• sorting in folder as workspace

    0 Votes
    14 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn said in sorting in folder as workspace:

    issue should be created to recommend that Notepad++ do the sorting and unify behavior.

    Indeed. And make it like the Document List, where it will either present it unsorted (the default order based on the filesystem) or sorted ascending or sorted descending. (Maybe even with the extra Ext column that Document List optionally provides, so that a user could sort by extension within a given subfolder in the FaW view.)

  • Wanting to extract specific info from several text documents

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    Fantastic! That is exactly what I have been wanting! Thank you very much!

  • No Save-dialog when exiting

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @mkupper Thanks for experimenting. I have done the same here at my end, as I did yesterday, and I’m not able to reproduce what I experienced yesterday. I suspect it can be related to us using virtual desktops at the office, and the user-folder needs to be copied from somewhere everytime you create a new session. The backup might have been overwritten from central storage when syncing?

  • I found the place in the code where space is inserted in the comments

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn said in I found the place in the code where space is inserted in the comments:

    Or, you could script some behavior (which is less effort than a plugin)

    Well, I got fed up by the temporal and quick solutions and decided I will go full on onto this problem. It is kind of funny to think that I dumped much larger amount of effort and time into this than anybody in the World would ever do. It took about 6 days of non-stop development to create and polish this plug-in, but, I think, I made the most advanced automatic comment toggler in the world. It was very tricky to make it work right, especially considering that its my first plug-in for Notepad++ and, in fact, any program.

    It’s probably even better than Visual Studio one, because it still uses 2 buttons, while mine just 1 (and I also fixed some Visual Studio bugs too, so its better).

    Github: https://github.com/ScienceDiscoverer/CommentToggler

    The best demonstration is to show this most advanced feature of it:


    I hope this will have the people with similar commenting problem in the future…

  • Notepad++ doesn't delete text at the end of a document

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    This sounds like a plugin might be responsible, but nobody can be more specific than that unless you give more information about your installation. Go to ?->Debug Info... from the main menu, copy your debug info, and paste it here.

    While you’re at it, you might test if there are circumstances where you don’t have this problem; the more specific the problem, the easier troubleshooting is.

  • Missing from recent updates?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Tom StephensT

    @Alan-Kilborn Thank-you! Appreciate the response. Now if I can get the encoding correct, but that is for another post.

  • User Defined Language doesn't exclude sign in front of numbers

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Michael-Goldsworth ,

    UDL has its limitations. + or - prefixing a number with no intervening space will always be treated as part of the number.

    If you add the EnhanceAnyLexer plugin using Plugins Admin, you can use that plugin to have a regular expression apply foreground coloring:

    0xFFFF00 = [+-](?=\d) ; for UDL, need to remove 3 from excluded styles if you want ; this new color to override the number styling excluded_styles = 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,20,21,22,23

    I used cyan in my example (0xGGBBRR=0xFFFF00) to make it obvious:

    with EnhanceAnyLexer:

    without EnhanceAnyLexer (or with the definition commented out):

    The 24 style numbers are defined in the Notepad++ UDL source code (a similar link is present in the default EnhanceAnyLexerConfig.ini, if anyone reads the comments there…)

  • Help with search and replace code

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    Hello, @jessica-bruno, @mkupper and All,

    @mkupper, you’re right but these negative look-arounds are not intended to be used on their own but rather with a part outside the look-around(s !

    Refer to the two tables below.

    Copy the text of the first column in a new tab

    Use the Mark dialog to get the text matched by each of these 9 regexes, in a red/orange color ( tick the Purge for each search option ) !

    The results should be as below :

