• 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn Very interesting take. Not everyone takes the time to detail their thought process as you have, which is clear and comprehensive. Rarely is feedback online this constructive. It is very appreciated. Thank you!

  • Macro shortcut breaks after update

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    @PeterJones said in Macro shortcut breaks after update:

    Good News

    I ran some experiments: the following macro works the same in v8.5.2 (the last version before the macro change) and v8.5.3 and v8.5.4.

    This means that the five predefined XML named entities all work, as do the two-hex-digit entities for CR and LF (and, not shown, a test of all the two-hex-digit entities for visible ASCII characters from through ~ all work as well). So this is going to make your job even simpler: to include a quote mark inside the sParam, you can encode it as sParam=""" or as sParam=""" . I wil be updating the FAQ shortly.

    Thanks Peter 🙂

  • How to preview HTML & Highlight words

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  • Skip Large files in search.

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Terry RT

    @Jim-Welch said in Skip Large files in search.:

    I want to skip ALL large files

    Whilst I somewhat agree with @Mark-Olson that it won’t be implemented I think that it’s a reasonable request to make. Firstly NPP is offering up a msg so the user can elect to NOT open a large file, that suggests the developer wants to offer an alternative just in case the user selected a big file without realising it. Could that msg also offer up a tick box to say “for all large files”?

    As there are other apps which already offer this option, that works 2 ways. Firstly another app which does offer the option, so use it. But then if another app does offer the option, maybe it has been a reasonable request after all (for that app’s developer), so maybe NPP’s developers should consider it also.

    In terms of actually getting your request before the developers nose, this isn’t the place. In our FAQ section, read the document called Feature Request or Bug Report which refers you to GitHub.

    If you do decide to load the request onto GitHub (checking that none already exist first) please do add another post here linking to that request.


  • Search replace with line feed?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    Regular expressions on (could also use Extended (\n, \t, \0, \x...) instead)
    Find }
    Replace with: depends on the line-end character you want.

    for windows CRLF, replace } with }\r\n for macintosh CR, }\r for unix LF, }\n
  • Replace with "[\U\1]" always make word missing inside squared bracket

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Mohamed MohamedM

    @Pierre-Åberg Thanks.

  • How do I change the first letter lowercase to uppercase in notepad++?

    1 Votes
    4 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    You’d need a | -separated list of all the characters’ names.

    For example, if the characters are named

    John Bob Mary Ellen Fred

    your regex becomes (?i)\\[(?:(John|Bob|Mary|Ellen|Fred)|([a-z]+))\\]
    and your replacement becomes [(?1\U${1}\E:(?2\u${2}))]
    Thus, you would convert

    [explosion] [crash] [john] yo dawg [Ellen] i herd u like regex [bob] so i made regex [boom] [pow] [mary] so u can regex [zap] [fred] with regex


    [Explosion] [Crash] [JOHN] yo dawg [ELLEN] i herd u like regex [BOB] so i made regex [Boom] [Pow] [MARY] so u can regex [Zap] [FRED] with regex
  • colors seem washed out

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    @Glen-Walker said in colors seem washed out:

    @Alan-Kilborn You know, I saw that in the configurator but for some reason I thought it was the divider between the numbers and the actual text. I think because I had seen “Folder Margin Style” in the preferences just before looking for the color. Thanks again.

    Yes That’s right.

  • 0 Votes
    10 Posts

    @PeterJones said in I’m using Notepad++ 8.1.5. and Unable to install XML tool plugin in my system:

    there does not exist a version of Notepad++ that is greater than 8.2.1 but less than 8.3.

    In fairness to @Mark-Olson, the JSON schema is less than self-explanatory at first glance. The "old-versions-compatibility" field was an ad hoc addition that I argued strongly against when it was proposed.

    As I’ve said elsewhere, no distributed version of N++ can ever reliably tell what an “old” version did, unless you recompile it with a back-ported version of the JSON manifest. At most, it can provide developers with some extra documentation, but the confusion that prompted the above comment makes you wonder if even that would be overstating its usefulness.

