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    Lycan ThropeL

    @GM-Bobby-B ,
    First off, you should go to the Notepad++ menu bar, select the ?->Debug info...->Copy debug info to clipboard and add that to this message thread so people can see what you’re working with. This is vital information before beginning any serious troubleshooting of your issue. It would also help if you read over the FAQ Threads of the forums in particular this one 'FAQ:Why can’t I just say “Most Recent Version” ’ to learn things about posting, information required to help, etc.

  • Running Notepad++ from a bat file

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    Kelly AK

    @PeterJones Thanks so much for the quick response. I may just have the users run the macro since it doesn’t involve opening anything other than the app. It should be simple enough for a non-tech person and will do the job.

    Again, I appreciate the reply.

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    I think that with the current version of Notepad++ available as of today’s date, you’ll find that Ctrl+h will work when you are on the Find tab, to take you to the Replace tab.

  • 0 Votes
    11 Posts

    @st333v i was going to give up and try out vscode, but found they dont support 32bit anymore, so have gone back to NPP 8.7 as recommended

  • 0 Votes
    7 Posts

    @pixelstuff said in Suggestion: Pin or favorite languages in the language menu?:

    I find it somewhat tedious to keep scrolling down to the bottom of that menu to constantly get to XML, PHP, SQL, etc.

    I use the keyboard to switch languages.

    XML is Alt+L+X. PHP is Alt+L and while continuing to hold the Alt key down P+P+P then Enter. SQL is Alt+L and then S. As SQL is a ways down the list I tend to use the down arrow key rather than tapping S until I get to SQL.
  • 0 Votes
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    Mark OlsonM

    To expand on @PeterJones ’ remark about reducing backtracking:

    It is usually a bad idea to have multiple overlapping instances of .* in a regex. If you have something like .*foo.*bar.*baz, the regex engine may spend time proportional to the cube of the length of the string (because of three overlapping .*) on certain inputs.

    Usually you can change .* to something more specific, which will obviously depend on your use case.

    I guess I should add the disclaimer that the regex (?-s).*\n.* does not have multiple overlapping .* because the (?-s) ensures that the first .* cannot consume the \n.

  • 0 Votes
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    Terry RT

    @VarunAgw said in Navigate between section in same file quickly using keyboard shortcuts:

    I want to jump to next/previous function using keyboard shortcut. How do I do it?

    My immediate thought would be that you would create a macro and save it with a keyboard shortcut.

    The macro would use the “Find all in current document” which is in the “Find” tab. The string searched for would be your special “==========” string.

    If you try it, it opens a search window (generally at the bottom of the Notepad++) screen. You can double click on any of the lines found and the actual file will adjust the lines being viewed so that the clicked on line appears, around the middle of the viewing window.


    PS You may even want to add to the special string a title for each function so you would immediately know which search line to click on. Still use the “======” string but append it with a title, and just search on the “=====” portion. This can use “normal” as the search mode since the string doesn’t change.

  • Issue if Folding in code

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    Zachary DeckerZ


    Thanks for the reply. I followed your suggestions, but these did not resolve the issue.

    However, I did find a solution after much troubleshooting. You noted that there can be issues if the first line is a comment. This is not the case in my file, but I realized the folding issue was correlated with the number of comments. Playing around with the Comment settings in the Comment & Number tab shows this to be true. I had some strange settings going on in there which worked for the comments, but screwed up the folding.


    Removing the Comment Style settings fixed the issue.


  • How to add Translate plugin in NotePad++?

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    I’m using Notepad++ SING 2020 and it’s a really amazing software for all types of tasks.

    Never heard of that. Is “SING 2020” a plugin for Notepad++, or something else? What does it have to do with Notepad++?

    I need help with translation because my work needs to be around global clients and projects.

