• All occurrences of token: Not all the same texts are marked (highlighted)

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @PeterJones Thank you. Your tip solved exactly my problem. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  • Trying to create Language for ChordPro Format but I am miserably failing

    1 Votes
    4 Posts
    Heinz FaerberH

    @Mark-Olson said in Trying to create Language for ChordPro Format but I am miserably failing:


    While reading about UDL I cam across EnhanceAnyLexer so I knew I have to install that plugin :-) Then I copied the Chordpro lexer code into C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\config\EnhanceAnyLexer\EnhanceAnyLexerConfig.ini

    Guess what? You’v made my day.

    Everything is working the way I wantet it to be.

    Thank you very much Mark

  • code folding

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Klaudiusz GawlikK


  • Disable ASCII Control characters shortcuts?

    0 Votes
    24 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @mkupper said in Disable ASCII Control characters shortcuts?:

    it may well not be at all easy for Notepad++ to have an Ignore unrecognized keyboard Ctrl codes setting.

    Actually, it should be fairly easy.
    And the script I linked to yesterday (and everyone since then has so far ignored) shows what would need to be done:
    Prevent WM_CHAR codes for the control character range from reaching Scintilla, where they are processed by putting the corresponding character in the document.

    By the way, people in the future will come read this thread, so it is best to post “correct” information.

    This is not how to define a correct action tag to solve the problem; one example from above:

    <Macro name="RemoveKey_Ctrl_Shift_X_CAN" Ctrl="yes" Alt="no" Shift="yes" Key="88"> <Action type="" message="" wParam="" lParam="" sParam="" /> </Macro>

    The correct equivalent would be:

    <Macro name="RemoveKey_Ctrl_Shift_X_CAN" Ctrl="yes" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="88"> <Action type="0" message="2172" wParam="0" lParam="0" sParam="" /> </Macro>

    Reference: https://npp-user-manual.org/docs/config-files/#macros:~:text=Attributes for the <Action> tag

  • next serch result - multiple files search

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Harald SchöffelH

    so close :D
    thanks a bunch !

  • NppEventExec - can not open specified file or it is empty

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @dinkumoil Thanks! That works. Imo, the Expression “NppExec command” is a little misleading…

  • Reset back to a single-line cursor using arrow keys

    0 Votes
    9 Posts


  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts
    no hanksN

    @PeterJones Awesome, thanks that was a super simple fix!

  • Is there any alternative to Merge files in one plugin?

    0 Votes
    16 Posts

    @Doğancan This solution worked for me (I tried it on merging HTML files succesfully):

    @Diego-Raguindin said in Combine Plugin Gone!?:

    This worked perfectly for me:

    Put all of the files you want to combine in the same folder. Easiest would be at root-level. Run a command prompt CD to the folder in Step 1 Enter command copy *.csv filename.csv where “filename” is the desired output filename Hit enter File ‘filename.csv’ is created in the same folder


  • Changing tab colors

    2 Votes
    3 Posts

    @PeterJones said in Changing tab colors:

    Sorry about that: I fixed it for you, and you now have enough upvotes to be able to post links in the future. But it’s either have that restriction and annoy the portion of first-time posters who try to include a link with good intentions, or return to being the spam-pot we used to be. We used to get multiple spam links per day by first-time posters, and it annoyed me that I had to spend so much of my time in the forum moderating spam; now that we don’t allow first-time posters to include links, I and the other moderators can focus on trying to actually help the posters rather than individually deleting spam posts. Sorry that it inconvenienced you. (And if I’m going to do moderator-y things, I’d rather edit a well-written first-time post to linkify a URL than deal with spam.)

    Much appreciated! <3

  • Issues Running Python Scripts in Batch File

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    @ImJohnFolks said in Issues Running Python Scripts in Batch File:

    With your help, (its took me around 4 hours of just F’ing around) I’ve managed to make some progress on my PythonScript within Notepad++.

    If you mean you spent a total of 4 hours on all the aspects of the script, including the research and starting from the example, and incorporating our feedback : that’s actually pretty good, considering how new you are to Python and coding in general – congratulations, such effort is to be commended. (Put it in perspective: universities offer semester-long “introduction to Python” classes. In such a class, you might not even have defined one function yet in the first week, let alone the first four hours of class and homework, because they’re still working on variables and for-loops for the first few classes. So you’re doing great)

  • Holding down Ctrl zooms the text out

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Dario-de-Judicibus-0 ,

    Are you sure it’s “only”? Because Ctrl+ScrollWheel is the zoom feature, as Ctrl+NumPadPlus Ctrl+NumPadMinus (fixed: you said it went tiny, not huge, which is zooming out). And if you have a laptop with a trackpad, holding down Ctrl and then sliding on the trackpad might also trigger the zoom behavior (and some might be sensitive enough that you don’t even have to be fully on the trackpad, it might sense you hovering a couple millimeters above)

    Or have you hit Ctrl enough times that Windows is turning on its Sticky Keys feature, because Sticky Keys can make things behave differently than you are expecting.

