• How Do I Customize the Toolbar?

    0 Votes
    24 Posts

    @Troglo37 ,

    No, it does not need to be changed to 24 hours. There is a good reason for a timeout on editing posts – namely, it can be used to “change the past”, and change the meaning of conversations, which is a bad thing. If you disagree, that’s your prerogative, but the timeout is going to remain – and it’s going to remain short relative to 24 hours (on the order of a few minutes).

    This timeout also encourages that users make use of the PREVIEW panel, which is enabled by default and shows how your post renders. And deleting posts – as long as it doesn’t change the flow or meaning of the conversation – is the acceptable way to remove information that has passed the 5min edit timeout.

  • E-mail (Mail.to) Plugin Feature

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Troglo37 said in E-mail (Mail.to) Plugin Feature:

    I’ll just have to use the long way you pointed out.

    The “long way”, which is only one click more than having to navigate down into the menu system in Notepad++ to find the menu entry that the plugin creates, or maybe two clicks more than just clicking the toolbar button that the plugin adds.

  • Lost important document after upgrade to v8.4.6 (64 bit)

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Alan-Kilborn said in Lost important document after upgrade to v8.4.6 (64 bit):

    Maybe that is a perfectly reasonable place

    (again, for a noob)

  • How to remove vertical red lines

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Snabel42 said in How to remove vertical red lines:

    the site could probably benefit from some more “marketing” around new features

    Or, users could notice something new and think “wow, Notepad++ developers have added something new, I need to find out what it is and how it this help me” As opposed to just screaming “I have no clue what it is but tell me tell me tell me how to TURN IT OFF!”

    I think people with the latter attitude would be lost on anything presented “with fancy pictures and blink-tags”.

    Sigh; human nature…for some humans.

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Topic restarted in separate thread

  • remove hyperlink

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Richard BulmerR

    @PeterJones thanks

  • How to turn off (again?) light grey background color at left border?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    If you want to switch off all good functionality in Notepad++, perhaps consider using this alternative, which comes with Windows:


    Go to the Windows menu, and type notepad.exe and press Enter.

  • Change highlight colors of LINE # in Find All search results

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    @Hank-K said in Change highlight colors of LINE # in Find All search results:

    When I reset my stylers.xml based on stylers.model.xml

    Not sure what you mean, what do I do ?

    Sorry, that was something I had to do, because my stylers.xml hadn’t been updated for many versions of Notepad++, so it was missing many of the fixes that had been applied over time. I wasn’t trying to tell you to do the same to your copy. Besides, since you are using Deep Black 2 as your theme, you don’t have to worry about stylers.xml

    I see “stylers.model.xml” in root folder Notepad++ but don’t see a “stylers.xml” anywhere ?

    Since you are using Deep Black 2 theme, you don’t need to worry. But the active “default stylers.xml” can be opened using %AppData%\Notepad++\stylers.xml 🛈

    And congratulations on changing the color of the line-number. in the search results. (I don’t know why that color is different than others, which change immediately when you change the setting in Style Configurator. Probably because the Search Results window is done separately from other styling.)

  • visualizar los espacios en blanco para la identación

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    blank spaces are marked with an asterisk

    Actually, they are marked with an orange dot, not an asterisk. The color can be changed if you’d like.

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts


    To solve your issue you need support by some kind of scripting plugin, for example NppExec plugin and its companion NppEventExec.

    Install NppExec and NppEventExec plugins using Plugins Admin. After Notepad++ has been restarted navigate to (menu) Plugins -> NppExec -> Execute NppExec Script In the dialog popping up enter the following script: npp_console keep npp_menucommand Path/To your JSON formatting plugin's/menu entry

    If your are using for example JSTool plugin to format your JSON files, line 2 of the script above has to be npp_menucommand Plugins/JSTool/JSFormat. In case you are using JsonTools plugin, line 2 of the script above has to be npp_menucommand Plugins/JsonTools/Pretty-print current JSON file. Please note: The menu entry’s path is case sensitive and has to be localized. That means, if the Plugins menu has another name in your Notepad++ UI language, you need to adapt the command accordingly.

    Click button Save. In the small dialog popping up enter AutoFormatJson as name for the script. Click button Save to close the saving dialog. Click button Cancel to close the script editing dialog. Navigate to (menu) Plugins -> NppEventExec -> Edit rules In the toolbar at the left, click button Add a new rule (mouse-hover over the buttons to get their tooltip texts). In the toolbar at the left, click button Edit the selected rule. Create a new rule by entering the following data into the dialog popping up (Please note: The edit field NppExec command has to contain the name of the NppExec script you saved in step 5. Edit field Regex has to contain the following: (?i).*\.json):


    Click button Apply to close the rule editing dialog. In plugin’s main dialog click button Save to save your changes. Click button Close to close plugin’s main dialog.

