• How to see hex value of character next to cursor?

    0 Votes
    26 Posts

    @Jeff-Heath said in How to see hex value of character next to cursor?:

    I’ve followed the installing PythonScript Guide,

    FYI: that guide from 2019 was focused on the brief time when Notepad++ had just come out of a confusing update, and not all plugins (including Python Script) were yet compatible with the new Plugins Admin method of installing plugins. PythonScript v1.5, released in Oct 2019, was the first PS version compatible with Notepad++'s Plugins Admin interface… but that means that PythonScript has been available through the default interface Since Oct 2019. You no longer need to follow that ancient guide.

    update: sorry, apparently it wasn’t fully compatible until v1.5.1, also in October 2019; it was first listed in Plugins Admin in Notepad++ v7.8.1 – so from that point on, you don’t need to follow that outdated guide.


  • Exportar e Importar Teclas de Atalho (ShortKeys)

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Tulio-Cezar said:

    Export and Import Shorcuts it’s pretty!

    @PeterJones said in Exportar e Importar Teclas de Atalho (ShortKeys):

    there are scripting solutions which can extract the current allocated shortcuts.

    But, alas, there are no solutions for, say, importing a file of data such that it sets up shortcuts for N++.

  • update notepad++

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    @madara-san said in update notepad++:

    Your post is a combination of summarizing what had already been said above (including what was linked in the official User Manual), and misinformation. If you don’t have anything accurate and new to add, you might want to avoid posting it.

    Future readers, to correct mistakes made by @madara-san :

    Click on the “Help” menu in the top menu bar.

    No default translation of Notepad++ has a menu named Help. The menu is actually labeled with a question mark (?). To say otherwise only confuses newbies.

    If a new version is available, Notepad++ will prompt you to download and install it.

    “Check for Updates” will not always show a new version. As the manual explains (https://npp-user-manual.org/docs/upgrading/), until the developer triggers auto-update for a new version, no amount of “check for updates” will show that there’s a new version available, even if you can manually download a new version from https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/ . The reasoning is described in the user manual. (For example, the website currently has through v8.5.2, but the last auto-update version that “Check for Updates” will see is 8.4.8.)

    Note that you will need to manually transfer any settings or plugins you had in the previous version to the new version after installation.

    That is false. The Notepad++ installer / updater does not delete your old settings from %AppData%\Notepad++ , and it does not reset them; any settings you had for a previous version in the standard location will still be in effect for the newly-installed version, unless you deleted the previous settings yourself.

    (The statement, while false for a normal installation, is misleadingly true for the portable version: true, in that unzipping a new portable zip into a new folder will obviously not keep your settings from some other portable or installed copy – that is rather the point of the portable, after all – but misleading, in that there is no “installer” if you are using the portable zip.)

  • Replace Lines from different files

    0 Votes
    33 Posts
    Ted PlumT

    @guy038 those are changes made by me, manually :)

  • Copy each line of text to 2nd line and add text before and after

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Jake StahlJ

    @Alan-Kilborn Thank you so much! I was searching for that kind of information but I’m pretty new to using Notepad++ and had no idea of what terms, etc. I was looking for. Thank you for the very useful information.

  • trim characters length of value after second comma

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Lucius BalfourL

    @Terry-R Thank you so much, apologies for the late reply, but this really did help. Thank you for taking the time to help!

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    If you’re talking about Folder as Workspace, then yeah, I don’t know a good way to do this. If you want a workspace that contains one or more folders and you want to hide files in that workspace, I suppose what you could do would be to export the workspace to an XML file, and then edit it with find/replace to comment out the files you don’t want.

    Relevant documentation is here for discussion of project panels and here for discussion of searching the project panel.

    Suppose I have a folder like this:

    C:\\silly: - foo.txt - bar.xml - baz.txt - quz.py Creating a project panel

    I go to View->Project Panels->Project Panel 1 (assuming you don’t already have a Project Panel 1).
    You should get a sidebar that looks like this:
    Right click the thing that says Workspace and select Add New Project. Now the sidebar will look like this.
    Right click Project Name and select Add Files from Directory... (not Add Folder. Yes, this is confusing). Add the folder of interest. I selected C:\\silly from the folder browser dialog and now my project sidebar looks like this:
    Go to Workspace->Save As... and save your workspace as an XML file.