    •---------------------•------------------------•----------------------•----------------------•-----------------------•-----------------------• | | 12345 | 12345(?=aaaaa) | 12345(?!bbbbb) | (?<=ccccc)12345 | (?<!ddddd)12345 | •---------------------•------------------------•----------------------•----------------------•-----------------------•-----------------------• | 12345aaaaa | X | x | X | | X | | 12345bbbbb | X | | | | X | | 12345zzzzz | X | | X | | X | | ccccc12345 | X | | X | X | X | | ddddd12345 | X | | X | | | | zzzzz12345 | X | | X | | X | | ccccc12345aaaaa | X | X | X | X | X | | ccccc12345bbbbb | X | | | X | X | | ccccc12345kkkkk | X | | X | X | X | | ddddd12345aaaaa | X | X | X | | | | ddddd12345bbbbb | X | | | | | | ddddd12345zzzzz | X | | X | | | | zzzzz12345aaaaa | X | X | X | | X | | zzzzz12345bbbbb | X | | | | X | | zzzzz12345zzzzz | X | | X | | X | •---------------------•------------------------•----------------------•----------------------•-----------------------•-----------------------• •---------------------•------------------------------•--------------------------------•--------------------------------•--------------------------------• | | (?<=ccccc)12345(?=aaaaa) | (?<=ccccc)12345(?!bbbbb) | (?<!ddddd)12345(?=aaaaa) | (?<!ddddd)12345(?!bbbbb) | •---------------------•------------------------------•--------------------------------•--------------------------------•--------------------------------• | 12345aaaaa | | | X | X | | 12345bbbbb | | | | | | 12345zzzzz | | | | X | | ccccc12345 | | X | | X | | ddddd12345 | | | | | | zzzzz12345 | | | | X | | ccccc12345aaaaa | X | X | X | X | | ccccc12345bbbbb | | | | | | ccccc12345kkkkk | | X | | X | | ddddd12345aaaaa | | | | | | ddddd12345bbbbb | | | | | | ddddd12345zzzzz | | | | | | zzzzz12345aaaaa | | | X | X | | zzzzz12345bbbbb | | | | | | zzzzz12345zzzzz | | | | X | •---------------------•------------------------------•--------------------------------•--------------------------------•--------------------------------•

    Best Regards,


  • Tiny fonts problems, menues & settings

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @Sofia-Engvall said in Tiny fonts problems, menues & settings:

    I have 1080 monitors so I don’t have scaling activated normally but I did activate it for this test. That’s what I meant with “sized up my windows font” for this screenshot. All other text in all other programs gets too big then and the settings text is not affected anyway.
    I know other application have these problems too. My 15 yo used mcreator to make minecraft mods. It has the same problem. All other programs I have installed have the right proportions.

    Not a high-DPI problem then. I wish I had any other guesses, but I can’t think of what it would be. Since it does happen in at least one other program, though, and most of us have never seen it, there must be something uncommon in these programs that interacts with something unusual about your system.

    I don’t mean to complain. Just to know if this problem is being looked into. If not I’ll probably give up and use another tool <3 Or make my own since I only need the functionality of notepad but with dark mode.

    Up to you, of course, but if you have the skill to make your own — and since you have the problem on your system, so you can readily reproduce the problem — perhaps you would consider looking at the code on Github and trying to find the fix? That would solve it for you and (assuming the developer accepts your pull request) others as well.

    I’m sorry I have no easier ideas, though perhaps someone else will.

  • Add line of code in entire project

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    When you make such a post, you should also add that “this really isn’t a topic for this site (this site is only for Notepad++ discussion); to pursue these ideas you should find a more appropriate place”.

  • Search syntax help: keyword found, but also need data two lines down

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    Currently, I’m using this search string


    Which gives this partially useful result

    W 29-Sep-20 09:01:48 255 RH_ANG <I>RH diagnostic info </I> W 29-Sep-20 12:56:12 255 RH_ANG <I>RH diagnostic info </I> W 29-Sep-20 13:56:35 255 RH_ANG <I>RH diagnostic info </I>

    Actually, that search just finds the TAB then 255 then TAB then RH_ANG. You must be doing something else/more if you were able to filter down to the “partially useful result”

    After data - the search results that I’d like to see is this:

    W 29-Sep-20 12:56:12 255 RH_ANG <I>RH diagnostic info </I> Text: (29.09.2020 12:56:13) [00453]0100: GP 120cm -67C -34R 0A 545ST 0[%] 320F 750fr no3d 1#1

    I would do it in two steps.

    To match the W line and those following, and only extract the W line then skip one then the Text line, I would do something like:
    FIND = (?-s)^(W.*?\t255\tRH_ANG.*\R).*\R(.*\R)
    REPLACE = $1$2
    SEARCH MODE = regular expression
    Fewer details than my previous explanation (you can follow the link in the previous discussion to the User Manual Regex section for exact details on each symbol): The first (...) puts the first W line (including newline) into group #1 the .*\R matches one entire line – so this is the one between the W line and the next line` the (.*\R) matches one entire line (including newline) and puts it in group #2 – this will be the second line after the W line the replacement just uses group#1 and group#2, so the first and third lines if you don’t have a newline after your last Text: line, it won’t match properly; always make sure you have a blank line at the end of files when doing complex regex with \R markers in your search. If you also want to delete any of the groups that don’t start with ^E (which your “after” example implies), I would do a second replacement:
    FIND = (?-s)^E(.*?\R)+?\R
    REPLACE = (empty field)
    SEARCH MODE = regular expression The ^E says that the first part of the match must be an E at the beginning of the line (.*?\R) will match the rest of the line, including newlin modifiying it with +? means it will match multiple lines (since the E is not inside the () group, the +? doesn’t modify that part, so only the first line needs to start with E), but non-greedily, so it will stop at the first instance of whatever comes next the last \R means it will stop the match on a blank line after the N lines that matched above. Since the previous modifier was non-greedy, it will start at the first blank line it encounters after an E-prefixed line. replacing with nothing effectively deletes that block so this will delete the E groups without deleting the W groups