    There used to be a plugin called the “Translate Plugin” for Notepad++, which helped for translating the text in your document to a different language; it’s not supported by its developer anymore, though someone made a fork of it at https://github.com/databird/npptranslate64/releases – I don’t know if @databird is going to continue to support that fork or not, but that’s got a reasonable chance of being installable and being able to help you with your translation. (This discussion explains some of the difficulties with the original version, and mentions the new 64-bit release.)

    I want to know if Notepad++ supports multilingual language. It will be very helpful for me.

    Notepad++ “supports” multiple languages, in that the core application doesn’t care what language the text is written in, as long as you are using an encoding that supports all the characters you need – and if you’re using UTF-8 or UTF-16, then the encoding supports all Unicode codepoints, so that should be sufficient. :-)

    And Notepad++ “supports” multiple languages, in that you can use the Settings > Preferences > General > Localization feature to change what language is used for the GUI (menu names, etc). Though you can have only one active Localization at a time.

    But natively (ie, without plugins), Notepad++ does not have any facility to do translation of text. For that, you could use a plugin, like the npptranslate64 I linked to above. (There have also been some simple scripts written for the scripting plugins and shared in the forum at various times, but they are for simple lists of fixed input-phrase-to-output-phrase mapping, and should not be considered general-purpose translators.)

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @coltrane31 said in Different foreground/background colors per tab?:

    Is it possible to have two versions of the app installed at the same time

    See the user manual for “instances”; the user manual may be accessed via your ? menu in Notepad++. There are several alternative things you could do in this regard, although to get “different fg/bg colors per tab”, it all seems a bit much to go through.

  • Cannot open files by right click

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    @PeterJones, thanks for input, the most difficult task is to explain the issues to someone else!

    Thanks a lot, just needed an eyeopener! Hope it will help someone else with issues!

    Let´s try again.

    I click on download symbol in Edge, a list drop down I click on my file and it opens in file explorer If I right click and choose “show more options” I get the “Edit with Notepad ++” selection and if I use it the file opens.
    Success, I can use this option!

    Second scenario

    I click on download symbol in Edge, a list drop down I right click on my file and choose “open file” then it open in File explorer I choose “open with” new window opens and I try to use NP++ it don´t work.

    “When you say that choosing Notepad++ as the default program”
    I have chosen NP++ as default app in windows apps settings for .txt files.

    Notepad++ v8.7.4 (64-bit)
    Build time : Dec 4 2024 - 23:50:05
    Path : C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
    Command Line :
    Admin mode : OFF
    Local Conf mode : OFF
    Cloud Config : OFF
    Periodic Backup : ON
    Placeholders : OFF
    DirectWrite : OFF
    Multi-instance Mode : monoInst
    File Status Auto-Detection : cdEnabledNew (for current file/tab only)
    Dark Mode : OFF
    OS Name : Windows 11 Enterprise (64-bit)
    OS Version : 23H2
    OS Build : 22631.4890
    Current ANSI codepage : 1252
    Plugins :
    AutoSave (2)
    CodeAlignmentNpp (14.1.107)
    ComparePlugin (2.0.2)
    DSpellCheck (1.5)
    HexEditor (0.9.12)
    JsonTools (5.6)
    mimeTools (3)
    NppConverter (4.5)
    NppExec (0.8.4)
    NppExport (0.4)
    NppFTP (0.29.12)
    PlantUmlViewer (
    XMLTools (

    Thanks a lot, just needed an eyeopener! Hope it will help someone else with issues!

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @elecherf said in Bug 8.7.8: notepad is freezing with high cpu usage when sliding down the main split bar towards the bottom:

    For now, what I’ve understood is that EnhanceAnyLexer is not compatible with np++ 8.7.8

    EnhanceAnyLexer does not use any of the new features/improvements introduced by Npp recently.
    I have tested with BookmarksDook installed and can confirm that I see the same behavior, but further testing has shown that this also happens when BookmarksDook is the only plugin, besides the default plugins.

