• Howto catch closing event from DockingDialog

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thanks, that its.

    I still can’t really get to grips with WIN32 window programming. I’m too spoilt by windows forms and xaml.

    best regards Mario

  • Update NotepadPlusPlusPluginPack.Net DllExport Function

    1 Votes
    16 Posts
    Guido ThelenG

    @rdipardo said in Update NotepadPlusPlusPluginPack.Net DllExport Function:

    a build dependency on Framework 3.5 isn’t so bad as long as Visual Studio keeps on supporting it.

    Yes, let’s hope that .net Framework 3.5 will be supported/available for future Visual Studio Versions.

    @rdipardo , thanks for digging into this.

    I contacted the author from the UnmanagedExport Nuget Package asking if the package could be made available for higher .net versions. Let’s see

  • OutOfMemory error

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    You should also raise an issue in the GitHub repo.

  • New NPPN_GLOBALMODIFIED notification

    7 Votes
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    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Paul BakerP

    @Coises said in Where to set SC_TECHNOLOGY_DEFAULT:

    if you have Settings | Preferences… | MISC. | Use DirectWrite (May improve rendering special characters, need to restart Notepad++) checked

    Yes, thanks for that. The option, Use DirectWrite (May improve rendering special characters…) was selected. I unchecked and all works fine now…

    Thanks again for your help.

  • Rulers for Notepad++

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Charles-Billow, some earlier forum threads mention a rulers plugin and also that the ColumnTools plugin has a ruler.

    Adding Ruler below tab bar A Notepad++ beautiful ruler plugin (finally!) Can someone convert the Horizontal Ruler Plugin to 64 bit, please? Plugin Horizontal Ruler Keep words and number with columns I quit. You win. I’ll go find another tool

    That said, it’s not clear what you mean by “ruler.” Notepad++ does not have, and probably can’t have, the inch or centimeter style rulers that Microsoft Word, for example, can show.

    Preferences / Margins/Border/Edge has a Vertical Edge Settings thing that can add vertical ruler style lines.

    At times I construct temporary rulers in Notepad++ but have always just typed out 123456789. and then copy/pasted to make it as wide as needed.

    123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789. My text that needs to be lined up
  • 4 Votes
    7 Posts

    @rdipardo said in Generalized fix for Ctrl+C/X woes in C# plugins (beginning in Notepad++ 8.6.1):

    Don Ho obviously took for granted that every plugin would be developed on the same toolchain as the host application. And C++ developers have mostly vindicated that assumption by using Microsoft’s Visual C++ compiler almost exclusively. Plugins built with GCC are even harder to find than non-C++ ones.

    I don’t draw the same conclusion. It’s possible that I’ve missed something, but as far as I can tell, the plugin interface is strictly C (not C++) and Win32 API. That is as close to generic as you can get under Windows.

    Were the interface C++, a GCC plugin probably wouldn’t work. The C ABI is compatible across compilers (and languages); C++ ABIs are not. (They’re not even guaranteed to be compatible between different versions of the same compiler, though generally compiler vendors try really hard not to break things in that way.)

    When writing in C++ for Windows only and using the Win32 API, Visual Studio with MSVC is simply the path of least resistance. Unless you have another tool chain already set up, or additional requirements, there is little reason to use GCC, so I’m not surprised it isn’t frequently done. There’s no reason it can’t be done, it’s just extra hassle for no benefit.

    I suspect the problem for C# plugins is, strictly speaking, WinForms and not C# itself. WinForms was probably not meant to interoperate with unmanaged Win32 API windows in the same application (especially with Win32 handling the top level windows and the message loop).

    If that’s the problem, and if the creators and maintainers of C#/WinForms have not specified any mechanism by which this can be reliably accomplished, then there’s little anyone can do about it except hack around and hope, or refrain from trying to use C#/WinForms for something it is not meant to do.

  • Problems identifying number of open files

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Andi KiisselA

    I needed the number of open tabs in NppExec script, and I found this way:

    npp_sendmsg NPPM_GETNBOPENFILES 0 0 // = total, may be wrong +1 set local n ~ $(MSG_RESULT) npp_sendmsg NPPM_GETCURRENTDOCINDEX 0 0 // MainView, returns -1 if view is closed set local n ~ $(n) - ($(MSG_RESULT)<0) npp_sendmsg NPPM_GETCURRENTDOCINDEX 0 1 // SubView, returns -1 if view is closed set local n ~ $(n) - ($(MSG_RESULT)<0) echo $(n) // = right number of open tabs

    If somebody knows simpler method, it’s very welcome.