    Excluding some files from your project

    Now open up the project’s XML file in Notepad++. It will have the following contents:

    <NotepadPlus> <Project name="Project Name"> <File name="C:\silly\bar.xml" /> <File name="C:\silly\baz.txt" /> <File name="C:\silly\foo.txt" /> <File name="C:\silly\quz.py" /> </Project> </NotepadPlus>

    Now find/replace in this file.
    Find: (?-si)(<.*name="[^"]*\.(?:txt|xml)"(?:(?!/>).)*?/>)

    txt|xml can be any |-separated list of file extensions you want to exclude, like txt (for just txt files) or py|md (for Python and Markdown files).

    Replace with: <!-- \1 -->.
    Regular expressions on

    Now the file will look like this:

    <NotepadPlus> <Project name="Project Name"> <!-- <File name="C:\silly\bar.xml" /> --> <!-- <File name="C:\silly\baz.txt" /> --> <!-- <File name="C:\silly\foo.txt" /> --> <File name="C:\silly\quz.py" /> </Project> </NotepadPlus>

    Now save this file and close Notepad++ then reopen Notepad++. You need to close and reopen because Notepad++ doesn’t save the association between the project panel file and the project panel until it closes.
    You should now find that the Project Panel will no longer show any .txt or .xml files.
    If you later decide you want to uncomment only XML files so that those are revealed in the workspace, you can do that by find/replacing (?-si)<!-- (<.*name="[^"]*\.(?:xml)"(?:(?!/>).)*?/>) --> with \1 (regular expressions on). Then your project file will look like

    <NotepadPlus> <Project name="Project Name"> <File name="C:\silly\bar.xml" /> <!-- <File name="C:\silly\baz.txt" /> --> <!-- <File name="C:\silly\foo.txt" /> --> <File name="C:\silly\quz.py" /> </Project> </NotepadPlus> Using Find in Projects to search only some files

    One way to make life easier would be to use the Find in Projects feature of the find/replace dialog to search your project. You just go to Workspace->Find in Projects... from the project panel, and the Find in Projects dialog will pop up. See the documentation here.
    Suppose I wanted to restrict my search to txt files and xml files. That’s what the *.txt *.xml is doing.
    If you search, a bottom bar will pop up in Notepad++ showing your search results.

  • Find and replace white space with tabs

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    Just be careful not to do Ctrl+Delete in this situation:


    If you do, it will remove FIRST on line 1 and BAR on line 7.

    Always have at least one space character on each line to the right of the “tall skinny” caret.

  • How to hide specific files by file extensions in Workspace

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Isn’t this really just a corollary to your question HERE? You could have asked both questions in one topic thread.

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts


    i am awre about the back up process but

    The FAQ explains more than the backup process. It also explains where the backups are kept, and it mentions what to do in the “Scenario: My (unsaved) files are missing!” section.

    why again and again file getting lost from notepad++

    Because you don’t have AutoSave plugin, or you don’t have the plugin set up right, or you are relying on “periodic backup and session snapshot” to do something it wasn’t intended to do.

    while all suggested checks already done as per suggestion ,

    And who but you knows what settings you actually have? If you don’t tell us, we cannot read your mind. Give us a screenshot of that preferences screen, for example.

    because sometimes backed up files also not updated very much as comparision to original file

    Then you haven’t read or understood the FAQ, because it explains exactly when the “backups” of different types happen. The “unsaved” backups happen every 7 seconds (or whatever you have the setting at); and as soon as you save the file, that “unsaved backup” is deleted. If you have backup-on-save turned on, then every time you save, it creates a new .bak file.)

    I think notepad++ team have to work on this to resolved such frquent issue for better uptime .

    It’s not frequent. It rarely happens to anyone. And the Notepad++ team has put hours and hours and hours and hours and revisions and revisions and revisions in eliminating many of the infinitude of reasons why the OS confuses Notepad++ and gets around all its backup code.

    Right now, unexpected OS reboots (crashes; update restarts) are the only time that it seems to still be losing the data. If you have data to the contrary, then describe the exact sequence of events that leads to the data loss.

    As explained in the user manual: Starting in v8.1.9.3, if you have the file nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue.xml in the same directory as notepad++.exe (the installer should have put it there for you the last time you installed/updated), then if there really is a crash, it will create %AppData%\Notepad++\nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue.log, which you can submit in an official bug report.

  • Find in Files on Network Shared Drives

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @golem-fred-net ,

    Try J:\ instead of J: – it may be that a CD J:\some\other\directory or equivalent had been executed at some point in the past, so Windows thinks the current directory on the J drive is different than the root. By using J:\, you are saying “ignore current directory, and instead enforce starting at the root of J drive”

    With a Directory of L:\bin , where L: is a shared network drive, I was able to find 1124 hits in 84 files of 146 searched for the text I was looking for, using v8.5.2

    Also, you might want to make sure that Notepad++ currently has access to a file in the J: drive – for example, do File > Open and navigate to a known readable file on J: .

