• 0 Votes
    11 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Mark-Olson said:

    I came up with…

    Nice one.

    So then a unicode-ready replacement for the native command Remove Empty Lines (Containing Blank Characters) can be a macro, recorded as:

    Find: ^((?![\n\r])[\s\x{FEFF}])*\R
    Replace: nothing
    Search mode: Regular expression
    In selection: Checkmarked
    Action: Replace All

    I checkmark In selection because the original command can either run on the active selection or the entire file; for the macro it is a bit of a difference because to run on the entire file you’d have to Select All (Ctrl+a) first, but that’s not effort-intensive.

  • Change keybind of multi-edit to ctrl+alt+click

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    A feature request was made: https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/14611

    This is Scintilla behavior, not Notepad++ behavior. It would have to be made configurable via Scintilla before Notepad++ could apply it – thus, it should be a Scintilla feature request.

    EDIT: Well, the Notepad++ could choose to “go rogue” and “hack around” this aspect of Scintilla, like what was done to support “multi-editing” in Notepad++ 8.6 and later. But, I don’t see it happening.

  • I need to add specific keyword at the middle of each 3 lines

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @faridalabib - to add to what @PeterJones just posted another thought is to replace with one keyword but then to do a second pass to “mailmerge” the list of desired keywords in place of the single keyword you had added. See this other post by @PeterJones and its follow-up posts on how to do the mailmerge.

  • How to add specific 2 keywords at the middle of each 3 lines

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @faridalabib ,

    You already asked that here. There is no need to ask the same question twice (and, in fact, it is considered rude and just makes you look impatient).

    Replies should go in that other Topic, and not here. This Topic is locked.

  • 0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    @sdsds-rgdsfds said in Hover to preview AI (claude) generated alternatives for selected text portions, click to commit changes within surrounding paragraph context:

    Is there other stuff that will help ? I mean out of notepad++

    I’m the wrong person to ask about this sort of thing, to be honest. I am not that familiar with the world of generative AI.

  • custom search more than "one word + delete" possible?

    1 Votes
    5 Posts
    T. H.T

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you know that everything worked great. It saved me a lot of work.

    I would like to thank you very much ;-)


  • divide article into 50 tabs

    1 Votes
    3 Posts

    @faridalabib If it’s just 50 articles then you are likely better off doing the split by hand. Doing it by hand should take less time than it would take to figure out how to script splitting a file into 50 parts, debugging it, etc.

    One hint is to number your 50 files from 01, 02, 03, … 49, 50 using leading zeroes for 1 to 9. Then it will be easy to reassemble the 50 files into one large file again to verify that it’s the same as the original large file containing 50 articles.

  • How to add sheets in the same CSV document like you do in Excel

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @HargulS - CSV is a plain text format that can be viewed and edited using Notepad++. The CSV file format does not have, nor can it support, the concept of “sheets.”

    Excel files are containers that hold multiple objects, including sheets which themselves are stored as sets of objects. While the individual objects stored within an Excel file are plain text they contain many cross referenced details between the objects. Spreadsheet applications such as Excel keep track of the details. It’s not practical to edit the object files using Notepad++ as you likely would break the cross referenced details that Spreadsheet applications rely on.

  • is there a way to make delimeter check UP UNTIL closing char??

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @supasillyass thanks for the suggestion, but looks like nesting is also not the best solution

    Header [ ] highlighting breaks. That’s probably because [HELP2_A] has level 5 nesting, so it would need to encounter 5 ((EOL))s to properly exit.

    Simply inserting newlines helps resolve this, but it makes file look stupid

  • Cannot disable pop up when I write anything

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Helge-Nyman ,

    That’s not the look for a native Notepad++ auto-completion popup: Notepad++'s popup does not have the keyboard icon nor the status-bar at the bottom with the “Showing: 1 items”.

    Either you have a plugin that’s doing it, in which case you’ll have to change that plugin’s settings, or you’ve got some external application that’s somehow hooking into Notepad++. If it’s a plugin, sharing your ?-menu’s Debug Info with us will tell us which plugins you have installed, and maybe someone here will recognize which plugin creates a popup that looks like that. (I don’t recognize that popup myself, but that doesn’t mean someone else won’t.)

  • Problems with opening and editing files

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @mpheath @Terry-R Ah I found an version in C/Program Files (x86) that for some reason was left behind on 25.6.2022 that started acting up after my most recent update (8.6) on the version that I guess I’ve been using. Thank you both for the help :)

  • renumbering/incremental

    0 Votes
    45 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    If you’ve used a script in this thread, you might want to double check your copy of it for a bug I’ve discovered.
    Look to previous postings in this topic thread where the script has been changed – find the text moderator edit (2024-Jan-14).
    There’s a link there that describes the bug in more detail, and shows what needs to be changed in an old copy (or you can simply grab a copy of the current version).

  • Find and Display *All* Duplicate Lines

    1 Votes
    54 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    If you’ve used a script in this thread, you might want to double check your copy of it for a bug I’ve discovered.
    Look to previous postings in this topic thread where the script has been changed – find the text moderator edit (2024-Jan-14).
    There’s a link there that describes the bug in more detail, and shows what needs to be changed in an old copy (or you can simply grab a copy of the current version).

  • Showing File-Path in Tab or above editor window

    0 Votes
    17 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    If you’ve used a script in this thread, you might want to double check your copy of it for a bug I’ve discovered.
    Look to previous postings in this topic thread where the script has been changed – find the text moderator edit (2024-Jan-14).
    There’s a link there that describes the bug in more detail, and shows what needs to be changed in an old copy (or you can simply grab a copy of the current version).

  • 0 Votes
    11 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    If you’ve used a script in this thread, you might want to double check your copy of it for a bug I’ve discovered.
    Look to previous postings in this topic thread where the script has been changed – find the text moderator edit (2024-Jan-14).
    There’s a link there that describes the bug in more detail, and shows what needs to be changed in an old copy (or you can simply grab a copy of the current version).

  • Sort by the largest number of the same results (frequency)

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    If you’ve used a script in this thread, you might want to double check your copy of it for a bug I’ve discovered.
    Look to previous postings in this topic thread where the script has been changed – find the text moderator edit (2024-Jan-14).
    There’s a link there that describes the bug in more detail, and shows what needs to be changed in an old copy (or you can simply grab a copy of the current version).

  • Replace a word in a line with different words

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    If you’ve used a script in this thread, you might want to double check your copy of it for a bug I’ve discovered.
    Look to previous postings in this topic thread where the script has been changed – find the text moderator edit (2024-Jan-14).
    There’s a link there that describes the bug in more detail, and shows what needs to be changed in an old copy (or you can simply grab a copy of the current version).

  • Copying sentences and pasting them elsewhere

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    dr ramaanandD

    @dr-ramaanand said in Copying sentences and pasting them elsewhere:

    finds <p................. >You................. </p>

  • Startup script to check "Highlight All" box on Incremental Search

    1 Votes
    4 Posts


    Doh! I’m not sure how I missed that so thank you for posting it for me.

  • How to fold code block that use the same keyword

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @byzod You can add EndHotIf to the Close section of Folding in comment style, then comment the closing tag:

    #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe Nienix.exe") a:: { Send "{b}" } c::{ Send "{d}" } #HotIf ; EndHotIf