And now, since you brought it up, my review of that plugin, and suggestions for other choices.
It looks to be pretty old (last update 2015), and doesn’t appear maintained
It only comes in 32bit (but they still have a non-Unicode “ANSI” version available!)
When you do create a new file of a given type, it doesn’t use the
File Name entry from the
Config Setting dialog at all. Instead, it gives it a random all-caps name, and uses the all-caps version of the
File Type dropdown as the extension for the file, rather than using any sort of reasonable extension. (so if you’ve defined a PERL entry, it names it XXXXXX.PERL instead of
I do like that it automatically sets the
Language for the new file.
It doesn’t let you pick UDL
It doesn’t seem to honor the
Auto Show in Browser when Saved (HTML) for either File1 (HTML) or for any of the other types (at least not in my experiments).
If you click the little IE logo it adds to the toolbar, it opens the active file in an in-Notepad++ instance of IE that the plugin has embedded.
Personally, I find it an interesting idea, but not well-executed. It may have been top-of-the-line in 2015 when released, but I think it could be better today. For getting the same features today, I would use:
I would use the QuickText plugin for snippets, which allow me to do the initial populating of the file (by typing start then the QuickText-expansion keystroke).
I would use the builtin
View > View Current File In … rather than than its embedded IE instance; if I wanted to render in the Notepad++ environment itself, I would use the PreviewHTML plugin instead
The one feature I see missing is automatically applying the
Language selection when creating a new file.
Of course, when I use Windows built-in
Windows Explorer > Right Click > New … > (select file type), I can use Windows to store those templates, and assign a reasonable filename and extension right away; then when I open-with Notepad++ on the new file, it’s been populated from the template and opens with the right
Language already selected as well… And this allows you do define a template for any UDL by just using the right extension as well.
(PS: Seeing the new posts from @Alan-Kilborn and @andrecool-68 , I concur that PythonScript could be used to automate the initial template as well, and Npp Snippets is an alternative to the QuickText plugin.)