Glad this worked for you. Also glad you took time to describe the problem in the original post. Most people post a sentence or two and expect others to know exactly what they want! :)
How did you set the first one? Did you use the Settings=>Preferences=>Editing=>Vertical Edge Settings, put it in “Line Mode” at the appropriate column? Is there some other way you’re setting the one column you already have?
Brilliant - that’s the type of advice I was hoping for in posting here / there / and everywhere!
As it is, the plugin is very simple and the only setup required is to save the original long lines edge indicator status (position and mode). I do this in the enable routine enColHi(). So the pluginInit() stuff really was redundant.
The problem only exist if I additional define a Comment&Number style (its equal if the style is defined as a comment line style with an open and a close condition or as a comment style). In both cases the folding defined by the Folder&Style (Folding in code 1 style) doesn’t works correctly.
I too have had repeated problems installing Compare an occasionally others (XMLTools) but it usually seems to be a problem downloading them. If I install manually that works. I do system administration and have lots of VMs. I routinely install Notepad++ and Compare plugin. Lately I have noticed the plugin installation complaining about not being able to validate the *.dlls associated with various plugin installations. Just today, I was told after installing XMLTools that a newer version than 2.4.6 (which I just installed) was available (2.4.7) but when I checked it said i had the latest.