• Plugins installed but MIA

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    M Andre Z EckenrodeM

    Got it straightened out. Had to reinstall. Thanks.

  • langs.xml: Distinguish between range and 'range (apostrophe!)

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @PeterJones Thanks a lot for that very good information!
    I´ll see how to deal with this.

  • multi-part keywords folding doesn't work in other languages

    1 Votes
    4 Posts
    Pillow DarkP

    @PeterJones thanks for the explanation. Maybe I’ll try to fix this myself, but I dont feel confident.

  • Alt+l+x tag is not adding in macro

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    9 Posts

    @vijay-S said in Alt+l+x tag is not adding in macro:

    I have a single line big xml. … without downloading TExtFX or XMl tools plugin.
    is there any way

    Notepad++ does not have any native XML formatting tools built in.

    I understand that having XML (or HTML, or any other code) all on a single line with no line breaks can be annoying.

    There are two good ways and a bad way to format XML (or any other code), and a fourth way that is really just a lame workaround:

    Download a plugin that already handles it, like XML Tools. You have rejected this without giving a reason, even though this is the best answer to give you Note: TextFX hasn’t been maintained in years, and thus hasn’t kept up-to-date with modern Notepad++. I wouldn’t recommend that route. Download a tool unrelated to Notepad++ which will give you an external .exe file which will format your XML for you. This is better than nothing, but not as convenient as having it in a Notepad++ plugin @Michael-Vincent has posted that he uses tidy5 for XML, and runs that (and other code tidy apps) using an NppExec script shared in another post. Of course, that also involves a plugin, so even though it’s another good suggestion, you are likely to reject it. Do a poor-man’s “xml tidy”, which just involves splitting at the end > of every XML tag. FIND = >, REPLACE = >\r\n will put a newline after ever > This will not do any fancy indenting If you want fancy indenting, use a tool developed for the job, like the XML Tools plugin or tidy5 or whatever other external tool you want Workaround: Turn on word-wrap, and Notepad++ will at least visually wrap, so you can change the width of your editor window to decide how many characters will be shown per “line”. Please note that this doesn’t change the underlying XML, so that will still all be one big long line.

    Rejecting pre-made and already-debugged solutions will only hurt you and the quality of your work. Thinking that we will re-invent the wheel for you, just because you don’t happen to like a particular brand of tire, could be considered rather selfish. I recommend using suggestion #1 or #2. Good luck.

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @vbloke2020 ,

    The ...\Microsoft\Windows\Recent folder is a Microsoft Windows-specific folder, where the Windows OS keeps links to “recently used files”. So if files are being created there, it’s likely a link, and it’s likely because you have the Windows feature for tracking recently-used-files open, and you had recently opened a file called CustomDestinations<alpha_numerics>.temp, whether intentionally or as a side effect.

    You can control the MS Windows setting at Start Menu > Settings > Personalization > Start, with the “Show recently opened items …” toggle.

    If it’s really Notepad++ that’s “creating” that file, likely one of your plugins is creating a temporary file someplace else (presumably in a temporary folder), and then Windows is creating a shortcut to that file in that ...Windows\Recent folder.

  • Can I download NOTEPAD++ ON MY MAC??

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    2 Posts

    @Tanja-Burovska ,

    There is no official native port of Notepad++ to the Mac. However, I believe there are some here who have used the Notepad++ on a Mac before, probably using something like Wine (which is a tool for running Win32 applications on Linux, but since Mac is built on Linux, I believe I’ve heard Wine works on Macs, too). So the best I could say is, “try installing Wine for Mac, then install Notepad++ using Wine”. Unfortunately, I don’t have access to those environments or tools, so I cannot give you more than that.

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts

    have nothing to do with Notepad++'s existing FunctionList

    At least FunctionList will scan the entire text. I thought maybe it can resolve the hierachy path at the same time. But now I think it’s more like the Scintilla’s job.

    It appears to be more of a request appropriate for the XMLTools plugin.

    I don’t know if such a plugin exists or can be build. And It’s not limited to xml codes If I can get Scintilla’s folding hierachy, right?

