• [New Plugin] BetterMultiSelection

    2 Votes
    14 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn said in [New Plugin] BetterMultiSelection:

    @E-de-Miguel said in [New Plugin] BetterMultiSelection:

    Example: I have 200 hundred lines and I want to add some text at the end of each line. I would love to multi-select all the lines with Shift+Alt and press End to go till the end of all selected lines with the carets enabled yet (now the N++ loses those multi-carets) .

    I have no problem doing this (with BetterMultiSelection installed and enabled). I make a column-block on (any) parts of all the lines I want to affect – doesn’t have to be something that boxes in the entire line – and then I press the End key and blammo! – I get a bunch of carets at the end of each individual line.


    @Alan-Kilborn is describing the expected behavior and I also do this frequently.

  • SQLinForm dll not compatible with the current version o N++

    0 Votes
    28 Posts

    @rinku-singh ,

    What does a PR for NppGTags plugin have to do with the issue at hand? A random link, and the statement “i think you are at windows 10”, doesn’t help anyone understand what you are trying to get across.

    If you think the NppGTags solution will help @Guido-Thelen solve his problem, you will have to explain how and why you think that.

    edit: Are you suggesting, like in the issue behind that PR, that @Guido-Thelen should install/update his Visual C++ redistributable 2015-2019 ? /edit

  • dictionary and spell check

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Esmee LohgynnE

    Hi, follow-up. I go spell working, I think. FYI if I click on the “?” in ++ it brings up a window asking about the path for Aspell and guessing that is where i got off course. thanks, this marginally computer literate appreciates your help.

  • Notepad++ DuoTone Dark: 5 clean themes

    5 Votes
    9 Posts

    NOTEPAD++ DUOTONE DARK V0.8 (added Ruby, Powershell support)
    Download | 7zip (18kb) | ZIP (50.9kb)

    Supported languages: C, C#, C++, Objective-C, HTML, XML, YML, PHP, Java, Javascript, Typescript, VueJS, JSON, CSS, SASS, SCSS, SQL, Python, Makefile, bash, batch, LaTeX, R, Powershell, Ruby, diff
    Supported dotfiles: .env, .prettierrc, .eslintrc, .gitmodules, .gitattributes
    Included UDL’s: Markdown (improved), Dockerfile

    To use the markdown UDL, copy the userDefinedLang.xml to your Notepad++'s userDefineLangs folder, and restart Notepad++
    To use the Dockerfile UDL, your file must have the extension .dockerfile or you must manually change language.

  • FIND in all files goes to the wrong line when editing

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Neil SchipperN


    Your title “in all files” disagrees with the body “in current document”

    In addition to Alan’s suggestions, here’s another:

    perform (current doc) s&r so all instances of the text have a loud flag, for ex. "CREATE TABLE(ATTENTION ROY!) do 1 normal search on the altered text; use F3 to cycle thru all hits, making any changes or fixes you require do a final (current doc) s&r so all instances of (ATTENTION ROY!) are removed
  • New Plugin for REST API calls (Second Try)

    3 Votes
    4 Posts
    Vivek GhuleV

    fine, thanks.

  • XmlTreeview Plugin crashes

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @ricardo-cours ,

    If you are still around, I would recommend that you let the author of nppxmltreeview know of your results – that “Rome” wouldn’t work with v7.9.1 32/64 for you, but “Berlin” would – so that the author can try to fix the plugin. Otherwise, other people will have the same problem you did.

    just go to the nppxmltreeview issues and submit a new issue.

  • Using Zen coding on updated notepad++

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Tusar-Tarun ,

    You didn’t mention what version you upgraded from, or what version you upgraded to. If the “from” was old enough, the plugin would have to move.

    Other things to look at:

    https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/19118/zen-coding-plugin-installed-but-not-working https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/18916/zen-coding-plugin-problem-solved

    If you want more than that, you’re going to have to provide more detail.


    dark [mode]

    Probably not to your definition. There are plenty of dark themes in the Settings > Style Configurator > Select Theme pulldown options. But that doesn’t change the UI itself to use a “dark mode”. You can search the forum for plenty of other topics about this… it might be possible to configure Windows to be dark, and the Notepad++ UI will inherit that darkness. But that’s really not a Notepad++ -specific question (though the linked search will provide some insight into the process)

  • User language to be upgraded to a std. language ?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Probably best to post your idea for it here; see what is thought of it.