  • Story on XDA-Developers about Notepad++

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    Taras TkachenkoT

    @PeterJones That is probably the best. I don’t want a version cluttered with features.

  • MultiReplace Now Supports Lookup Files!

    Notepad++ & Plugin Development
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    @Wicke2d ,

    At startup of windows? Yes, there are multiple ways.

    You could create a .bat which runs two instances (ie, it calls c:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe twice, at least one of which with the -multiInst option, or having the always-use-multiple-instances setting on in your Notepad++ config), and put that in your Startup folder (search the interwebs to see how to add something to the startup folder for your particular Windows version).

    Or you could use Task Scheduler to create a task that runs two instances of Notepad++ (again, with the -multiInst or the preference equivalent mentioned above)

    I have a dual desktop setup

    I, however, don’t think that either of those solutions would be able to put a separate instance on a specific Desktop when you first boot.

    I want to say maybe you could do it with calling a different session from the command-line in each, but I don’t think that would be able to automatically run them at bootup. Maybe someone else has some ideas.

  • 0 Votes
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    @Jean-Michel-Kissling ,

    You say you have font-smoothing off; does it get better if you turn font-smoothing back on?

    The DirectWrite settings affect font rendering; and whether the rendering is “better” or not depends on too many factors for us to know which setting is best for you – so it’s a good idea for you to try out all the DirectWrite choices available, and see which works best for your individual circumstances.

    On v8.7.5, which you are using currently, there are two values for Settings > Preferences > MISC > Use DirectWrite mode – have you tried both?


    Or, if you download the new v8.7.8, it actually has four choices:


    (Right now, v8.7.8 is within the safety delay, so ?-menu’s Update Notepad++ will not suggest updating to v8.7.8 yet, until the Developer triggers auto-update, which will probably be in a week or two, assuming no regressions or other critical bugs are found in v8.7.8. So for now, you could either manually download the installer, or if you want to “try before you buy freely install”, you can download a portable and try it without overwriting your installed copy.)

  • 0 Votes
    30 Posts


    I just tried the Notepad++.MSVC.x64.Release artifact and am impressed. It changes directly in the editor pane with checking and unchecking the checkbox. I tried cloned view and works good with both panes. I see NPPM_ACTIVATEDOC, that I presume it is helping to refresh the property change live.

    I have tested multiple Notepad++ restarts, checkbox changes and buffer changes. Tests are so good, that it should IMO fix and close the issue ticket #16244.

    Well done!

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @ThosRTanner said in Are the shortcut key pointers when initialising your menu maent to be const ?:

    It does raise another question though - does that mean your menu structure have to remain unchanged once you’ve registered it with notepad++? If it was allocated in a piece of temporary memory which got discarded for instance it would be a little hard to track down!

    No. Plugins like NppExec and PythonScript change the number of menu entries on the fly, though I don’t know whether they can give those commands shortcuts when generated after-the-fact or not. You might be able to look through their source code to see how they dynamically add a new menu entry after-the-fact.

    As far as shortcuts are concerned, after the plugin’s initial request when it’s loaded, I believe the expectation is that the Shortcut Mapper will be used for any future changes to keyboard shortcuts (and that those are restricted to a plugin’s top-level of menu). And when PythonScript or NppExec dynamically adds a command to its top-level menu, Shortcut Mapper makes you wait until the next Notepad++ launch – when the entry is initialized at plugin load, rather than dynamically after – to be able to assign the keystroke.

    update: And when Shortcut Mapper changes any command’s shortcut, you can actually process NPPN_SHORTCUTREMAPPED to see how Shortcut Mapper changed your menu’s command.

  • 7 Votes
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    Lycan ThropeL

    @Coises ,
    This was much easier to follow, and it’s installed and I saw that it was there. Thanks. That’s it for now, as I’ve already burned my candle on both ends for now and am needing sleep, so…will play more later with your instructions to see how it fares. Thanks for the assist.