I previously said,
[I’ll] give it a try
This is what I came up with:
Follow the instructions
to install PythonScript Plugin and save this script as SelectUDLBasedOnShebang.py
You will want to follow the “Starutp script” instructions in that FAQ as well, with the following two linesimport SelectUDLBasedOnShebang
selectUDLBasedOnShebang = SelectUDLBasedOnShebang.SelectUDLBasedOnShebang()
Go to the line with “CONFIG =” and edit the contents
the extension should include the dot in the quotes
the firstLineText is the text that should match the “shebang” line (the first line of your file)
the NameOfUDL must match the name of your UDL exactly
Run the script (Plugins > Python Script > Scripts > SelectUDLBasedOnShebang) or restart Notepad++
SCRIPT: SelectUDLBasedOnShebang.py
# encoding=utf-8
"""in response to https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/24921/alternative-method-of-udl-association-that-file-suffix-possible
If the extension is right, and the shebang line is right, set to a specific UDL
1. Follow the instructions https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/23039/faq-desk-how-to-install-and-run-a-script-in-pythonscript
to install PythonScript Plugin and save this script as `SelectUDLBasedOnShebang.py`
2. You will want to follow the "Starutp script" instructions in that FAQ as well, with the following two lines
import SelectUDLBasedOnShebang
selectUDLBasedOnShebang = SelectUDLBasedOnShebang.SelectUDLBasedOnShebang()
Go to the line with "CONFIG =" and edit the contents
- the extension should include the dot in the quotes
- the firstLineText is the text that should match the "shebang" line (the first line of your file)
- the NameOfUDL must match the name of your UDL exactly
Run the script (Plugins > Python Script > Scripts > SelectUDLBasedOnShebang)
From now on (including after restart), anytime you activate the buffer of a file
ending with a known extension (one of the extensions in CONFIG), it will
look at the first line, and if the first line exactly matches one of the
firstLineText strings in the CONFIG table, then it will activate the UDL
that has exactly the NameOfUdl
from Npp import editor,notepad,console,NOTIFICATION
import os
class SelectUdlBasedOnShebang(object):
".mscript" : { # the extension, including the .
"#UDL!mscript1": "mscript1", # firstLineText : NameOfUDL
"#UDL!mscript2": "mscript2", # firstLineText : NameOfUDL
".ext" : { # the extension, including the .
"#UDL!ext1": "ext1", # firstLineText : NameOfUDL
"#UDL!ext2": "ext2", # firstLineText : NameOfUDL
def __init__(self):
'''Initialize the new instance'''
current_version = notepad.getPluginVersion()
if current_version < '':
notepad.messageBox('It is needed to run PythonScript version or higher',
'Unsupported PythonScript verion: {}'.format(current_version))
# setup callbacks
notepad.callback(self.on_bufferactivated, [NOTIFICATION.BUFFERACTIVATED])
console.write("Registered on_bufferactivated callback for SelectUdlBasedOnShebang\n" )
# run the initial check
def on_bufferactivated(self, args):
This callback called every time document is switched.
Triggers the check if the document is of interest.
Args: provided by notepad object; the args of interest:
args['bufferID']: ID for the activated buffer
def check_for_udl(self, bufferID):
Check if the active buffer has a known extension for shebang processing
If so, trigger the UDL-change
bufferID: ID for the buffer of interest
filename = notepad.getBufferFilename(bufferID)
(_,ext) = os.path.splitext(filename)
if ext in self.CONFIG:
self.check_shebang( self.CONFIG[ext] )
def check_shebang(self, shebangs):
Check if the active buffer has the right shebang
If so, set teh UDL
shebangs: dict mapping shebang to corresponding UDL name
firstLine = editor.getLine(0).rstrip();
if firstLine in shebangs:
found = shebangs[firstLine]
notepad.runMenuCommand('Language', found)
if __name__ == '__main__':
selectUdlBasedOnShebang = SelectUdlBasedOnShebang()
If I do any more development on this, updated versions can be found at https://github.com/pryrt/nppStuff/blob/main/pythonScripts/nppCommunity/24xxx/24921_SelectUDLBasedOnShebang.py