  • Request New Plugin

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Simplified version.
    Place this text in the ‘Notepad ++ \ plugins \ jN \ jN \ includes’ directory and this functionality will work for you on the selected text by pressing the ‘Ctrl + Shift + C’ hotkey.

    // trdm 2020-11-20 11:44:27 // вычисляет выделение в N++ как выражение с пом WSH javascript 'eval' // file: C:\_ProgramF\Notepad++\plugins\jN\jN\includes\trdmUtil.js // repo: https://github.com/trdm/jn-npp-scripts function evalSelection() { var selTextOrig = Editor.currentView.selection; if(selTextOrig.length == 0) { return; } var vRezult = 0; try { vRezult = eval(selTextOrig); } catch(e) { vRezult = ''; } if(!vRezult) { return; } else if(vRezult == NaN) { return; } Editor.currentView.selection = selTextOrig + " = "+vRezult; } var myEvalSelectionItem = { text: "Eval selection \tCtrl+Shift+C", ctrl: true, shift: true, alt: false, key: 0x43, cmd: evalSelection }; if (!jN.scriptsMenu){ var scriptsMenu = Editor.addMenu("jN.scripts"); jN.scriptsMenu = scriptsMenu; } scriptsMenu = jN.scriptsMenu; addHotKey(myEvalSelectionItem); scriptsMenu.addItem(myEvalSelectionItem);

    alt text


    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Asif-Mute ,

    That’s not the way that Notepad++ plugins work. Just install the ones you want.

  • Chocolatey Package for Notepadplusplus removes all plugins

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Harald Sømnes HanssenH

    I think I found out what the original problem was

    Lots of people had 7.5.7 installed when I upgraded their version up to 7.9.1
    I had not remembered there was an discussion around 7.6.2. where to put the plugins, so when I bumped up the version to 7.9.1, plugins were removed.

    I tested removing notepadplusplus and installing it again, the extra plugins I used, persisted after the upgrade.

  • Bug in regex replace use?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Hello, @eyal-plotkin, and All,

    Well, I think that you should download the last N++ release v7.9.1 !


    A major regex enhancement fixes some bugs about the look-behind structures and some look-behind assertions as \A and \b :

    Refer to point 3 of the change.log file :

    3. Fix RegEx look behind operations and \A and \b and \z (Fix #713, #1870, #2216, #2360, #9004, #4855).

    Best Regards,


  • TextFX 0.27 x86 and x64 available

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    @rainman74 said in TextFX 0.27 x86 and x64 available:

    Here I provide TextFX 0.27 in builds for x86 and x64.

    HTML Tidy is also available in both versions.


    Have fun ;-)

    Can we get an updated download link?


  • NppExec v0.6.1 has been released!

    6 Votes
    3 Posts
    Vitaliy DovganV

    It’s not a secret :) My activity on GitHub includes NppExec and two plugins for AkelPad text editor. AkelPad is unbelievably customazible: it can be a simple SDI editor similar to the standard Notepad; it can be an MDI text editor without advanced features; it can be an advanced MDI code editor with syntax highlighting, additional plugins and scripts. Finally, it is written in C, and it is small and fast.

    Also, due to project needs several years ago I’ve bought Sublime Text. It is fast (not as fast as AkelPad, but anyway) and has some outstanding features for developers (including “indexing” that allows IntelliSense-like experience). On the other hand, I was shocked how hardcore and unfriendly Sublime Text is when it comes to customization. For example, I went through several circles of hell before I managed to change the background color of selected text. (While you need just a few seconds to do the same in Notepad++ or AkelPad!) Another example: Sublime Text’s workspace files can be highly customized by the user, on the one hand, but, on the other hand, it is achieved only by manual editing of these files - and the editor does not even try to suggest you what you can type in this file and what you can not! Finally, Sublime Text is updated much less frequently comparing to Notepad++ and I have not felt any benefit from being a registered user (who have bought the license): all my questions in the forums had been answered by experienced Sublime Text users (similarly to what we have in Notepad++ forums) rather than by developers’ representatives, and I had not received any official answer from the developers regarding two features I proposed (unsimilarly to Notepad++ forums) as if I was just ignored by them.

