• My save notepad is all gone and removed, Help me restore

  • How to remove first 50 lines on each files using NOTEPAD PLUS

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    1 - find: (?-s)(?:.*\R){50}(?s)(.*) / repl: ${1} / mode: regular expression / (note: other ways to do it certainly possible)

    2 - find: (?-s)(.*\R){50}\z / repl: nothing / mode: regular expression / (note: other ways to do it certainly possible)

    3 - not currently possible to do in one action

    (4) - you’d have to ask for it in a feature request; see HERE for a description of the process

    note: 1 and 2 could be written so that it was a single operation accomplishing both – I did not do that

  • improve SCI_LINEDELETE shortcut

    1 Votes
    27 Posts
    Victorel PetrovichV

    @Alan-Kilborn said in improve SCI_LINEDELETE shortcut:

    The “caret by itself” situation is handled to delete its line. Just not “caret by itself on an otherwise non-selected line”.

    I prefer less exceptions; but to each his own.
    Indeed, scripting solves the differences.

    @Alan-Kilborn said in improve SCI_LINEDELETE shortcut:

    Please tell me you aren’t prototyping a Scintilla patch using these scripts you’ve submitted in this thread. Such a patch should be much simpler than that.

    I know.

  • Bold Question

  • Opening file with command line in an existing instance

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @PeterJones Oh my gosh, that’s all I needed. Thank you so much, I made batch file also, it makes me so comfortable.

  • after update: shortcut &N lost in rightclick menu

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    perfect, thanks!

  • No Folder as Work-Space

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn thank you kindly . i was wondering how NP++ would decide what folder to display . thank you again

  • replace all text in a bracket

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Terry RT

    @daniel-Louwrens said in replace all text in a bracket:

    I tried a find and replace using the exact chars you suggested but
    the program showed 0 replaced.

    Did you set the search mode to regular expression?

    If that isn’t the issue then you need to provide the examples via the requested method. Follow that post I referred to, otherwise you are just wasting people’s time on this forum (who do want to help).


  • replace in txtFile with mixed Codepage letters utf8 and ANSI

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Rainer KlinglerR

    @PeterJones Thank you very much - it works! But you must be careful after some replaces exists new “wrong” Chars in ANSI view with the possibility of also not wanted newly replacements … so the replace all button is dangerous…

  • Files open twice

    0 Votes
    17 Posts

    @Coises said in Files open twice:

    I’ve opened an issue for this: Symbolic links and hard links can result in the same physical file being open in multiple tabs.

    It seems the matter is not as straightforward as it appeared to me. At least one person strongly disapproves of changing the current behavior at all.

    I don’t really use symlinks. If some of you do, and have clear ideas about how they should work — whether they should resolve to the target name, like a shortcut, or remain as their own name in their own directory, like a hard link — you might be able to contribute to the discussion at the link above.

    Three notes:

    I offered a pull request along with the issue, but another user (the same one who objects to changing anything) discovered an important flaw. While that’s mixed up in the discussion, it’s really a separate issue from what should happen. If we reach a consensus on what should happen, I’m sure there will be a way to fix the flaw (which causes symlinks with a relative path to fail completely).

    As things are, File|Open and double-click in Explorer behave differently than opening from the command line and right-click|Open with Notepad++ in Explorer. I see no way to change the File|Open and double-click behavior, because Windows is resolving the symlink in those cases before Notepad++ ever sees it. As far as I can tell, the person who doesn’t want things changed believes the other behavior is “correct,” and doesn’t care that the behavior in some cases doesn’t match. Honestly, the more I look at the way different programs behave, the more it seems to me there is no consistency regarding this in Windows. I’m not sure if that’s an argument for letting the chips fall where they may, or if Notepad++ should still at least be consistent with itself.

    Though I now think I was unwise to do so, I combined two distinct issues: opening symlinks in particular, and avoiding opening the same file by two separate names (which affects both symlinks and hardlinks). The latter is the one more directly relevant to the original complaint in this thread. The fix for that appears straightforward and is independent of the flaw that caused a problem with my pull request. (My solution just activates the tab holding a file which is already open, regardless of whether you’re trying to open it under a different name.) However, the user who does not want anything changed apparently does not want Notepad++ to suppress opening the same file under two different names either.