  • Commenting out some lines is not working

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    2 Posts

    @Jap-Leuk ,

    The menu entries Edit > Comment / Uncomment > … do work – including toggle (Ctrl+Q) and single-line comment (Ctrl+K), even in the most recent Notepad++ (v7.8.9)

    You hint that you are authoring some sort of webpage (“the text … was not used on the website”), but you are mentioning c/c+±style comments /* ... */ and // ... . Javascript does use c+±style comments, but you were not very helpful in the description of the problem; I cannot tell what’s really going on for you.

    If the same exact code, manually typed in some other application (like Microsoft’s notepad.exe) produces the same results that you get when you type the code in Notepad++, then the question is really about the coding, not about Notepad++, so you’ve asked the question in the wrong place (cookies!), and you need to find a more appropriate forum for your question.

    However, if you are truly convinced that Notepad++ itself is doing something wrong, you will get better help if you can explain the problem by using actual text (use the </> button on the forum toolbar to format your text so it doesn’t get mangled by the forum) and/or screenshots of what’s happening. (If you find that all your screenshots are from your web browser, once again I maintain that you’re probably asking the question in the wrong forum.) You need to explain to us what you think Notepad++ is doing wrong, what Notepad++ is actually doing, and how you think Notepad++ should do it differently.

  • My html code won't display anything in my web browser

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    7 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Enjoy the holiday, forget about the forum for a while! :-)

    Okay. But, and it is a big BUT, people don’t want to type a filename AND select a dropdown in N++.

    Or maybe they do, because we used to have huge noise about how N++ wouldn’t autoappend the extension based upon what they chose in the dropdown.

  • %USERPROFILE% in File URI Link in Notepad++

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    (The only reason I’m using the Microsoft Store version is that this is a work laptop and I don’t have admin privileges to otherwise make a portable install of Notepad++ the default text file handler. But your point is noted.)

  • FunctionList help

    0 Votes
    14 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @guy038 said in FunctionList help:

    I realized that my nice theory is, most of the time, rather useless

    So I guess I am confused by this.

    Just select all this text… (and further instructions)

    Yes, but isn’t it often the case that you don’t have handy such an exact text you need to search for?

    Maybe you need to search for a certain character, and all you have is its code. Example, the cheese wedge from before. You may immediately know that it is \x{1F9C0} but that’s all you know and you want to search for it.

  • Product updates erase my recent files list

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Do you think that is better than the session file approach?
    I don’t.

  • Help needed for wildcard-search

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Mario L.M

    Thank you very much, worked perfectly !

  • How to configue Notepad++ with any programming languages?

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Thierry TrouilletT

    @Makwana-Prahlad Ok Thank you very much

  • notepad.saveAs multiple files in a folder including subfolders?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts


    Something like this should do what you try to achieve

    from Npp import notepad import os root_directory = r'C:\xyz\xyz\A' for _dir, _, _files in os.walk(root_directory): for _file in _files: if _file.endswith('.mht'): __file = os.path.join(_dir, _file) notepad.open(__file) notepad.saveAs(__file.replace('.mht','.txt')) notepad.close()
  • Always On Top Configuration Option

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    If you are going to make a feature request, HERE might be a good place to put it, although it isn’t an open issue, developers might reopen it for your new request.

  • 1 Votes
    15 Posts

    @VTGroupGitHub said in Sort as "aaAAbbBBccCC" or "AAaaBBbbCCcc" but not "AABBCCaabbcc", "aabbccAABBCC", or "aAAaBbbBCcCc":

    as I almost made … my post body “See title.”

    Thank you for not. That might’ve earned you a downvote on your OP from some users here, rather than getting you an answer. :-)

  • starting npp++ via batchfile

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Ah, so it wasn’t call or start at all?
    It was the HexEditor plugin.
    Maybe that should be the first debug question with all problems, “Are you using the HexEditor plugin?” It seems to cause a good number of strange issues.

  • 0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Olivier ThomasO

    Replace With = >${=java.util.UID.randomUID\(\)}<

    It’s tough to make that assumption, when so little data is provided.

    You’re right.
    What is an example, such an answer

  • Notepad++ and Roselyn C# 8.0 compiler

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    for others: this was re-opened a few days later at the new topic: https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/19977/how-to-configue-notepad-with-any-programming-languages … any further discussion on this question should go there rather than here.