@castortech ,
If that comes close to what you want, then you can use
Keywords 1 = [fusion_ and [/fusion_ in prefix mode – this means that the highlighting will continue after the fusion_ through the last non-whitespace encountered in that “word”
Keywords 2 = type sticky in prefix mode: without prefix mode, the = being immediately after the keyword means the keyword is not recognized.
Alternately, you could turn off prefix mode, and instead include the = as part of the keyword. Here is an example of Keyword 3 = filter_sepia= filter_sepia_hover=, with peach-on-yellow coloring, with prefix mode not checkmarked:
Operators & Delimiters > Delimiter 1: Open = " and Close = " with styler = bright blue to highlight the quoted attribute values.
Hopefully, this gets you started in the right direction.