• 8.7 unable to save files

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Mikko-Torniainen ,

    I’ve been using v8.7 since it was released, and I’ve never seen that error.

    This sounds somewhat like this issue from August – wherein it turned out the user had AntiVirus SW that turned on a buried Windows setting to “protect” the user. You might want to check the setting that @xomx mentioned in that discussion.

    If that setting was already off for you, and if you know that you don’t have AntiVirus/AntiMalware getting in the way, then try using MS notepad.exe to save a file to a given directory, and then try using Notepad++ to save in the exact same directory.

  • Dozens of open tabs disappeared

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Terry RT

    @Stefan-Knecht said in Dozens of open tabs disappeared:

    Perhaps the process is at fault then?

    No, it stems from the fact those backup files will refer to open tabs. No open tabs means no backup files.

    As that FAQ post states, you should do your own backups so that you have “real” files, not rely solely on “temp tab” files for critical data.

    You might wish to provide your Notepad++ setup. Read this FAQ post. That will give us some of that info. Any other information would also be welcome as it helps us get a better idea of the environment you are working in. Info such as, do you run multiple instances, was the backup location a local or network drive, or maybe cloud.

    The more you can provide the better chance the members here might notice the reason for you problem. Whilst this may help you prevent a repeat, the original link I provided contains probably the best chance of you recovering some (or hopefully all) of your missing data.

    Good luck.

  • Find dialogbox

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Eli-Khoury said in Find dialogbox:

    How to have the “Find” in the “Status bar”?

    Are you talking about Incremental Search, like in the following screenshot?


    Search > Incremental Search (default key binding = Ctrl+Alt+I) will show that extra search tool near the Status Bar. It’s not the full-featured Find dialog (because that obviously wouldn’t fit), but it provides normal (non-regex) searching

  • Regex Generation Program

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @PeterJones Thank you! That one did work (I thought I had tried it before I posted and it didn’t work.). But it worked when I tried it again!

  • Delete a numbered line..

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @PeterJones said in Delete a numbered line..:

    I was going from memory, on my phone, just before bed.

    Bad plan. :-)

  • Save All and Save event support

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    The OP described his use case for the need he expressed here, on the github site. Although I wasn’t able to give him resolution on the question he asked here, I did come up with a sample script that might meet his need for solving his use case. Interested readers are directed to the github site, via the link in my previous posting.

  • 0 Votes
    11 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    The problem has been solved and the fix will be in the upcoming 8.7.1 release. Details are HERE.

  • Same problem with Npp 8.7, no colors copied with Nppexport anymore

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Ben SacheriB


    Thank you for making this post. I’ve been disappointed that I can’t paste with formatting into Outlook as I used to. After reading your description, I see that Outlook supports the same feature as Word does, so Paste “Keep Source Formatting” works perfectly.

    Note that in Outlook, you can press ALT, H, V, K to paste with formatting without using the mouse.


  • Replace bookmarked lines from one file to bookmarked lines in another file.

    0 Votes
    18 Posts

    Hi, @larlei, @terry-R and All,

    However, @larlei, given the same INPUT text :

    01 01 <name>NAME-1</name> 02 <name>NAME 1</name> 03 10 <name>NAME-2</name> 04 <name>NAME 2</name> 05 19 <name>NAME-3</name> 06 <name>NAME 3</name>

    Then, the modified search regex of @terry-r, below, with an question mark, after the group 2 ([^<]+) :

    SEARCH (?-s)^\d+\h(\d+\h)([^<]+)?.+\R[^<]+(.+\R)

    REPLACE \1\2\3

    Does match and, after replacement, you get the expected OUTPUT text :

    01 <name>NAME 1</name> 10 <name>NAME 2</name> 19 <name>NAME 3</name>

    Let’s go back to the wrong syntax of the regex S/R, without the question mark. Why this regex does not find any match ? Well …

    From beginning of line, it searches for some digits, followed with one horizontal space character, and this twice ( the part ^\d+\h(\d+\h) )

    At this point, it tries to find some characters, all different from an opening tag delimiter <. But this case is impossible as an opening tag delimiter < follows, right before name>. So the overall search regex fails !

    Now, adding the exclamation mark, after the group 2, means that all the group contents are not mandatory. Thus, it can be ignored and the following part .+\R does match the remaining of the first line, including its like-break ( \R ) !

    And, indeed, I verified that, against our INPUT text, the optional group 2 ([^<]+)? is always EMPTY !

    In other words, you can simplify your regex S/R to this syntax :

    SEARCH (?-s)^\d+\h(\d+\h).+\R\d+\h(.+\R)

    REPLACE \1\2

    So, from the INPUT below :

    01 01 <name>NAME-1</name> 02 <name>NAME 1</name> 03 10 <name>NAME-2</name> 04 <name>NAME 2</name> 05 19 <name>NAME-3</name> 06 <name>NAME 3</name>

    With this new S/R , you would get the same OUTPUT as above, i.e :

    01 <name>NAME 1</name> 10 <name>NAME 2</name> 19 <name>NAME 3</name>



  • Search with content exclusion

    0 Votes
    19 Posts

    @guy038 Haha, well this was really a bit unusual.
    Big big thanks for the help, it was exactly what i needed!
    Best wishes!

