• Windows ten activation mishap

    -1 Votes
    2 Posts
    Terry RT

    Not sure what you hope posting in Notepad++ forum will do for you?

    What is actually your question and how does it relate to Notepad++?


  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Thomas-Zito said in Make find window stay focused on specific view/file (do not search other files):

    [badly formatted data]

    I used moderator power to add the code tags around your example text, so that the forum wouldn’t interpret the asterisks as italics commands, so that we could actually read your example data. Please use the </> button, and make sure you format your posts so they are readable. See Useful References (below).

    I want the find window to stay focused on my source file and nothing else.

    The Find dialog will always search the contents of the active file. If you change which file is active (by changing to the other View, or activating a different tab in the same View), it will change which file it searches through.

    Your described behavior would confuse everyone who expects the behavior of FIND searching in the active document. And if you are asking for it to always use that behavior, I would vehemently fight against it, because it would break most user’s expectations.

    If you are asking for a new option for FIND, so that you could either have it follow the active document or stick to the document that was active when you launched the FIND:

    Feature requests here will not be seen or acted upon by the developer, as our FAQ clearly explains. So, while we can give our opinions, we cannot implement such feature requests here. Adding yet another option to the FIND dialog is not likely to happen, as it’s already overly cluttered as it is. My initial guess is that tracking which file was active when FIND was launched would have a lot of unexpected side effects, and wouldn’t work the way you think it should, depending on the exact sequence of events.

    As a workaround, instead of leaving the FIND dialog open and using Find Next to navigate to each match, you could run the Find All in Current Document command to get all the results for the current file into the Search Results window. Then you can easily double-click on any match in the Search Results, and it will take you to the right location in the right file, regardless of which View or Tab you last activated.


    Useful References Please Read Before Posting FAQ: Formatting Forum Posts FAQ: Feature Request
  • Style Configurator / Theme -> (active) Tab color

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @PeterJones said in Style Configurator / Theme -> (active) Tab color:

    Themes are primarily about the colors inside the text-editing area, so that’s where the development focus was; the GUI elements are mostly not controlled by the theme, but by the dark-mode/light-mode.

    Thank you for the reply. Too bad I can’t share the complete theme then. I just realized that I’ll have to copy my config.xml (appdata/roaming/notepad++/) to make the theme complete.
    Well, at least I typed everything down, where and what I need to change, in case I reinstall windows.

    Thanks for thinking with me ;)

  • Function list for vbs (visual basic script)

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @PeterJones said in Function list for vbs (visual basic script):

    We told you exactly what you needed to know four years ago…

    Sometimes we waste a lot of time trying to help people here that just “don’t get it”. :-(

  • Cannot type " [ " - left square bracket.

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @PeterAdam said in Cannot type " [ " - left square bracket.:

    Developers, please avoid Ctrl + Alt hotkeys, or at least make a “Do not use Ctrl + Alt hotkeys” option in your text editor.

    Notepad++ is such a mature product, and so many keycombos are already taken, that IMO new features should not have a new keycombo invented and assigned for them, instead relying on end users to pick something and assign it themselves.

  • Npp with WSL UNC Path

    2 Votes
    6 Posts
    Siddharth KaulS

    Thanks @PeterJones @xomx for responding i have subscribed to both the #9209 and #1104. Thanks for pointing me out to those existing issues.

  • Migrate languages menu from portable to portable

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Max-Alekseyev ,

    The default lists of the languages and their default keywords are in langs.xml

    Your custom colors and user-defined keywords are in stylers.xml or your theme file.


  • Colour background not saved with .txt file

    0 Votes
    6 Posts


    How do I persist the colour?

    You can export (but not import back to N++!) “what you see in N++” to the rich text format (or html) and continue in a WP-SW (WordPad, MS Word etc).


  • Search via Google Alt+F2 entire line not just selected text

    0 Votes
    13 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @mkupper said:

    With one exception, the Notepad++ project has never had the concept of maintaining old versions.
    The exception is that while version 7 was the first 64-bit release the project continues build and and make available for download X86 or 32-bit executables

    I don’t see how offering a 32-bit release along with a 64-bit release qualifies as “maintaining old versions”. It’s merely a “choice” for the user for a specific version.

  • need help replacing multiple "answers" to these lines?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    You might also be able to achieve this with the query

    @..stamina = 9999; @..speedModifier = 2

    in the JsonTools plugin.

    In this case a regex-based solution as described by Thomas Knoefel will work fine, but if you want more control over how you manipulate your JSON, a JSON parser like JsonTools is likely a better option.

  • How to expand workspace folder for currently open tab?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Thomas-Zito said in How to expand workspace folder for currently open tab?:

    That solves my problem.

