• Changing to Dark Mode changes the tab icons

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Rei Da TecnologiaR

    Ok, thanks for replying. I will go for the hacky method then.

  • Can't get autoComplete to work with UDL

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @PeterJones said in Can't get autoComplete to work with UDL:

    The auto completion XML filename must match the name of the UDL, not the extension.

    Thank you for this. I was under the impression it had to be the extension name. I changed the name and it works now. Thanks again.

  • Input hex 0x1F

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    HtmlTag version 1.4.0 allows you to automatically replace a character with any hex value by just hitting &#x<hex value>; followed by the space key.
    Before hitting space:
    After hitting space:
    Incidentally, this (with 09 as hex value) is my preferred way of inserting a literal tab character when automatic tabs-to-spaces conversion is enabled.

  • FTP and managing local files - connect local and server files?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Joel ShortJ

    Thanks for the reply. I’m looking for an alternative to Dreamweaver because I have an old version (CS4) and it appears to be no longer compatible with Windows 11. After a Windows update DW is very unstable. The only thing I used DW for was a little bit of HTML editing and FTP upload.

    I came across a prior discussion regarding the Global Cache idea but I’m not sure I want to mess around with that. No worries, I think I’ll go with something else, like Coffeecup HTML editor.

  • Deploying NPP with intune

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Vinny-Arena ,

    InTune’s behavior is outside of our control. There aren’t a lot of InTune users who frequent here, though occassionally, we get an InTune-related question – most of which we haven’t answered to anyone’s satisfaction.

    If InTune is using an MSI (and my memory of those past discussions vaguely says that InTune does want MSI – as mentioned here), then you should know that per this statement, the developer does not support MSI installation at this time (and will not do so until there is a free converter from NSIS to MSI), so if it’s using an MSI, it must be using an unofficial MSI build; neither the developer nor any of the regulars in this forum can guarantee or warrantee or support any MSI installation or non-official build of the installer or software, as we cannot control what other people do.

    Previous discussions:

    Notepad++ InTune Install Cannot load 32bit plugin even when 64bit versions of all are installed Convert to MSI
  • Trying to remove a line with only year #### for text

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @PeterJones I have heard about the macros before but I have not edited any or really worked with them from notepad++.

  • PRINT without columns

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @Howdee-Doodee ,

    If you mean…the numbers on the left, those are line numbers, not column numbers, and this picture should show you what you need to do.


  • Stuck in [Administrator] mode

    0 Votes
    20 Posts

    After trying the solution on the superuser discussion linked above, I found a solution to this problem:

    Right-click on the notepad++.exe file, select Properties. Click on the Compatibility tab, and select “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” and select “Windows 8”. Make sure “Run this program as an administrator” is unchecked. Click OK.

    However, this work-around was not working when I tried to run Notepad++ via an AutoHotKey shortcut; it still ran as Administrator. So here is another work-around using Windows Task Scheduler:

    Open the Windows Start menu, search for “task scheduler”, and run that. Click on the “Task Scheduler Library” item in the tree view on the left. Click on the Action menu, then “Create Task…”. Type in a name for your task. Under the General tab, click the “Change User or Group…” button. Type in “Users” in the “Enter the object name to select” box and click OK. Click on the Actions tab, then click on the “New…” button. Click on the “Browse…” button, and find your notepad++.exe file and open that. Click on the Settings tab and make sure “Allow task to be run on demand” is checked. Click OK. To make a batch file to run this scheduled task, you can put this command in a text file and name it with a “.bat” extension: schtasks /run /tn *<name of your task from step 3 here>*
  • Remove all but specific phrase/line containing changing value.

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @jrdn-bautista said in Remove all but specific phrase/line containing changing value.:

    I just pasted directly from the code and I didn’t know what to edit to make it work correctly

    This is why we have that FAQ entry.

  • Regex - Find Consecutive Uppercase Characters

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Coises said in Regex - Find Consecutive Uppercase Characters:

    That’s strange. I double-checked again after reading your message: with Match case checked I definitely get correct results using [[:upper:]]{2} without the (?-i) prefix.

    I’d guess that @mkupper didn’t notice the “Most likely you neglected to check Match case in the Find dialog” comment above your regex in your previous post.

  • Delete entire paragraph between two blank lines

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Help with udl

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Monospace-V said in Help with udl:

    Perhaps would you know where I can find a comprehensive regex guide

    We’ve got a whole FAQ on that: “Where to find REGular EXpressions (RegEx) documentation ?”

  • What are the available fonts for notepad?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    What are the available fonts for notepad?

    “Notepad” (ie, the barebones text editor provided Microsoft with your OS) is a separate application, which we don’t answer questions about.