  • Pregunta de novato

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Wouldn’t you just uncheckmark this checkbox?:


  • Notepad++Search and Replace Bat Operation ?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Daniel-Rafflenbeul said in Notepad++Search and Replace Bat Operation ?:

    is it possible to run Notepad++ in a batch to search and replace Strings ?!

    No. A good choice for that is sed from the GnuWin32 project (which is a Windows port of many of the command line GNU Linux tools).

  • I want change style token individually

    1 Votes
    11 Posts

    @gonyaliselim said in I want change style token individually:

    If i add highlights when someone open that txt on his computer would can he see my highlights as it

    Sorry, no. Text files have no way to store things like highlighting – they are literally saved as just the text characters in the file. Notepad++ is not going to add any new binary commands or metadata to the file to be able to store such information (if it did, it would cease to be a text editor and instead would be a rather primitive, 80s-style word processor). [see, for reference, FAQ: Notepad++ is a Text Editor, not a Word Processor]

    If you really needed to share the highlights, you could either print to PDF (if you don’t already have a print-to-PDF printer, you can search the internet to find a print-to-PDF driver that works for your needs), or you could use the Plugins > NppExport commands to export with the highlights to RTF or HTML (or put all formats into the clipboard, then paste into the Word Processor of your choice). But once you export to RTF or HTML or paste into a Word Processor, the file you are sending ceases to be a text file. We cannot decide for you whether or not that meets your needs.

  • How can I unmark any seperated word?

    0 Votes
    18 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    Similar topic HERE.

  • Windows 11 24H2 compability?

    1 Votes
    2 Posts


    Have a look here , which in fairness just says “Current Version”.

    24H2 is new enough that likely the user base is somewhat limited.
    But people are running it and it looks like very few reports of actual explosions :)

  • Paste text without jumping to cursor

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Coises said:

    The necessary function already exists: SCI_INSERTTEXT

    Good eye.
    I would have thought that function also does things to “jolt the screen”, but apparently not.


    Very similar, but simpler and less “raw”:

    from Npp import * try: editor3h # third editor, hidden except NameError: editor3h = notepad.createScintilla() def get_stream_text_from_clipboard(): retval = '' editor3h.clearAll() editor3h.paste() if editor3h.getLength() > 0: retval = editor3h.getText() return retval editor.insertText(editor.getCurrentPos(), get_stream_text_from_clipboard())

    Note that the extra effort to get the clipboard text is because PythonScript doesn’t support a way to get current clipboard contents. It can paste the contents with editor.paste(), but if you want to avoid side effects from paste (as we do here) or you want to modify the clipboard text before inserting it, there’s no super simple (i.e. function call way to do it).

    Note also that my get_stream_text_from_clipboard() function only works with non-column block data (as its name implies).

    BTW, there was a PythonScript request that such a function be created, see HERE, but it seems to be an issue that isn’t going anywhere.

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Hello, @DSperber1, @mark-olson, @mkupper and All,

    @@DSperber1, I’m pleased that you’ve got the right program ( mrcdat2txt.exe ) to edit your .mrcdat log files :-))

    Now, before your last reply, I tried to guess the similarities between some parts of your .mrcdat file and, indeed, I’ve found some !

    As you can see on the picture below :

    Each row of your table seems to begin with the FFFE sequence

    Each row of your table seems to end with the db01 sequence

    A four zero-byte sequence occurs in middle of each section

    The Yellow sequence looks like a valid UTF 16 LE BOM sequence of characters. Thus, to my mind, I thought to get valid strings after suppression of all zero bytes, in these lines …

    … And bingo ! You can verify that each Mauve/Pale Violet line, below, correspond to the File Name part of each line of your table !


    Best Regards,


  • Find & Replace

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Terry RT

    @guy038 said in Find & Replace:

    When the Regular expression search mode is set, running the Boost regex engine :

    Sixthly, you may use \Q$\E which allows any characters within the \Q and \E to be accepted as literals within a regular expression. In this example the $ is the literal character.

  • Full file Path to Clipboard with forward slash

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    To closer-replicate what @keep2000 was asking for I took @Alan-Kilborn’s code and created a new scriptlet

    editor.copyText("file://" + str(notepad.getCurrentFilename().replace('\\', '/')))

    and then assigned the keyboard shortcut Alt+/ to it. Alt+/ now loads the current forward slash formatted file path into the copy/paste buffer.

    In my case also I wanted the file:// prefix as part of the results.

  • How do I disable this really annoying popup ?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Joey MammaJ

    @PeterJones Thank you so much !!! I found the plugin. It’s called Programmer’s Pal. I tried every setting I could think of and it wouldn’t disable. Once I uninstalled PP I’m golden. I appreciate the help !!!