Hello, @dario-de-judicibus, and All,
No problem with regular expressions ;-))
So :
Open the Replace dialog ( Ctrl + H )
Select the Regular expression search mode
Tick, if necessary, the Wrap around option
SEARCH (?=[^<>]+?<)(?:(\x{201c})|\x{201d})
REPLACE &(?1l:r)dquo;
once, on the
Replace All button or
several times, on the
Replace button
Notes :
The main part (?:(\x{201c})|\x{201d}), is a non-capturing group with an alternative, |, which looks for, either :
The LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK, of Unicode value 201c, stored as group 1, due to the embedded parentheses
The RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK, of Unicode value 201d
But ONLY IF the condition of the positive look-ahead structure is TRUE. That is to say if the regex [^<>]+?< can be matched at the current position of the regex engine
This condition represents the shortest range of characters different from the two chars < and >, ending with the < character. Note that the ending < character may, either, introduce an other tag or close the present open tag, with the syntax </
In replacement, the left or right double quotation mark is, then, changed into :
An ampersand character &. Then,
If the \x{201c} character has been found, in the correct area, the group 1 is defined => a l letter follows
If the \x{201d} character has been found, in the correct area, the group 1 is not defined => a r letter follows
Finally, the string dquo; is added
Remark : This regex can, also, manage correct areas, which are split on several lines, like as below :
<p class=“test”>
all “this”
text to
Best regards,
P.S. :
Now, if you prefer to search for all the Change “this”. areas, in some HTML code, use the following search regex :
SEARCH (?![\h\r\n]+)[^<>]+?(?=<)
Notes :
The regex [^<>]+?(?=<) tries to match the shortest non-null range of characters, different from the two chars < and >, ONLY IF it’s followed with the < character
And ONLY IF the negative look-ahead is TRUE at the current regex-engine position. In other words IF the area matched is NOT filled in with, only, horizontal blank and line-break characters !