• Auto-complete does not work fully as I would expect.

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Piotr KostrzewskiP

    Thank you.
    I had it turned on but on TAB and I clicked Enter. Have a nice weekend.

  • Red category??

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Paul WormerP

    @Khyr-Isles-S-Jusch Please accept my apology. As appears from the other answers, I completely misunderstood your question. My answer is neither here nor there.

  • \autoCompletion files: incorrect handling of utf8 encoding

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Nikita-V ,

    Because of the way Notepad++ was coded, you currently have to use &-entities in autoCompletion\_____.xml in order to get non-ASCII to show in the auto-completion popups

    <Environment ignoreCase="no" startFunc="(" stopFunc=")" paramSeparator="," terminal=";" /> <KeyWord name="a&#x0410;&#x0411;&#x0412;&#x0413;" /> <KeyWord name="e&#x0414;&#x0415;&#x0416;&#x0417;" /> <KeyWord name="abs" func="yes"><Overload retVal="" descr="absolute value function: &#x041C;&#x041D;&#x041E;&#x041F;"><Param name="VALUE" /></Overload><Overload retVal="" descr="absolute value function"><Param name="" /></Overload></KeyWord>


  • weird icons

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA




  • CSS Highlighting Stopped Working

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Patrick SkeltonP

    (Unfortunately, I am not allowed to link to usernames, as I have not used the forum before.)

    My apologies - it was not my intention to waste anyone’s time. My question was so general (I had no idea when it started or any steps I might have taken beforehand) that I wasn’t sure what to supply. I accept a screenshot might have been helpful.

    The comment by mkupper about a portable install got me thinking that a normal reinstall probably wasn’t a bad idea and it has fixed it.

    Thank you for the comments.

    Kind wishes - Patrick

  • c# lang. with function plugin

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Philippe-GRANGE ,

    It’s not a plugin: the Function List tool is a built in portion of Notepad++.

    And it can and does find functions in C#. I don’t have any C# handy, so I made some C#-like code just to test, and it works for me:


    Using my knowledge of C/C++ to interpret C# syntax, the screenshot you showed doesn’t have any functions shown – I see class variables and an enum, but no function/method (though that’s not to say that maybe there isn’t one lower down in your source code).

    However, you should know that the Function List will only show a given class if it contains at least one function/method. Also, if you’ve changed your code, you might need to hit the refresh button to get the FunctionList feature to re-parse your file.

    If you have a small C# file (a dozen or two lines) that you can paste which you think should show an actual function, but does not for you, and you want us to try to replicate the problem, you need to share that code by pasting the code in your reply, highlight it, and click the </> button to mark it as “code”. For example, the code I showed in my screenshot is pasted here:

    using System; namespace TestTracker { public class UserRect { void dummyFunction(void) { return; } } }
  • installing NPP offline user manual

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    2 Posts

    @zeta-orionis ,

    You click the download link from the user manual homepage, then unzip it into whatever directory you want, and you open index.html from that directory to look at the manual. After you have it on your PC, you are no longer restricted to seeing the user manual just when you have an internet connection.

  • Notepad++ v8.5.7 Installer Hangs on regsvr32 command

    2 Votes
    5 Posts

    @John-Wittle said in Notepad++ v8.5.7 Installer Hangs on regsvr32 command:

    It got up to this following point, and then got stuck

    Probably not a N++ fault.

    You can try (for most of the following you will need admin-rights or it probably silently fails):

    click on the Windows Start (or press the Win-key on your keyboard) type “cmd” right click on the offered Command Prompt app, select Run as administrator in the opened cmd-window - unregister previous attempt before another registering attempt (e.g.: regsvr32 /u “C:\Program Files\Notepad++\contextMenu\NppShell.dll” ) Logoff/logon (a complete reloading of the Windows Explorer for surety…) Then re-register ( regsvr32 “C:\Program Files\Notepad++\contextMenu\NppShell.dll” )

    If still not resolved, try to use the NppShell inherent logging:
    and repeat the above steps.

    Then collect and post here the created %APPDATA%\NppShell\NppShell.log (i.e. C:\Users\[loginname]\AppData\Roaming\NppShell\NppShell.log)

    And do not use the regsvr32 /i ... for the new NppShell (there is not such exported “DllInstall” function in it).

  • Style words depending the end character

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Txote-Lusco ,

    Sorry, the EnhancedAnyLexer plugin doesn’t work that way. It cannot take the matching word from a pattern on one line, and highlight that same text even in different circumstances later.

    You seem to want more features than UDL alone, or UDL-plus-EnhanceAnyLexer, can give you. At that point, the remaining option is to write a custom lexer for your language: but that’s a complicated task, and we’re not going to do that for you; you will either have to write your own lexer, or hire someone to do it for you. (And no, there’s no “request for hire” section in this forum; if someone is interested, they could private-message you using the chat feature in the forum, but this isn’t a “jobs board”.)