  • New Plugin for REST API calls

    1 Votes
    4 Posts

    @PeterJones ,

    I have created a new repository called RestApiToText, and will start a separate thread with the new repository. Thanks for your help!

  • Hex-Editor plugin failed to handle files other than UTF8 encoding

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn said in Hex-Editor plugin failed to handle files other than UTF8 encoding:

    @PeterJones said in Hex-Editor plugin failed to handle files other than UTF8 encoding:

    And I believe that the Scintilla editor object stores the text in memory as UTF8

    Is this always true, though?

    Apparently not.

    Using a file with your ➤ character (from the other post) in it, I started playing around. UTF8, UCS2-LE-BOM, UCS2-BE-BOM all show up differently (and with the number of bytes and endianness that I would expect), but if you choose one of the 8-bit character set “encodings”, it always uses the UTF-8 byte sequence for the ➤ character.

    So, it appears the Hex Editor works as expected for any of the UTF8/UCS2 encodings, but not with the character set. Given that character sets are treated differently in the code (there aren’t many NPPM_ or SCI_ messages dealing with character sets, compared to more with the Unicode encodings), it appears that character set is mostly used during read-from-disk or write-to-disk, and not during the internal manipulation.

    why does Scintilla have/need the SCI_SETCODEPAGE and SCI_GETCODEPAGE functions?

    Not sure, really. No matter what character set or encoding I choose for a given editor tab, editor.getCodePage() always returns 65001. As far as I can tell, the SCI_GETCODEPAGE only ever returns 65001. Even when I change the settings so that New documents are in something like OEM 855, which should be codepage 855, it returns 65001. Even when I go to cmd.exe, chcp 855, then launch a new instance of Notepad++ from that cmd.exe environment, it returns 65001. Even if I editor.setCodePage(855), a subsequent editor.getCodePage() returns 65001.

    Oh, from Scintilla SCI_GETCODEPAGE docs, “Code page can be set to 65001 (UTF-8), 932 (Japanese Shift-JIS), 936 (Simplified Chinese GBK), 949 (Korean Unified Hangul Code), 950 (Traditional Chinese Big5), or 1361 (Korean Johab).” So it’s there for choosing either UTF-8 or one of the Asian codepages. The docs also mentioned that 0 is valid (for disabling multibyte support). When I set 0, then it reads back 0; similarly for the 6 explicit values quoted.
    But if I choose a charset like Shift+JIS, it does not change the SCI_GETCODEPAGE readback, so the codepage and charset are separate entities.

    But back to the higher level:

    Basically, it appears that if it’s a real Unicode encoding (UTF8, UCS2), HexEditor will use that byte representation. But if it’s a “character set”, then it shows UTF8 bytes for non-ASCII characters, no matter how it happens to be encoded on disk. I am still guessing this is based on how Scintilla handles the bytes internally.

  • Tia ; Is there a pluggin to colorize .js files ?

    0 Votes
    18 Posts

    @vmars-vernon said in Tia ; Is there a pluggin to colorize .js files ?:

    I don’t really know what this is

    There’s a FAQ in this Forum on that: https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/15740/faq-desk-what-is-appdata

    Do people not check FAQ of a forum anymore?

  • unable to download HexEditor Plugin from the plugins admin

    1 Votes
    7 Posts

    @Bastien-Haemmerli Better to use a full-fledged Hex Editor,
    free HxD https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/

  • pluggin to colorize .js files ? Still Need Help .

    -1 Votes
    2 Posts

    Be patient. Not all responses come within 1 minute, 1 hour, or even 1 day. Sometimes, you have to wait until someone who happens to have the knowledge you seek has time to log onto the forum.

    Other readers:
    Do not reply here. Reply in the original topic