    Glad it worked for you

    Is there a way to mark this as solved?

    This forum doesn’t have such marking. People reading can determine for themselves whether there is anything more worth adding to a discussion topic, whether or not it’s already been “solved” in the original poster’s mind. (Sometimes, when the original poster has been gone for years, topics are re-awakened years later and new and productive discussion occurs. having a “solved” status might discourage such productive add-ons.)

  • Direct link to download latest version

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @sargonphin said in Direct link to download latest version:

    … I’m scripting on Windows and any amount of scripting in MS Batch is too much in my opinion :D But we’re stuck with Windows on that one so I have to make do with what we have

    Well, you can do it all in MS Batch… I used wget to do the fetch here but using curl would get the same results.

    @echo off setlocal set XVER_XML=Notepad++.xml set "XURL=https://notepad-plus-plus.org/update/getDownloadUrl.php?version=8&param=x64" rem The have_version_xml logic is mainly to help with debugging the parsing logic rem as I did not need to re-download the version XML each time. if exist "%XVER_XML%" goto :have_version_xml wget.exe -O "%XVER_XML%" --no-check-certificate "%XURL%" if errorlevel 1 goto :handle_wget_error :have_version_xml rem We expect the entire XML blob in XLINE to look like this: rem <GUP><NeedToBeUpdated>yes</NeedToBeUpdated><Version>8.7</Version><Location>https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/download/v8.7/npp.8.7.Installer.x64.exe</Location></GUP> for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in ("%XVER_XML%") do set "XLINE=%%i" set "XEXPECT=<GUP><NeedToBeUpdated>yes</NeedToBeUpdated><Version>" if not defined XLINE goto :unexpected_content if "%XLINE:~0,52%" NEQ "%XEXPECT%" goto :unexpected_content set "XLINE=%XLINE:~52%" rem Copy one character at a time from XLINE to XVERSION until we hit the trailing </Version><Location> set XVERSION= set "XEXPECT=</Version><Location>" :version_loop if not defined XLINE goto :unexpected_content if "%XLINE:~0,20%" == "%XEXPECT%" goto have_version set "XVERSION=%XVERSION%%XLINE:~0,1%" set "XLINE=%XLINE:~1%" goto :version_loop :have_version echo New Notepad++ Version: %XVERSION% set "XLINE=%XLINE:~20%" rem Copy one character at a time from XLINE to XURL until we hit the </Location></GUP> set XURL= set "XEXPECT=</Location></GUP>" :url_loop if not defined XLINE goto :unexpected_content if "%XLINE%" == "%XEXPECT%" goto have_url set "XURL=%XURL%%XLINE:~0,1%" set "XLINE=%XLINE:~1%" goto :url_loop :have_url echo New Notepad++ URL: %XURL% exit /B 0 goto :eof :handle_wget_error echo. echo Error %ERRORLEVEL% from wget exit /B 1 goto :eof :unexpected_content echo. echo Error, unexpected contents. echo Have: "%XLINE%" echo Expect: "%XEXPECT%" exit /B 2 goto :eof
  • Configure style for certain file types

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    jan benheimJ

    @PeterJones said in Configure style for certain file types:

    Historical note: conf was added to the Properties filetype in v8.4.8 (December 2022).

    Then everything is clear. As far as possible, I use portable program versions, as was the case with Notepad++ until six months ago. When I then installed it permanently, nothing was overwritten, but there was simply a program behavior that I was not used to.

  • 8.7 How to set tab width -- NOT indent?

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Hello, @frank-peelo, @alan-kilborn, @mkupper, @coises and All,

    Of course, as @alan-kilborn said :

    The notions of “indentation” and “tab” are bound up together. It has always been this way in Notepad++

    However, @frank-peelo, I’d like to show you a way to simulate what you’re trying to achieve !

    Firstly, in Settings > Preferences... > Indentation, set [Default] of the Indent Settings to value 8, select below the Space character(s) option and check the Backspace key unindents instead of removing single space option

    Secondly, create a new macro to type in a tabulation char, anywhere, each time you’ll press the Alt + T shortcut

    <Macro name="Insertion 1 TABULATION" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="84"> <Action type="1" message="2170" wParam="0" lParam="0" sParam="&#x0009;" /> </Macro> Thirdly, create an other macro to reduce the leading indentation by two, each time you’ll press the Alt + I shortcut <Macro name="Indentation divided by 2" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="73"> <Action type="3" message="1700" wParam="0" lParam="0" sParam="" /> <Action type="3" message="1601" wParam="0" lParam="0" sParam="^(\x20+)\1" /> <Action type="3" message="1625" wParam="0" lParam="2" sParam="" /> <Action type="3" message="1602" wParam="0" lParam="0" sParam="$1" /> <Action type="3" message="1702" wParam="0" lParam="640" sParam="" /> <Action type="3" message="1701" wParam="0" lParam="1609" sParam="" /> </Macro>

    Now, let’s imagine you’re working on a Python script. Of course, each time you hit the TAB key, eight space characters are inserted

    But, after some non-blank characters, you’ll be able, at any location, to insert a true TAB of eight chars, in current line, using the ALT + T shortcut of the macro.