    With the data you gave, I ended up with the following, after running both those steps

    W 29-Sep-20 09:01:48 255 RH_ANG <I>RH diagnostic info </I> Text: Backlog (31.12.2009 18:01:11) [00001]Read T0=0 W 29-Sep-20 12:56:12 255 RH_ANG <I>RH diagnostic info </I> Text: (29.09.2020 12:56:13) [00453]0100: GP 120cm -67C -34R 0A 545ST 0[%] 320F 750fr no3d 1#1 W 29-Sep-20 13:56:35 255 RH_ANG <I>RH diagnostic info </I> Text: (29.09.2020 13:56:36) [00001]sequence no send: 0, received: 0, state of device: 3

    Please note: while we in the forum will help people get started with regex, having one user ask a whole bunch of regex questions gets rather uninteresting to us. Since you are at least putting in an effort, showing input and desired data, and the steps you tried, you’re likely to get more help than the lazy posters… but if that’s all you ever ask, we’ll get tired, because we aren’t really a “help me with my regex” forum. As I put it for people who are pushing that limit or beyond:

    Please note: This Community Forum is not a data transformation service; you should not expect to be able to always say “I have data like X and want it to look like Y” and have us do all the work for you. If you are new to the Forum, and new to regular expressions, we will often give help on the first one or two data-transformation questions, especially if they are well-asked and you show a willingness to learn; and we will point you to the documentation where you can learn how to do the data transformations for yourself in the future. But if you repeatedly ask us to do your work for you, you will find that the patience of usually-helpful Community members wears thin. The best way to learn regular expressions is by experimenting with them yourself, and getting a feel for how they work; having us spoon-feed you the answers without you putting in the effort doesn’t help you in the long term and is uninteresting and annoying for us.

  • Clickable Link (file://) problem

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    The problem is solved - thanks to all who responded!

    Especially the tip from @PeterJones and @Coises has brought me closer to the solution, I now knew where to look.

    It was actually registry entries (from “Open Command Prompt here” Context Menu), which I have been using since Windows 7 (without the problem). And since it was so handy, of course I used that on all my systems.

    That’s where Win10 behaves differently than Win7.

    Source: Enhancing the “Open Command Prompt here” Context Menu experience

    After removing these registry entries the problem is solved.

  • Contextual search syntax

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Mike PM

    @PeterJones Thank you so much Peter, that was exactly what I was looking for!! And your detailed explanation helped me understand it too!

  • Need Help to replace a text by finding other text as keyword

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    All of the above solutions are good, but they are not necessarily very robust to reformatting of the document, which appears to be YAML.

    Normally this is where I’d recommend a plugin or a PythonScript solution for working with YAML, but I don’t know of any plugins, and Python’s YAML package is not in the Python standard library, so using PythonScript for YAML isn’t a great option.

    Having said that, my general suggestion for performing these kinds of manipulations on YAML documents is to learn a scripting language (I recommend Python) and using that to write normal Python scripts. If you end up going that route, this forum will cease to be a useful resource and StackOverflow becomes one of your best friends.

  • Search results lost in offline screen

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Please don’t create duplicate threads; ref. HERE.

    Moderator: Please lock THIS thread.

  • помогите

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA are both fine ways to inspect the contents of a .jar file. I don’t know of any others though, and in any case such discussion is outside the scope of this forum.

  • Search and replace question

    2 Votes
    3 Posts
    Tom DirksT

    @PeterJones That worked! Thank you very much.

  • How to change color of letters of highlighted text?

    0 Votes
    11 Posts
    fdsafds fdsafdsaF

    Settings>Style Configurator>Selected Text color

  • scroll horizontally

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Thank you for your answer.
    There’s enough text to be scrolled and the View > Word Wrap is off (automatic line feedback is not activated).
    However, I don’t have the horizontal scrollbar available at the bottom of the window like on your screenshot. Perhaps there’s another parameter to consider.

    Thank you for your answer.
    Your solution works correctly.

    My mouse supports horizontal scrolling. It is another solution but less natural for me.
    The horizontal scrolling is a usual way on many Windows software.

  • "Edit in Notepad++" in context menu not working

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Solved the problem by returning Windows to its original state with the removal of programs