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn OK many thanks, I understand the differences.

  • Is there a way to Hightlight Partial Search Results?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Coises Oh man! That’s so Awesome. Thank you!

  • nested keywords

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Junior MaihJ

    Thank you so much for the reply. Your suggestion works for another instance (!else and !elseif) but not in the case I mentioned because I also use !end in the “Folding in code 1 style”. I have even removed !end from the list of keywords but it does not help.

    Thanks again for taking the time to reply!

  • How to set characters colors at Compare Plugin

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    R D MR

    @PeterJones said in How to set characters colors at Compare Plugin:

    I would suggest you change the background colors (which can be set in the Plugins > Compare/ComparePlus > Settings dialog) to darker highlights… maybe a dark green, dark purple, dark navy, dark brown, dark orange, rather than the default light versions of those colors.

    Done, thanks!

  • Need to, in steps, copy/cut/paste

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Bertil-Wallman said in Need to, in steps, copy/cut/paste:

    Hi Peter…

    (?-s)^nid (".“)\r\nnstr “”* didn’t work for me, so i tried it bit by bit and this > (?-s)^nid (".”)\nnstr “”* worked much better.

    Notepad++ is a Windows text editor, so assuming Windows line endings is natural, and works for the majority of the people; if you had mentioned that you were using Linux line endings, I would have customized the expression for your actual data.

    That instruction… "initial = 1, increase = ``, leading = none… the increase part didn’t work for me either, the box didn’t allow me to add those characters,

    That was a typo on my part. It should have said “increase = 1” – I just missed the 1 in between the ` characters for trying to make the 1 red like 1 .

    And that \bnstr \b didn’t work too, so i removed the last \b then i was back on track. :)

    There was no space between the str and the \b in my example. In my testing, I literally used \bnstr\b and it worked. If you used \bnstr \b, it would not work, because the next character after the space is a " , and between the space and the quote mark is not a word-boundary.

    But i had some other problems with the file to deal with first, …

    Glad you figured it out.

  • start and end issues

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @PeterJones I think the OP has disappeared but a tool that will go through the list of possible startup locations like those you mentioned is Autoruns from Microsoft’s Sysinternals team.

    Autoruns is mildly clunky but works. You start it, ideally as an administrator, and watch the status line in the lower left corner. Once it’s done scanning it’ll say “Ready.” Type Noptepad++ and you will see the various places in Windows that are set up to start or run Notepad++. There is a checkbox on the left side that you can use to disable entries.

    Autoruns is handy as it both seems to be a complete check of the various ways an application could get started and the enable/disable checkboxes allow you to easily re-enable something meaning a person can disable/enable blocks of things that could be causing the problem they are trying to track down.

  • Delete blank lines inside ""

    0 Votes
    13 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    You have presented a detailed non-Notepad++ solution to a problem. This is frowned upon here as off-topic. Please try to confine discussion to Notepad++ solutions, or quickly point a poster to other types of solutions without going into detail.

  • Need help with custom sort operations

    0 Votes
    29 Posts


    Thank you very much Mark. Works.

  • Search failing

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    FYI, see here for more on characters that will need to be escaped in Regular Expressions mode.

  • Syntax Highlighting Not Working At All

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Patrick-Skelton said in Syntax Highlighting Not Working At All:

    Can someone please point me at where I may have done this, 'cos my memory is failing me…again?

    You probably went to Settings > Style Configurator > Default Styles > Global Override and did one or more of ☑ Enable global foreground colour, ☑ Enable global background colour, and maybe some of the other Enables on that tab as well.

    Turn those off, then read the User Manual section “Global Styles” to learn about the difference between Global Override and Default Style, and why use of Global Override should be rare.

    (It doesn’t help that the default Style selection in the Style Configurator is the Global Override, which tricks users into thinking that it’s the best solution to changing the default color.)