    [Also, you originally posted your second message as a separate Topic, but since it was about syntax highlighting in the same UDL, I merged it together, so that people can get the full conversation without having to click links to other discussions.]

  • Notepad ++ Installation and Explorer.exe crash only in Safe Mode

    2 Votes
    11 Posts

    @mkupper Exactly! Thank you for helping to correct this very annoying problem. Have a nice day!

  • All Tabs Removed

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Thank you @Kendall-DeMott

    Are you using roaming desktops or something like Citrix where you can sign in on any workstation and your stuff is usually there?

    Something else is that if a file/tab is not available is not available when you start Notepad++then Notepad will silently close the tab rather than showing file not found errors. If you have files on a file server and the network or server is down at the time you start Notepad++ then Notepad++silently removes the tabs.

    The tabs are in the %AppData%\Notepad++\Session.xml file.

    Open up a few files and then close/exit Notepad++. See if the %AppData%\Notepad++\Session.xml file shows that it has been recently modified.

    Notepad++ only saves the Session.xml file when you exit or close Notepad++.

    Now, restart Notepad++. Are your tabs still there?

    A normal logoff from a Windows desktop session will send exits/quits to all applications. If you do a logoff when Notepad++ is running then it will add a few lines to the %AppData%\Notepad++\nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue.log file. If you look at that file you should see lines with WM_QUERYENDSESSION, WM_ENDSESSION, etc. where Notepad++ is logging the signals from Windows that the desktop session is about to end. The list of lines ends with one for WM_DESTROY.

    The tab stuff and Session.xml file have not changed in many years and so it’s doubtful an update to Notepad++ would trigger the issues you are seeing.

  • View Current File in portable versions of browsers

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn said in View Current File in portable versions of browsers:

    If Windows can’t or won’t do that, there’s nothing Notepad++ can do about it.

    Thanks Alan. Obviously Windows is being difficult. However, it’s good to know it’s nothing to do with Npp.

  • Creating a macro that uses search hangs NPP

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Jason-Quattrini I’m not sure how to do it as a macro but, if you are using regular expression mode your search pattern can be.*pattern.*\R.*\R.*

    The first .* is all of the line before your pattern of whatever it is you are searching for. This bypasses the need for you to press the Home key.

    The .*\R after your pattern goes from the end of the pattern that matched to the end of that line plus \R for the invisible end-of-line character(s) that are at the end of each line.

    The second .*\R picks up all of the second line including the end of line character(s). The third part with .* but no \R picks up all of the third line but not the end-of-line character(s) themselves.

    You can then do search-replace using Replace All and it’ll do what you want without needing to use a macro.

  • Deleting specific words .(in multiple files)

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @Doğancan, please take a look at the Search / Find in files... menu option in Notepad++ as I believe that will do what you want.

    The Find what and Replace with fields are the standard search and replace fields. Filters allows you to search/replace on *.txt files for example. It defaults to blank which is .. Directory is just the directory path of where your files are. Don’t try some path\*.txt as it won’t work… Related to Directory is the In all sub-folders checkbox on the right side. That’s enabled by default. You may want to turn it off.

    You then will do [Replace in Files] but you absolutely should make a full backup of your files first as [Replace in Files] will promptly do the search/replace on all of the files you are filtering for and save those files. There are no backups made by this process which is why you should make your own backups.

    Something that is safer than the [Replace in Files] button is the [Find All] button that is above it. This will scan your files for the Find what pattern and will create a search-results list. You would still need to then click to open the files one by one to test the search/replace.

  • Notepad++ edit existing (C++) syntax

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    Yuck to using $ in such a way in C++ – is that really needed? (purely a rhetorical question since this is not the forum for it).

  • Doesn't highlight syntax of .gitconfig files

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @PeterJones thanks!

  • Shift+F3 no more works

    0 Votes
    15 Posts

    I wrote in Shift+F3 no more works that the problem might be:

    the expected result of backward searching with a regular expression is not always well-defined.

    Example of how this could be ambiguous:

    Given the text:
    and the regular expression:

    when matching normally there is one match — abcdef. When matching backward, is there one match — abcdef — or are there two matches — de and abc?

    What about the regular expression:
    matching backward: abcde or ef and abc?

  • Cannot clear "inherit" fg/bg in styler [Possible Bug]

    1 Votes
    2 Posts


    Yes, I can confirm that this is also the case for me.

  • How can I make the comment text Python normal instead of italicized?

    0 Votes
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    Peter 0P

    @Mark-Olson Ahhhhhhhhh ok. I had no idea what that style column was for. Thanks a bunch.

  • Replacing text in shortcut.xml reverts to original version

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    I agree Terry. Thanks for your thoughtful response and time.

    My system environment is well locked down including what/how things can be downloaded/installed. I think option #2 may be best bet. Some noted when replacing text within the shortcut.xml file to allow time for file to save versus save and instantly close out of the shortcut.xml file. Anecdotal and not vetted but may be something within virtual environment.

    I consider thread closed unless someone has definitive solution. Thanks again.