    Now you can load a JSON file and it should be pretty-printed automatically.

  • How To Change Page Size

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Terry RT

    @PeterJones said in How To Change Page Size:

    Once you have set the preferences, when you hit the “Print” button in the Print dialog, Windows gives some information to Notepad++, and Notepad++ replies with the data formatted in the way that Windows needs to print the document given the current OS printer settings.

    There is also the “Print Now” option which looks like it bypasses the OS print dialog and just sends the job to the default printer which I presume then uses the default settings.

    I don’t know when this was added to NPP, but it’s not referenced in the online manual (that I can find). Is it worth a reference there?


  • How to find a date in row and copy to end of row

    1 Votes
    3 Posts
    Ashley HoogenboomA

    @PeterJones This worked perfectly, thank you!

  • Can you use separate fonts for separate documents?

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Dušan MajakovićD


    Done! I finally got it to work!

    Thank you so much for the help!

  • notepad++ pro*c color highlighting

    0 Votes
    6 Posts


    Yes I am positive. I compiled the file on my server then ran the file.

    That really doesn’t answer the question from my perspective, because I thought it was the file on your local machine that was having problems with and doubting the integrity of, since that’s the one that’s not properly syntax highlighting. You gave a cryptic “On the local files it shows text file which I do not understand”, which implied to me that what you were seeing on the local computer (not on the server) was not PRO*C code like you were expecting. But now you are saying you compiled it on the server. So I am not understanding the circumstances you are trying to describe. How is it “text file which I do not understand” but at the same time valis PRO*C code???

    Its treating them different based on whether it is a local file or remote file

    As I said, Notepad++ cannot see the difference, because NppFTP puts the file locally on your computer, and Notepad++ opens both files from your computer – the one we are calling remote, from NppFTP, and the one that I am calling “local”, from your computer. If they have the same extension, Notepad++ should be treating them the same (unless one of them happens to have the first line start with <? or #/usr/bin/bash or similarly recognized first-line phrases, which can cause Notepad++ to ignore the extension)

    I am using my home computer to respond.

    Then you will need to gather all the requested information, then come back when you are able to post that. Without showing us the difference between what Notepad++ interprets and shows on remote files and what Notepad++ interprets and shows on local files, you are asking the impossible of us (we cannot see through your eyes or read your memory; we have no idea what you’ve seen; your description of the problem symptoms doesn’t match our experience with how Notepad++ behaves).

    Other things to look at: show a screenshot Style Configurator > C dialog, so we can see what the Default and User extensions are for your setup. And, if on the version with syntax highlighting, or the version without, Notepad++ shows a language other than C Source File in the status bar, then you will need to show the Style Configurator screenshot for whatever language that says as well.

    BTW: .sc by default is not a known extension in Notepad++, so someone (you or an IT person) must have added it into the User or possibly Default extension list for whatever language it is getting lexed as, to get even the remote version to syntax highlight. (The pre-defined extensions for C and C++ are .c .lex for C and .cpp .cxx .cc .h .hh .hpp .hxx .ino for C++.)

  • How to join a line break with a space?

    0 Votes
    12 Posts
    Сергей РыбинС

    @guy038 Thank you very much, you have been very helpful.
    I manually edit the pictures, I don’t replace everything, but I just click replace, and I check right away.
    Added to your formula: \h*\R(?:\h*\R)(>$|[,|-|—|:]$)*(?=\l)
    Many times saving time.

    Thank you.

  • Batch replacing questions

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Sanc-Tuary said in Batch replacing questions:

    the \d+ and how / where to use it solved my problem

    I caught you a fish today. Tomorrow, catch your own by reading some of the references cited above.

  • Help why slash changed

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    Most likely, this is a problem with the font you are using.
    Check your settings. (Settings->Style Configurator->Global Styles->(Global override/Default Style)

  • I lost open tabs and probably, files! HELP!

    0 Votes
    24 Posts
    Terry RT

    @C-Raghava said in I lost open tabs and probably, files! HELP!:

    I am also facing the same issue, I am using Notepad ++ 5. +.+

    So if what you typed is correct (5.+.+) you are using a seriously old version. Why haven’t you updated? No-one is going to help you on such an old version. The details listed in this post and several like it all refer to much later versions.


  • Global word autocompletion for txt files

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Catalin-Soare ,

    You can create an autocompletion file for Normal (plain text) using normal.xml. So if you really want a known list of autocompletions that goes beyond what it learns from the current document, you can use that. (It won’t automatically add to that list, but it’s there it can be used if you want to manually add autocompletions to it)

  • Error 15 loading session file / default.npp-session

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Robin CruiseR
    Error 15 when saving files: loading session file...plugins\Config\SessionMgr\sessions\Default.npp-session

    REMEMBER: this happens because you no longer have free space on the HDD and the data can no longer be saved.