• Help needed please

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Terry RT

    @Francesca-D-Angelo said in Help needed please:

    without the " at the beginning

    First off, thanks for reading and doing as requested. It makes it so much easier if the examples can be trusted.

    Try my previous solution and just remove the ". That should be sufficient although I do note some of the examples don’t have 3 sets. Your data seems a bit arbitrary as generally delimited data will always have the same number of fields


  • How to solve the Encoding Issue when reading a file in Notepad ++?

    0 Votes
    16 Posts

    @Anatoliy-Sergeev and @Ivan-Bondarenko ,

    As @andrecool-68 pointed out, your question has nothing to do with Notepad++. You are trying to hack a binary file from a game. Notepad++ is a text editor. Notepad++ cannot be expected to be able to read every proprietary binary file. No text editor, whether it’s Notepad++ or any other text editor, should be expected to read a proprietary binary file. Notepad++ cannot interpret this binary file as text, even if you or the game designer lies and calls it an XML file. It does not matter whether it’s because the file is encoded or encrypted or compressed or just a proprietary binary format: it is not a text file, and Notepad++ cannot help you read it as text.

    Please stop this discussion of game hacking here. It is off topic for this forum.


    @Анатолий-Сергеев и @Иван-Бондаренко ,

    Как отметил @andrecool-68, ваш вопрос не имеет ничего общего с Блокнотом++. Вы пытаетесь взломать бинарный файл из игры. Блокнот++ - это текстовый редактор. Нельзя ожидать, что Блокнот++ сможет прочитать каждый проприетарный двоичный файл. Ни от какого текстового редактора, будь то Блокнот++ или любой другой текстовый редактор, нельзя ожидать, что он сможет прочитать проприетарный двоичный файл. Блокнот не может интерпретировать этот двоичный файл как текст, даже если вы или дизайнер игры лжёте и называет его XML-файлом. Не имеет значения, потому ли это, что файл закодирован или зашифрован, или сжат, или просто несвободный двоичный формат: это не текстовый файл, и Блокнот++ не может помочь вам прочитать его как текст.

    Пожалуйста, прекратите обсуждение взлома игры здесь. Оно находится вне темы этого форума.

    Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com/Translator (бесплатная версия)

  • Opening 620 MB SQL file leaves it very slow.

    -2 Votes
    3 Posts
    Luciano FrancaL

    First of all I’m sorry for the English
    i believe i got your help wrong.

    I understood that it was going to have posted the question again in another sector of the forum for that reason I asked the question again here.

    Excuse me.

  • Is there a cmd line flag to turn on Monitoring??

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Chris ArndtC

    @PeterJones Thanks. That will work just fine.

  • File format changed to unknown , cant read the file data now

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Vishal-K said in File format changed to unknown , cant read the file data now:

    I have few files which were fine 2 days back but suddenly when I opend the file today it is coming to unreadable format

    I doubt it was anything that Notepad++ did. My first guess would be that you have been infected with a virus / ransomware / etc – I would run a scan immediately, if I were you.

    If that’s not it, maybe you recently installed encryption or compression software, and the file has been modified since you last looked at it in Notepad++.

  • Perfomance on Win 10 compared to being instaled Win 7

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Rafa-Rafa said in Perfomance on Win 10 compared to being instaled Win 7:

    is a win 10 issue itself or is it notepad++

    All other things (same data, same folder structure, same N++ version) being equal, we can probably exclude N++ as contributing a performance difference.

  • “data range filtering on column” in notepad++

    -1 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Ignore characters when counting match length

    0 Votes
    11 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Ah, okay, I didn’t (re)read the old thread closely enough. I thought something was going wacky with my browser or the site. I was thinking that old thread might be useful HERE, but maybe I was stuck on the “one-step” approach in my thinking (I think @guy038 always has us thinking one-step!), but I like Terry’s multi-step thoughts for that thread now.

  • Update file changes over-writing

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    may it be affected by menue-settings-preferences-misc-file status auto detection ?

  • I updated, now all of my tabs/info is gone????? Please help.

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Norman HaaseN

    @Ekopalypse Thank your for your reply. I’ll try that!

  • Installing plugins in Linux WineHQ version

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    Why not just give it a try?

  • Is it possible to add new document templates?

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    And now, since you brought it up, my review of that plugin, and suggestions for other choices.

