@Ekopalypse Mmm…I’ve tried many options, and in none do I get what I want…although I really believe that NFO will use a monospaced font by default and the “perfect” size so…great.
My only option was to go edit Monokai.xml to replace all fonts and sizes with nothing (for security, I made a copy).
- Find what : fontName=([“'])(?:(?=(\?))\2.)*?\1
- Replace with : fontName=”"
- [X] Regular expression
* And then change fontName to fontSize
Then I had to go back to Styler Configurator to configure it like this:
* The same with Default Style
I didn’t have to touch anything more than that and that’s it…at least plain text (like .txt), HTML, CSS, JS and XML look like before. While the NFO looks perfect (better than the image I showed you with Courier New in 10).
I’m not sure if it’s a perfect solution, but it seems to work.