  • Where is the toolbar configuration stored?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Mark-Olson said in Where is the toolbar configuration stored?:

    Your toolbar config file should be in your …

    I would think THIS would be the toolbar config documentation link.

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    Have you raised an issue in the Notepad++ GitHub repo?

    If you believe this is a bug, and not just something you need help with, you should raise an issue there.

  • How to collapse/hide lines? (not alt+h method)

    1 Votes
    13 Posts

    @mkupper said in How to collapse/hide lines? (not alt+h method):

    The comments would give your text file the structure that Notepad++ can be configured to then collapse, color code, etc.

    I’ll try using this one as well and see which option I end up liking more.

    Thanks for everyone of this great community for all the help! You guys are awesome!

  • How could one use a spell checker for a portable Notepad++?

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Okey, thank you very much!

  • How to right mouse click File Open from current directory

    1 Votes
    8 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    I suppose I should have mentioned above that the script will work with filenames/paths that include spaces, whether or not the filename is wrapped in double-quotes (the typical way to refer to Windows names with embedded spaces.

    Some additional examples of what will work (the I character is included to show a reasonable right-click/caret point):

    I am some text with c:\folder with spaceIs\file with spaces.txt a filepath right in the middle of me And of course wrapping in double quotes works "c:\foldeIr with spaces\file with spaces.txt" too Even without spaces you can have other text directly adjoining the name |c:\teIst1\test2.txt| Even other characters directly adjoining will work c:\test3\tIest4.txtzzzz (opens test4.txt – presuming test4.txtzzzz / test4.txtzzz / test4.txtzz / test4.txtz all don’t exist – if any did, they’d be opened before test4.txt )
  • How to increase font-size of marked text by 1 pixel?

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    @Claudia-Svenson said in How to increase font-size of marked text by 1 pixel?:

    I need no zoom to view the text but I need to increase font for PRINTING it.
    Any solution for that?

    PythonScript plugin might help to make printing with a preferred text size easier.

    # https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/23039/faq-how-to-install-and-run-a-script-in-pythonscript/1 from Npp import editor, notepad def doPrint(): lang = notepad.getLangType() if lang == LANGTYPE.TXT: STYLE_DEFAULT = 0 STYLE_LINENUMBER = 33 # Set print size PRINT_SIZE = 10 # Get current sizes default_size = editor.styleGetSize(STYLE_DEFAULT) line_size = editor.styleGetSize(STYLE_LINENUMBER) # Set print sizes editor.styleSetSize(STYLE_DEFAULT, PRINT_SIZE) editor.styleSetSize(STYLE_LINENUMBER, PRINT_SIZE) # Print the doc notepad.menuCommand(MENUCOMMAND.FILE_PRINT) # Restore sizes editor.styleSetSize(STYLE_DEFAULT, default_size) editor.styleSetSize(STYLE_LINENUMBER, line_size) else: notepad.messageBox('Language type {} not setup for printing'.format(lang)) doPrint()

    PRINT_SIZE is set to 10 for printing and will restore to previous size after print is done.

    This is just setup for text files which only have default style 0. Other language types may have many styles and might be complex to setup for printing.

    PythonScript configuration can set the script as a toolbar icon for quick access.

    Tested with XPS document writer as have no actual printer.

  • Plugin Load Failure in Notepad++ Portable 64-bit on Select Systems

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Problem solved! Thank you for nudging me in the right direction.

    I used the ProcessMonitor app to inspect the DLLs loaded by both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of NPP and its plugins during startup, and could see that the difference between them was that the 64 bit version (only) failed to load VCRUNTIME140.DLL which is needed by apps and plugins built with Microsoft Visual Studio.

    I had actually installed the redistributables earlier, suspecting this problem. However; the ‘gotcha’ that caught me out is that I had failed to note that Microsoft has separate Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables for 32 and 64 bit architectures…

    So, after installing the 64 bit version of the redistributables (as well as the previously installed 32 bit one), NPP and the NpOpenAI plugin both work as they should!

    Interestingly, ‘Dependencies’ didn’t spot this. I may have been using it incorrectly.

  • Search and Replace - Remove specific IP ranges

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    What you say you want doesn’t quite match what you appear to want, based on your before and after.

    In any case, this should work:

    go to the find/replace form (Ctrl+H assuming normal keybindings) set the Search Mode to Regular expression

    Find what: (?-i)(?:\b(?:(?:172|12[78])\.|ff?e)\S*,\x20*)|,\x20::1
    Replace with: nothing (leave that box empty).

    You’ll have to hit the Replace All button twice.

    This isn’t really a particularly clever or complex regular expression, although it may appear daunting. Some notes:

    the (?-i) makes the regex case-sensitive the (?: and matching ) are just grouping parentheses that don’t capture the \b matches a “word border” (that is, the border between a word character and a non-word character) \S* matches zero or more non-whitespace characters \x20 matches a normal space character.