “waiting to close” window because of some other app that needs saving.

    Good info, but I am still not able to reproduce that with it (and get my session.xml emptied).

    I am working on this issue - could you please follow the instruction here?

    (then you can post content of your “nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue.log” file here, if you do not have a GitHub account)

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Anton ReshetnikovA

    @PeterJones, thank you again! I appreciate your assistance.

  • Notepad++ Randomly Reset and I lost a project

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @Terry-R All right. Thank you for being so kind and answering.

    Have an amazing day!

  • Not saving when saving as, whether it is a new file or an edit

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @kip ,

    Another experiment: run MS Windows’ notepad.exe (not as Admin) and try to edit the file; see if it works. If it does work, then exit that, and try again to run Notepad++ (not as Admin) and try to edit the same file. If notepad works but Notepad++ does not, then something weird is going on.

    In that case, you might try to download a portable zip and unzip to a folder on your desktop. Then run that portable Notepad++ (close any other Notepad++ window first; then run the portable Notepad++ not as Admin) and try to edit the same file.

  • How to get search text's key value in xml file

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Hello, @ganesan-govindarajan, @terry-r and All,

    How are you ? Fine, I hope so ! Although I may have completely misunderstood your goal, I found out a very simple solution :

    Just follow carefully this road map :

    Open your XML file, containing your list of tasks, in Notepad++

    Delete any possible trailing list of references, located at the very end of your file

    => So, we start with that INPUT text :

    <task breaknbr="00" chapnbr="71" chg="U" func="100" key="TASK-712101100800" pgblknbr="601" revdate="20190915" sectnbr="21" seq="800" subjnbr="01"> <effect effrg="TAY/ALL" efftext="TAY/ALL"></effect> <title>title</title> <subtask chapnbr="71" chg="U" func="860" key="SUBTASK-712101860003" pgblknbr="601" revdate="20190915" sectnbr="21" seq="003" subjnbr="01"> <title>Data</title> <list1> <l1item> <para>para</para> </l1item> <l1item> <para>para</para> <unlist> <unlitem> <para>para</para> <para>para</para> </unlitem> </unlist> </l1item> <l1item> <para>para</para> <unlist> <unlitem> <para>TASK 71-21-01-100-80 para continues.</para> </unlitem> </unlist> </l1item> </list1> </subtask> </task> <task breaknbr="00" chapnbr="71" chg="U" func="100" key="TASK-712101100801" pgblknbr="601" revdate="20190915" sectnbr="21" seq="800" subjnbr="01"> <effect effrg="TAY/ALL" efftext="TAY/ALL"></effect> <title>title</title> <subtask chapnbr="71" chg="U" func="860" key="SUBTASK-712101860003" pgblknbr="601" revdate="20190915" sectnbr="21" seq="003" subjnbr="01"> <title>Data</title> <list1> <l1item> <para>para</para> </l1item> <l1item> <para>para</para> <unlist> <unlitem> <para>para</para> <para>para</para> </unlitem> </unlist> </l1item> <l1item> <para>para</para> <unlist> <unlitem> <para>TASK 71-21-01-200-801 para continues.</para> </unlitem> </unlist> </l1item> </list1> </subtask> </task>

    Move to the very beginning of your XML file

    Open the Mark dialog ( Ctrl + M )

    Type in (?-s)(?<=key=")TASK-.+?(?=")|(?<=<para>)TASK\x20[\d-]+ in the Find what : field

    Untick all box options

    Check the Purge for each search and Match case options

    Select the Regular expression search mode

    Click on the Mark All button

    => You’ll get the message : Mark: 4 matches from caret to end-of-file

    Click on the Copy Marked Text button

    Go to the very end of your file ( Ctrl + End )

    Enter few line-breaks, hitting the Enter key

    Then, paste the clipboard contents ( Ctrl + V )

    => From the INPUT text, you should get this temporary output below, after your XML contents :

    TASK-712101100800 TASK 71-21-01-100-80 TASK-712101100801 TASK 71-21-01-200-801

    Now, move the caret at the beginning of this new pasted text

    Open the REPLACE dialog ( Ctrl + H )

    Untick all box options

    Type in (?-s)^(.+)\R(.+) in the Find what : field

    Type in \2\t\1 in the Replace with : field

    Click on the Replace All button

    => Here you are ! You’ll get the final expected OUTPUT, below, under your XML contents :

    TASK 71-21-01-100-80 TASK-712101100800 TASK 71-21-01-200-801 TASK-712101100801

    Best Regards,


  • Automatic insertion of line numbers into the text?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Is there a Notepad++ macro or some such that I can use to automatically insert the current line number as text into a text file?

    Well, no, but probably something can be created to make it work.

    …would want the inserted line number to update when lines above the trace statement are added or deleted.

    Okay, but that would demand a pattern to this data; if it is ONLY a number per your request (“inserted line number”), then after the first replacement there is no pattern remaining to tell where this data should be adjusted… unless there are absolutely no other numbers appearing in your file.

    Such an automatic line number would most-commonly be used within a quoted string that’s being output.

    Instead of beating around the bush, why not just give a sample of what your ideal trace statement would look like? And then we’ll see what kind of help we can provide to get you there, or what kind of compromises you’ll need to make to make it feasible.