Hi All,
I just forgot to give an example of the general S/R, detailed, in my previous post !
Then, giving the upper-case string ABC, as a start delimiter and the upper-case string XYZ as en end delimiter, which leads to the regex :
SEARCH = (?-s)^.*ABC(?s).*?(?-s)XYZ.*(\R|\z)
The text, below :
This line, containing ABC, will be deleted This is a BLOCK of text which will be DELETED as well as this line XYZ This piece of text will NOT be DELETED but the BLOCK of the TWO NEXT ONES will ABC XYZ This text, with some blank lines, won't be modified, but the NEXT line will ! ABCXYZ The BLOCK of the TWO NEXT lines, below, will be DELETED 12345ABC 67890 ABC --- XYZ XYZ --- as well as this LAST block, below --- ABC --- XYZ --- ABC --- ABC --- XYZ --- XYZ --- ABC --- ABCXYZ ---will be CHANGED into :
This piece of text will NOT be DELETED but the BLOCK of the TWO NEXT ONES will This text, with some blank lines, won't be modified, but the NEXT line will ! The BLOCK of the TWO NEXT lines, below, will be DELETED as well as this LAST block, belowCheers,