    Notepad++ (the full featured text editor that this Forum is devoted to) has access to every font that is properly installed in Windows.

    But if you are expecting Notepad++ to behave like a word processor, and you want to be able to apply font X to one word or paragraph, and font Y to another word or paragraph, and have it somehow save that font information in the file, so that you can open it on another machine and see the same fonts, you need to read and understand our FAQ: “Notepad++ is a Text Editor, not a Word Processor” to learn the difference between those two tool types.

  • Remove selected bookmarks without removing lines

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Terry RT

    @Terry-R said in Remove selected bookmarks without removing lines:

    There’s a slight anomaly which I seem to be noticing.

    Perhaps not quite the right statement as it implies a possible issue.

    I’d say this is by design due to inclusion of the EOLs which determine if the bookmark is erased in the original file.

    So if you normally highlight ONLY to the end of the line this will miss the last EOL.


  • Filter using columns?

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    Hello, @znc-gatilho, @alan-kilborn, @peterjones, @mark-olson, @coises and All,

    @znc-gatilho, could you confirm me that your three important zones are, by priority order :

    Zone 'SRtng' : Between columns 114 and 118 ( 5 chars ) Zone 'Tit' : Between columns 77 and 79 ( 3 chars ) Zone 'WTit' : Between columns 82 and 85 ( 4 chars )

    If so, let’s start with this INPUT text, containing the headers line 1 and 3 random records ( lines 626897, 626912 and 626917 )

    ID Number Name Fed Sex Tit WTit OTit FOA SRtng SGm SK RRtng RGm Rk BRtng BGM BK B-day Flag 4109228 Kryukova, Irina RUS F WGN WNM 2232 0 20 2240 0 20 1968 wi 36016672 Kryvinski, Jenny FRA F 2001 w 14102897 Kryvolapov, Kostiantyn UJR M IM 2356 1 10 2327 0 20 1962

    Open these four lines text in a new tab

    Move to the very beginning of your file ( Ctrl + Home )

    Open the Replace dialog ( Ctrl + H )

    Un-tick all box options

    Type in (?-s)^.{76}(...)..(....).{28}(.....).+ in the Find what : zone

    Type in \3 \1 \2 $0 in the Replace with : zone

    Select the Regular expression search mode

    Click on the Replace All button

    => At once, you should get this temporary text :

    SRtng Tit WTit ID Number Name Fed Sex Tit WTit OTit FOA SRtng SGm SK RRtng RGm Rk BRtng BGM BK B-day Flag 2232 WGN WNM 4109228 Kryukova, Irina RUS F WGN WNM 2232 0 20 2240 0 20 1968 wi 36016672 Kryvinski, Jenny FRA F 2001 w 2356 IM 14102897 Kryvolapov, Kostiantyn UJR M IM 2356 1 10 2327 0 20 1962

    Now, select the three lines, after the headers line

    Run the Edit > Line Operations > Sort Lines Lexicographically Ascending option

    => You should get your expected OUTPUT text :

    SRtng Tit WTit ID Number Name Fed Sex Tit WTit OTit FOA SRtng SGm SK RRtng RGm Rk BRtng BGM BK B-day Flag 36016672 Kryvinski, Jenny FRA F 2001 w 2232 WGN WNM 4109228 Kryukova, Irina RUS F WGN WNM 2232 0 20 2240 0 20 1968 wi 2356 IM 14102897 Kryvolapov, Kostiantyn UJR M IM 2356 1 10 2327 0 20 1962

    As you can see your file is, automatically sorted by the three zones SRtng then by Tit then by WTit ascending

    BTW, @Peterjones, I suppose that the SRtng zone is the ELO rating of chess players, which is ALWAYS a 4 number string for experienced players and grand masters ! . So, no trouble for the sort

    Now, just repeat the steps above, with your players_list_FOA.txt file

    Of course, do a backup of your players_list_FOA.txt, before any action

    Beware that your file is really an huge file ( 216,785,860 bytes for 1,321,866 lines !! )

    Thus, I cannot tell you how longer the search/replacement and the save operations will take till completion, when applied to THIS file !

    However, you can give it a try !

    Of course, in case that the zones do not belong to the mentioned ranges, just tell me the exact values in order to modify the search regex, accordingly :-)

    Best Regards,


  • 'Unwrapping' something

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    JsonTools is my plugin, and it does have pretty-printing of JSON, which would do what you want.

    That said, JsonTools can’t currently edit files in the hard drive. For example, there’s no tool implemented at present that allows you to choose a bunch of JSON files and pretty-print them all in one go.

    Would you like me to start working on that?