  • Notepad script

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    I originally left this unlocked under the minimal chance that somehow the original poster would explain the way in which it was on topic. This didn’t happen, and now this topic is attracting replies to continue perpetuating the off-topic conversation. As such, it is being locked.

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @mkupper said in Why do some characters display as a block unless special characters are anywhere on the same line?:

    One comment is that in the thread you reference there is “… are properly displayed ONLY IF the current line contains a character with codepoint over the BMP …”
    The examples I provided were all with BMP characters. You don’t need to use a character that’s beyond the BMP.

    You rather misunderstood Guy’s statement,

    if the DirectWrite option is not checked, the four Unicode characters … are properly displayed ONLY IF the current line contains a character with codepoint over the BMP

    The “four Unicode characters” in question were 25F4, 25F5, 25F6, and 25F7, none of which are themselves above the BMP. What Guy’s experiments showed was that, if DirectWrite was not checkmarked, then those four characters would not be shown correctly unless they were preceded by a character above the BMP. So it was having a character above the BMP that made those four in-the-BMP characters display properly.

    And, as Alan said, that discussion was about those four clock characters specifically, not about every possible problem that is solved by DirectWrite being enabled.

  • Additional to "Adding properties for the CSS language"

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @DomOBU ,

    You rather left out the important bit of that phrase, while claiming you were quoting:

    Please note those words, “reply to your original post”. That does not mean “hit the New Topic button”.

    And you even quoted,

    Making such a post here ensures that readers of your original topic will be able to

    By creating a new topic, rather than replying to your original post as requested, you do not help readers of your original topic see the follow-on; instead, you make readers either try to remember that you’ve already talked about this at some random point int he past, or they think this is a new discussion rather than a continuation of the old.

    The same is true with this new topic. As I’ve already told you here, all conversation about the adding properties, including this discussion, should have been in reply to your original conversation.

  • how to launch and view a image/picture's on notpad++

    1 Votes
    14 Posts

    @franKENstin ,

    Notepad++ is a text editor. Images are not text. I am not sure how else to say it.

  • Adding properties for the CSS language

    -1 Votes
    2 Posts

    @DomOBU ,

    Stop already. That’s the fourth Topic in the forum about the same thing. The right thing to do was to create the issue (which you eventually did) and then in your original conversation post a reply saying you created the issue.

    We’ve already told you (multiple times) that posting your problem here will not speed things up. And posting it many times over, ignoring our advice to you, will just serve to annoy us.

  • langs.xml & CSS

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    The user @DomOBU eventually created the official issue #13555, and tried to tell us about it in a new topic here.

    For future readers, if you are trying to come back and provide a link (which is a polite thing to do), please make sure you reply to your original post, rather than creating a new Topic without any context.

  • Regex: I cannot find and replace unless I copy to another file

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    @Terry-R said in Regex: I cannot find and replace unless I copy to another file:

    I think \r is linux and \n is Mac

    other way around, \n is Linux (and also cmd and Powershell) and \r is Mac.

  • Add A Word in Between A Phrase And A List of Values

    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    @ZaneChiwawaUTAU ,

    Thank you for showing before and after data in the code blocks.

    You have to use a feature called “regular expressions”.

    In your instance, it looks like you want to put your character right before the first comma in each line.

    FIND WHAT = ^([^\r\n,]*), REPLACE WITH = $1強, SEARCH MODE = Regular Expression

    The FIND of the regular expression will look for the beginning of the line (^), followed by 0-or-more (*) of the characters that aren’t CR, LF, or comma ([^\r\n,]), followed by a comma. Everying inside the (...) parentheses will go into group#1 for storage

    The REPLACE starts with the contents of group#1 ($1), which will be the first field of your line, followed by the literal text 強, followed by a literal comma.

    This is just one of the multitudes of things you can do with Regular Expressions. Look up each of the tokens I shared in the online User Manua’s Searching/Regex section linked below, to learn more about what they do, and to see other similar things that can be done.

    Useful References Notepad++ Online User Manual: Searching/Regex FAQ: Where to find other regular expressions (regex) documentation
  • UDL property colorization and autocompletion

    0 Votes
    3 Posts


    Just a note, you could also use the plugin, EnhanceAnyLexer, of which I am the author, to make this happen.