On complex regex, remember this:
First, you must put \ before any ' in your regex. otherwise it will give conflict with the Python syntax that also have the operator '
You had to remove the r after find : part. So, should be 'foo' instead of r'foo'
In your default example should be (without : r in front of 'foo'
{ 'find' : 'foo', 'replace' : r'bar' },
Your code, with the new and complex regex, should be like this.
I write a second regex to see much better:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from Npp import *
import os
import sys
class T22601(object):
def __init__(self):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(Path):
nested_levels = root.split('/')
if len(nested_levels) > 0:
del dirs[:]
for filename in files:
if filename[-5:] == '.html':
notepad.open(root + "\\" + filename)
console.write(root + "\\" + filename + "\r\n")
notepad.runMenuCommand("Encodage", "Convertir en UTF-8")
regex_find_repl_dict_list = [
{ 'find' : '<link (.*?)( rel=\'canonical\'/>)', 'replace' : r'<link rel="canonical" \1 />' },
{ 'find' : '(<meta content=\')(.*)(\' property=\'og:description\'/>)', 'replace' : r'<meta name="description" content="\2" />' },
for d in regex_find_repl_dict_list: editor.rereplace(d['find'], d['replace'])
if __name__ == '__main__': T22601()