Hello, Eirik,
If I suppose that :
Any subset of three digits, except for the first one, of the numbers, in your dataset, can be preceded or NOT, by a comma,
The space delimiter can be present or NOT, before the word patients, which can either be written in a singular mode,
an other SEARCH regex expression could be : +\d+(,?\d{3})+ *patients?, with a space BEFORE the first + sign of that regex.
With that regex, it would match all these following items :
abc 1234 patients xyz
abc 1,234 patients xyz
abc patients xyz
abc 12345 patients xyz
abc 12,345 patients xyz
abc patients xyz
abc 123456 patients xyz
abc 123,456 patients xyz
abc patients xyz
abc 1234567 patients xyz
abc 1,234567 patients xyz
abc 1234,567 patient xyz
abc 1,234,567 patients xyz
abc patients xyz
abc 12345678 patients xyz
abc 12,345678 patients xyz
abc 12345,678 patients xyz
abc 12,345,678 patients xyz
abc patients xyz
abc 123456789 patients xyz
abc 123,456789 patient xyz
abc 123456,789 patient xyz
abc 123,456,789 patients xyz
abc patients xyz
abc 1234567890 patients xyz
abc 1,234567890 patients xyz
abc 1,234,567890 patient xyz
abc 1,234567,890 patients xyz
abc 1,234,567,890patient xyz
abc 1234,567890 patients xyz
abc 1234,567,890 patients xyz
abc 1234567,890 patients xyz
But, it would ignore all natural numbers, under 1000 and some odd syntaxes as 1,2,3 or ,1a,23, like below :
abc 0 patient xyz
abc 0, patient xyz
abc 1 patient xyz
abc 1, patient xyz
abc 12 patients xyz
abc 12, patients xyz
abc 123 patients xyz
abc 999 patients xyz
abc 123, patients xyz
abc ,123 patients xyz
abc 1,2,3 patients xyz
abc 12,34 patients xyz
abc 12,3,4 patients xyz
abc 123,4 patients xyz
abc , patients xyz
abc ,,,,,, patients xyz
abc ,,4,,4,, patients xyz
abc patients xyz
abc ,1234 patients xyz
abc ,1,234 patients xyz
abc 123a456b789 patients xyz
Best Regards,