  • Help for a very specific scenario

    0 Votes
    10 Posts


    When i said the filenames are random i meant they aren’t necessarily named as “filename”. That was just my example so i picked that as a generic name. The only thing that matters is that the subfolder has the exact same name as the bin file inside.

    For instance this:

    <path>./Filename 1/Filename 1.bin</path>

    Could be this:

    <path>./Have A Nice Day/Have A Nice Day.bin</path>

    It’s a path that leads to a .bin file and there’s a subfolder before that which i want to delete. But because in the .xml file there are thousands of such files and subfolders that follow the same rule, i needed to do it in bulk. I thought it was obvious from the example in the OP so apologies for any confusion and wasted time.

    Anyway, this worked:

    FIND - \\(.*?)\\(\1) REPLACE WITH - \\$1 SEARCH MODE - Regular Expression

    Though at first it didn’t because all the \ were reversed / in the xml.

  • I would like to group all similar domains, not by alphabet.

    0 Votes
    37 Posts

    Hi, @mohammad-al-thobiti and All,

    Again, I’m going to simplify the problem, using a Python script, called Replacements_Lists.py, listed below :

    ''' Refer to : https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/19889/ - Given TWO files : - A MAIN one, located in the MAIN view, containing a LIST of strings or lines - A SECOND one, located in the SECONDARY view, containing : - A LIST of strings to REPLACE, EACH followed with a TABULATION and its CORRESPONDING replacement string This script replaces EACH expression of the MAIN file by the CORRESPONDING replacement string, found in the SECONDARY file NOTES : - The REPLACEMENT strings may be ABSENT IF you do NOT write anything AFTER the TABULATION separator. Thus, these SPECIFIC searched strings will be DELETED - The strings of the MAIN file, NOT found in the SECONDARY file, are simply REWRITTEN - The LEADING strings of the SECONDARY file, NOT found in the MAIN file, are simply NOT used - The list of the DIFFeRENT ranges < SEARCHED string > \t < REPLACEMENT string > must END with a FINAL line-break or NOTHING else ( \z ) ''' from Npp import editor1, editor2 replacements = dict(line.split('\t') for line in editor2.getText().splitlines() if line) def replace_with(m): try: r = replacements[m.group()] except KeyError: r = m.group() return r editor1.rereplace('(?-s).+', replace_with)

    So, just follow this road map :

    Open your entire file containing all your records ( about 181,170 ) in the main view

    Open your file containing the 1.027 lines, whose all the occurrences must be deleted in the main file

    Move this file in the secondary view ( IMPORTANT )

    I suppose that these two files ONLY contains main domain names, one per line

    Run the Edit > Blank operations > Trim Leading and Trailing Space option for the two files

    Now, in the secondary view, use this regex S/R :

    SEARCH (?<=.)$

    REPLACE \t

    in order to produce a correct replacement list for some domain’s names by nothing

    Move back to your file in the main view

    Run the Plugins > Python Script > Scripts > Replacements_List.py option

    => Immediately, all the lines, of the main view, which match one of the lines of the secondary view, have been replaced with an empty line

    Run the Edit > Line Operations > Remove Empty Lines

    Finally save your uptaded file, in the main view

    Voilà !

    Best Regards,


    P.S. :

    If you need to install the Python Script plugin, follow this FAQ

  • Settings, custom styles and shortcuts got reset after power loss

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @siswonugroho said in Settings, custom styles and shortcuts got reset after power loss:

    One question, what file should I copy to backup my custom style? Files inside the themes folder, stylers.xml or both?

    That depends completely on your definition of “my custom style”.

    Do you mean “I am using the default light mode theme, but with manual edits”? Then you need to backup stylers.xml Do you mean “I am using the DefaultDarkMode theme, which is what it naturally picks when I chose dark mode”? Then if you use it without editing, just pick Dark Mode again, and it will go back to the right theme; if you do edit the DefaultDarkMode theme, then you will have to backup that theme’s file from the themes\ folder. Do you mean “I picked the ‘Bespin’ theme (or one of the other built-in themes) and haven’t made any changes to it”? Then all you have to do is re-pick the ‘Bespin’ theme (or whichever it was) if N++ ever reverts to default again. Do you mean “I picked the ‘Bespin’ theme (for example) and then made changes to the stylings defined by that theme”? Then you will have to save a backup of your modified ‘Bespin’ theme from the themes\ directory. Do you mean “I downloaded some other theme that doesn’t ship with Notepad++ and put it in my themes\ directory, and am using that theme”? Then you will want to backup that theme.
  • Can't set notepad++ as default program in Windows 10???

    0 Votes
    14 Posts

    This did work for me, I had instances of the x86 version in the registry that after manually changing in regedit, and also setting the file associations in Notepad++ settings (preferences), I was able to set the file associations and default programs.