Hello, andreas-petersen,
No, andreas, it’s not a bug ! Indeed, there are some specific Scintilla commands which involve lines :
SCISELECTIONDUPLICATE : Copy current selection or current line, under the cursor location ( Ctrl + D )
SCILINEDELETE : Delete current line, without copying its contents in the clipboard ( Ctrl + Shift + L )
SCILINECUT : Cut current line and copy its contents in the clipboard ( Crtl + L )
SCILINECOPY : Copy current line in the clipboard ( Ctrl + Shift + X )
SCILINETRANSPOSE : Swap the current line with the line just above ( Ctrl + T )
And also :
Notepad Command : Move Up Current Line ( Ctrl + Shift + Up )
Notepad Command : Move Down Current Line ( Ctrl + Shift + Down )
Of course, with the Shortcut Mapper, you can customize your own shortcuts for these commands ! Just choose the Scintilla tab ;-))
Best Regards,