    It looks to be pretty old (last update 2015), and doesn’t appear maintained It only comes in 32bit (but they still have a non-Unicode “ANSI” version available!) When you do create a new file of a given type, it doesn’t use the File Name entry from the Config Setting dialog at all. Instead, it gives it a random all-caps name, and uses the all-caps version of the File Type dropdown as the extension for the file, rather than using any sort of reasonable extension. (so if you’ve defined a PERL entry, it names it XXXXXX.PERL instead of XXXXXX.pl) I do like that it automatically sets the Language for the new file. It doesn’t let you pick UDL It doesn’t seem to honor the Auto Show in Browser when Saved (HTML) for either File1 (HTML) or for any of the other types (at least not in my experiments). If you click the little IE logo it adds to the toolbar, it opens the active file in an in-Notepad++ instance of IE that the plugin has embedded.

    Personally, I find it an interesting idea, but not well-executed. It may have been top-of-the-line in 2015 when released, but I think it could be better today. For getting the same features today, I would use:

    I would use the QuickText plugin for snippets, which allow me to do the initial populating of the file (by typing start then the QuickText-expansion keystroke). I would use the builtin View > View Current File In … rather than than its embedded IE instance; if I wanted to render in the Notepad++ environment itself, I would use the PreviewHTML plugin instead The one feature I see missing is automatically applying the Language selection when creating a new file. Of course, when I use Windows built-in Windows Explorer > Right Click > New … > (select file type), I can use Windows to store those templates, and assign a reasonable filename and extension right away; then when I open-with Notepad++ on the new file, it’s been populated from the template and opens with the right Language already selected as well… And this allows you do define a template for any UDL by just using the right extension as well.

    (PS: Seeing the new posts from @Alan-Kilborn and @andrecool-68 , I concur that PythonScript could be used to automate the initial template as well, and Npp Snippets is an alternative to the QuickText plugin.)

  • How can the missing font-size 13 be added?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Number 13 is an unlucky number (at least for the Russians!)

  • Sorting broken with v7.8.9 update?

    0 Votes
    15 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Doc-John said in Sorting broken with v7.8.9 update?:

    As for examples, I haven’t been able to sort any of dozens of files, including lists of only numbers, so take your pick.

    This is an idiotic statement.
    YOU are the one that needs help.
    You’d think you’d bend over backwards to provide even the simplest example and show how it doesn’t work for you.

  • How do i move decimal points over using "Ctrl+h" Replace with function?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Terry RT

    @Matthew-Plueard said in How do i move decimal points over using "Ctrl+h" Replace with function?:

    move the decimal point over by 2 spaces for each number value

    You will need to be a bit more precise in your explanation. Move can go either left or right.

    So an excerpt from your file:

    (2, 'Work Jeans', '12.00', '6.00'), (3, 'Orange Hoodie', '15.00', '7.50'), (6, 'Military Magazine', '1200.00', '600.00'), (7, 'Military Suppressor', '100.00', '50.00'), (8, 'Vertical Grip', '200.00', '100.00'),

    I assume you’d probably want to go right, it makes more sense (cents) to do so, although I’m not going to provide any solution until you can be precise.

    In fact with regards the examples I provided from your file, can you provide the result you expect?

    When inserting the examples into your post, enter them first, then highlight all the example lines and hit the </> button immediately above the window in which you are typing. They will then appear in the black box as I did.


  • UDL, lost all formatting

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    i fixed it manually. i noticed my installation has a userDefinedLang folder which contains the default Markup language settings in an XML file, but I also have a separate userDefinedLang XML file which contains my customized languages.

    once i fixed it i can see the settings in the XML file i also made a copy on network drive and can see the same formatting in that XML as well.

    not sure how i lost the other one but at least i know how to troubleshoot if it happens again.

    thanks for the attention

  • Browser doesn't launch java script

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @lidia-lidia ,

    That has nothing to do with Notepad++. Whatever editor you use to type your HTML+JavaScript, the browser will treat it the same.

    There might be new security settings on Edge and/or Firefox (and/or Chrome) which allow local JavaScript or not. But that becomes a question for experts in your browser of choice, not for experts in your editor of choice. I highly recommend finding a forum for your browser, and asking there why the same HTML+JavaScript will work on the remote online server, but won’t work when you try to render a local copy of the page.

  • A way to detect bracket pairings in a macro?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alt KahA

    @PeterJones Thanks! I had no idea there was a “Select All Between Matching Braces” but that will do the trick!

  • Errors with configuration file symlinks

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Ah, never mind. There was an issue with the theme symlink, which when corrected fixed everything. Not sure how that caused an error with the stylers.xml file - that symlink was just fine - but it went away, just the same.

  • Remove Numerical Value

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Gavin CampbellG

    It works, Thanks alot Terry. Be blessed