    #00000000111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777 #23456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 # This is an example to see how it works # This is an example to see how it works # This is an example to see how it works ... Click on the View > Show Symbol > Show All Characters option to easily see the tabulations

    As you can verify, each Tab character always ends, as expected, at position 8 × k, whatever the value of the integer k

    At any moment, if you want to get the true indentation of your Python script :

    Select ALL the part of text, not already modified

    Press the Alt + I shortcut, once only

    Thus, the above example becomes :

    #00000000111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777 #23456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 # This is an example to see how it works # This is an example to see how it works # This is an example to see how it works ...

    And, indeed, the leading indentation is, now, always equal to 4 × n, whatever the value of the integer n

    However, the inserted tabulations remain tabs every 8 chars !

    If we suppose that, instead, you’re working on a C-like program. Again, each time you’ll hit the TAB key, eight space characters will be inserted

    But, after some non-blank characters, you’ll be able, at any location, to insert a true TAB of eight chars, in current line, using the ALT + T shortcut of the macro.

    //0000000111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777 //3456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 // This is an example to see how it works // This is an example to see how it works // This is an example to see how it works ...

    Again, each Tab character always ends, as expected, at position 8 × k, whatever the value of the integer k

    At any moment, if you want to get the true indentation of your C-like program :

    Select ALL the part of text, not already modified

    Press the Alt + I shortcut twice ( So Alt + I, Alt + I )

    Then , the above example becomes :

    //0000000111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777 //3456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 // This is an example to see how it works // This is an example to see how it works // This is an example to see how it works ...

    And, indeed, the leading indentation is, now, always equal to 2 × n, whatever the value of the integer n

    However, the inserted tabulations remain tabs every 8 chars !

    To summarize, it’s rather a tricky work-around. However, it’s a semi-automatic way to get, at the same time :

    The correct leading indentation for your C-like programs and Python scripts

    The correct insertion of a true TAB character of eight characters size, at any position, after the leading indentation

    That you expect to ! Just experiment ;-))

    Best Regards,


  • Duplicate behavior - duplicate whole lines

    0 Votes
    18 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Yes, but that’s probably not relevant to the OP’s situation.

  • delete all words/lines containing "__" keybind?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Samuel ConnaultS

    tysm it worked!

  • keep color on token style?

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Пф БияяєаП

    @Alan-Kilborn got it! this the fastest i always edit my notes also html unlike vsc the color is intact.

  • Go to matching brace, but in new view?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA



  • How to use the "User Defined Language" tool?

    1 Votes
    5 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @James-Burke-0 ,
    Unfortunately, every one of those variants has NON-Standard extensions, so it would be virtually impossible to do a one UDL to rule them all type of thing. The current xBASE, doesn’t work with plain dBASE, although much of it will, but it doesn’t come close to what was needed for dBASE Plus, an OOP version of dBASE, which is why I created that one with a lot of help from the folks around here.

    The language syntax differences would drive you mad, and unless you’re willing to create a lexer to handle them all, based on some criteria like file extensions, stock boilerplate code at the start of files, etc…you’ll be working your tail off to track down all the reference material needed plus writing, editing and fixing the variances that can occur between variants.

    It took me a year to complete the dBASE Plus UDL that, thanks to @PeterJones , is now in the UDL languages repository as he mentions above. You can try and use that or the xBASE version as a start.

    This won’t be a project for the faint of heart, so unless you’re ready to take on that task, I’d stick to only worrying about the variant that you need to work with.

  • Help please: /backup folder is empty

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Drew-S ,

    “almost all the checkboxes are checked” – in the Notepad++ settings, some are mutally exclusive (radioboxes, not checkboxes), so we still cannot know what settings you have. Can you do Alt+PrintScreen in the Preferences > Backup dialog, and in your AutoSave plugin preferences, and paste those two screenshots in your reply

    Now I see that subfolder “backup” is created, but it’s still empty…

    Which means that either you don’t have any unsaved edits yet, or you don’t have session snapshot enabled. Like I said before, if you don’t have any unsaved edits, the backup folder will be empty.

    And you really need to read the FAQ I linked you to.