  • Plugin package has mismatched

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  • Goto Matching Brace for HTML/XML

    2 Votes
    18 Posts
    Michael VincentM

    @rdipardo said in Goto Matching Brace for HTML/XML:

    After sending SCI_ADDSELECTION, if you press the up or down arrow key (not left or right), both carets will remain until you press some other key or cancel the additional selection.

    I’ve tried it out and it behaves exactly how I anticipated. This is great - bravo!


  • Cannot paste into replace field

    0 Votes
    15 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Multiline search and replace was a big issue when this thread was originally created; now it isn’t such a large problem, because of the advent of the “swap” widget/control:


    It’s ALWAYS been possible to get multiline data into Find what if you select it and press Ctrl+h (or Ctrl+f), so if you need multiline data in Replace with you can select it (the replacement text) first, do Ctrl+h on it, then Copy from Find to Replace, then select your true Find what text and invoke Ctrl+h again.

    Kinda klunky, but it works.

  • edit with notepad++

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @theCENK ,

    It’s a known issue since at least v8.5.2. The developers are working on it, but it’s proved more elusive than they hoped.

  • Find and Replace

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    Thank you all for your responses.

    I also find it more logical, with my experience on computer technologies, to use ${1} rather than \1.

  • How to start a search automatically

    1 Votes
    41 Posts
    Victorel PetrovichV

    You also learn to be a bit more polite.

  • Notepad++ Datein nach Farben sortieren

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Simon LS

    Vielen Dank. Das sieht sehr gut aus.

  • Paramètres ne s'enregistrent pas

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Michel-AUBINEAU ,

    Are these settings specific to the application or are they related to the document I’m working on?

    The “Theme” (Settings > Style Configurator > Select Theme) and “icon” settings (Settings > Preferences > General, in the Toolbar section) are remembered in the Notepad++ settings, and are global to Notepad++, not specific to individual files – so all files opened in Notepad++ will use the same theme and icon choices.

    Notepad++ saves your choice when you exit Notepad++ after setting the Theme or Icon, and the next time you run Notepad++ it will use those same Theme and Icon settings.

    If you believe that it is not remembering the Theme and Icon settings correctly when you restart Notepad++, then either you do not have write permission on your configuration files (check permissions on files in %AppData%\Notepad++\ for a normal installation); or you had multiple instances of Notepad++ open, and the last one to save its settings was still using the old Theme or Icon settings so that’s what got saved; or you have multiple copies of Notepad++ installed , and you are changing the settings on one copy of Notepad++ and then are surprised that another copy has different settings (like maybe one in C:\Program Files\Notepad++ which uses %AppData%\Notepad++ for its settings, and another portable copy unzipped in D:\myPortable\Notepad++ which stores its settings in the installation directory).


    To verify the last idea: set your theme and icons as you want, and copy the info from ?-menu’s Debug Info and paste into your reply; then exit Notepad++ and restart the application: if the Theme and Icons went back to the original settings, then copy ? > Debug Info again. Paste both versions of Debug Info into your reply, and we can see if we see anything that tells us what’s wrong; otherwise, it will at least confirm which directory you should be looking in for the permissions

    Also, a fourth idea is that you are sometimes running in Administrator mode (the Title bar for Notepad++ will say “Administrator” and the Debug Info will say “Admin Mode: ON”) and sometimes as your normal user. It may be that the Admin Mode version is using a different set of preferences than the normal-user version.

  • New Update Hijacks My Tilde Key?

    0 Votes
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    Victorel PetrovichV

    @Terry-R Ok, thank you for the information.


    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Terry RT

    @Juliana-Neves said in I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED:

    I had more than 200 notebooks written, how can I recover these notebooks?

    Well, depending on what your backup settings were in Notepad++, if you actually saved those 200+ tabs/files and what remains of the Notepad++ folder structure, you have a slim chance.

    I suggest reading the FAQ post here which outlines some of the possible locations of files should you have any chance.

    Good luck

  • Automatic clipboard paste

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