  • Visual Studio Code C# - Error MSB4062

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    8 Posts
    Skycc LimS

    i face the exact same issue you mention on top when i migrate my development environment to new PC with fresh intallation of visual studio. 1st i thought would be due to newer version of visual studio but its not.

    later on i found the solution for this, not sure if you still need it, keep a record here in case anyone else face the same issue.

    this was due to missing .net framework 3.5, just need to manually install .net framework 3.5 solve my compilation issue. Guess .net 3.5 only come with VS 2015 or older, VS 2017 onwards come with newer .net framework

  • Looking for issues to contribute

    3 Votes
    11 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @miro-penchev ,
    Sadly, @Alan-Kilborn is right, as I have on my older desktop computers the old keyboards with 124 keys, and always appreciated the extra spots for putting my own macros etc, so this would be a feature that interested me, but as @Alan-Kilborn points out, this is a niche use case, and finding a desirable number of people to test it, let alone NEED it, isn’t a compelling issue, since most people using those kinds of keyboard may very well be able to write their own macros for those keys to do what they want. I don’t have access to them right now to test that theory, but the argument still holds, that it’s not a common enough keyboard to warrant an application wide need to change it.

  • Calltip On Space 1.0 (PythonScript)

    3 Votes
    3 Posts
    Khundian TwitchK

    I’ve put the file on Github, will be better compared to a forum post to keep track in case of updates.


  • 1 Votes
    7 Posts
    Mark OlsonM


    Thank you both for your suggestions! I meant to respond sooner, but there was a power outage.

    In any case, Coises’ original suggestion worked! Thank you so much! I already knew that I had to disable GenericTabNavigationHandler, so all I did was go into the Designer.cs files for all of my forms and rearrange the order in which they were added to their parent and it just worked.

    Hand-editing Designer.cs files is kind of a no-no, because they’re automatically generated by Visual Studio when you edit a form in the designer, but I’ll happily take this solution over whatever lousy alternative I was going to use.

  • [New Plugin] LuaScript

    4 Votes
    29 Posts

    @MaximilianKohler Do a simple test to debug.


    -- Startup script -- Changes will take effect once Notepad++ is restarted print('Hello World')


    Hello World Lua 5.3.5 Copyright (C) 1994-2018 Lua.org, PUC-Rio

    With the PortableApps distribution of Notepad++, If you install a plugin and Notepad++ restarts then the environmental variables related to PortableApps are not set from that instance of Notepad++. You need to close that instance and start a new instance using Notepad++Portable.exe to have those environmental variables set. You can check by running CMD and use the command set from Notepad++ to see all the extra environmental variables that are added or values being modified.

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @А-А ,
    In addition to what @PeterJones has mentioned, there is also a quirk with the functionList that requires you to add I believe 2 carriage returns at the end of a file, to make it ‘see’ the last functions in a file. I found this to be the case recently when I was checking some code I had been fixing and noticed that one of the functions I was looking for was missing at the end of the file, and I remembered the bug, added two carriage return/line feeds, and it became visible. Read the FAQ for the FunctionList Basics where @MAPJe71 documents some of the bugs with the FunctionList.

  • Looking for Text Masking Logic in N++

    1 Votes
    3 Posts
    Thomas KnoefelT

    @Ekopalypse said in Looking for Text Masking Logic in N++:

    I’m not sure, but I assume you are looking for TinyXML .

    Yes, this was the part i was looking for. PutString is translating the special characters. This helps me a lot! Thanks!

  • Default rtl mode

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Thanks for the reply, I didn’t have access to the internet for a while, and now that I’m back, I found out that Notepad has completely fixed this problem in the new update, and that’s great.

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Paul BakerP


    The c# template I am using had these already defined… Not sure how I missed this. But thanks again!

    /// <summary>Add a marker to a line, returning an ID which can be used to find or delete the marker. (Scintilla feature 2043)</summary> int MarkerAdd(int line, int markerNumber); /// <summary>Delete a marker from a line. (Scintilla feature 2044)</summary> void MarkerDelete(int line, int markerNumber); /// <summary>Delete all markers with a particular number from all lines. (Scintilla feature 2045)</summary> void MarkerDeleteAll(int markerNumber); /// <summary>Get a bit mask of all the markers set on a line. (Scintilla feature 2046)</summary> int MarkerGet(int line);
  • NppExec v0.8.8 has been released!

    4 Votes
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  • How to Set Lexer Language after OpenFile

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    @Paul-Baker said in How to Set Lexer Language after OpenFile:

    if you switch tabs and then switch back . . .

    The NPPN_READONLYCHANGED notification exists for use cases like that.

  • How to create a C# plugin that uses a non-dockable dialog

    0 Votes
    16 Posts
    Paul BakerP

    @Mark-Olson said in How to create a C# plugin that uses a non-dockable dialog:

    One other warning I have about the plugin pack that you should be aware of…

    There are a lot of methods (29 by my count) in the ScintillaGateway.cs that look something like this:

    Thanks Mark. I’m still chewing on the dialog. The JSon Tools plugin is displaying a Settings input dialog which is what I want to do. I’ll be on the lookout for the unsafe methods and apply your recommendations as needed, I appreciate your comments. Thank you!