Wow, so reread documentation again, and it appears that Don of Notepad++, worked with, or had developed a section to handle this exception. I’m seeing that making an interpreter like this is problematic. Kudos for UDL working on that, as I’m sure this wheel gets reinvented for every Language Plugin. So, it’s ironic that the section in UDL doesn’t support operators in the interpretation for forward/reverse logic in the comment section. Not that I know this would help here. In starting the UDL, I picked the comment section as the first part to start with, as it seemed to be the first win I could get, this exception really threw me… till I did what Don had to do for C/C++ that I had to do with .lua which is use the ‘delimiter’ section for the exception. “–” to open/(EOL) as a closer. Worked great, just wish it wasn’t needed, and comments keys could go into comment section.
So, I ‘resolved’ this… if that’s what one could call it. At least it works now. :-) Can I pat myself on the back, or get admonished for posting a problem I solved simply by RTFM again! lol
Thanks to those who at least poked in to see if they could help! I think this UDL has a lot of promise! Sure wish I could help; but man, I don’t want to pick up on C/C++ again, it’s been too long. Whereas I’ve had to become more flexible in my old age… I remember C/C++ as very strict, even if as I recall it was one of the most sophisticated ways to write Machine Code!