• Autocomplete to properly recognize keywords with dash

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    In addition, if I have a keyword with a last tag that does not match a full keyword, I get no calltip. For example, I defined the keyword adjust-cross-section-to-ground and I don’t have a keyword ground, therefore I don’t get any calltip for adjust-cross-section-to-ground (however it appears in the autocomplete list).

  • How Notepad++ selects autocomplete?

    0 Votes
    17 Posts

    @PeterJones and @Michael-Vincent, would you mind if I summon you to see a new post of mine to see if you have an idea for another autocomplete issue? It’s different from this one and I did not want to mess up this thread with a different issue.

  • files match

    0 Votes
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    Alan KilbornA


    What exactly do you want to “fix”?

  • Markdown Literary Programming with live preview using Preview HTML plugin

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  • XML plugin error

    0 Votes
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    Michael VincentM

    @Dave-Cain said in XML plugin error:

    When I try to get the Current XML Path I get the error message “current node cannot be resolved”.

    What’s up with that?

    Perhaps better asked - with MUCH MORE clarity and description here.


  • [Request] Drag/drop manual sorting in doc switcher

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    R JR

    For reference, I found this… Sublime Text has that feature. Unfortunately it’s not free, and it has other drawbacks so I still prefer NP++.
    Here’s a short clip showing exactly what I was talking about.

  • RestApiToText Version Available

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  • Extra feature/button Toolbar

    0 Votes
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    Bob LoeffenB

    Ok, I have to see if I can find out how to do that, thanks!

  • Error on installation v 7.9.5

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    5 Posts

    @Vasile-Caraus Ensure you have enough permissions to write to the D: volume. Maybe, running installer as administrator could help. I don’t know whether it will have other consequences or not.

  • favorite files and recents files sub-menues

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @PeterJones said in favorite files and recents files sub-menues:

    Way to make a person feel slow: you got nearly the same information portrayed, in less time, with screenshots no less!

    Well…(simple) screenshots take less time to make than typing some text, so it was not a great achievement on my part!
    I certainly wasn’t trying to beat anyone to the punch. :-)
    I think the “achievement” was in all of the good info we gave the OP, in a very short turnaround time. :-)

    I guess the one thing I added to the conversation was mentioning the NppFavorites plugin.

    Yes, so we also got some nice diversity in our replies. :-)
    I have not tried NppFavorites myself, as the Explorer plugin has always met my “favorites” need.
    But…looking now I see that favorites is really all I use Explorer for anyway, so maybe I should try “streamlining” functionality and dumping Explorer in favor of NppFavorites… Hmm, will that outweigh the “hates change” feeling I have? Hmmm.

    I always like it when I can reply with something I’ve used and had success with.
    I will reply and point out a plugin that I haven’t used, but only if I don’t have anything else to recommend, and I try to give a disclaimer to the “haven’t tried, but know of…” variety.

  • How to get text and/or scintilla handle for background file?

    2 Votes
    28 Posts

    I was not replying to you. But I considered some more later. Would it be a safe feature, and should the developers consider whether such feature could be exploited by malicious softwares? Maybe it’s an unsafe plus an useless feature. So, just let it be.

  • Support for custom plugin repository

    1 Votes
    5 Posts

    Hi @peterjones and All,

    While playing around with the .md and .json files of the Plugins List, I came across two small irregularities but I don’t exactly know to which person I should report it !

    In the plugin_list_x86 file, below :


    At the beginning of the description of the SQL plugin, there is an weird FF character in the string Allows to search\filter a CSV formatted text …, because the \f is wrongly detected as a Form Feed char !

    In both files pl.x86.json and pl.x64.json, below :



    The link of the Preview HTML plugin seems to contain a wrong %## syntax. Indeed, the underscore character, after .zip, should be translated as %5F and not as %3F !?


    BTW, I verified that all other %## syntaxes, which refer to a space char ( %20 ) or the + char ( %2B ) are correct !



  • JSON viewer

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @Michael-Simpson said in JSON viewer:

    I’m wondering whether it has something to do with the fact that I’m trying to upgrade/install at work.

    That very well could be. For some installations, especially in controlled environments, you would have to be running as administrator to be able to install a plugin (because your plugin installation path is c:\program files\notepad++\plugins, and the program files hierarchy is often protected by IT departments)

    If you can, you might be able to right click on notepad++.exe and one time Run As Adminstrator; use that run to try to install the plugin, then exit.

    Or if you can, in Windows Explorer, right click on the c:\program files\notepad++\plugins folder, and try to set the permissions so that your normal account has write permission to the plugins folder, not just admin.

    I get a window about downloading the JSONViewer and the download % is at zero, then … nothing. Notepad++ restarts, but the viewer isn’t there, neither is it in the
    list of installed plugins.

    That does sound like it’s not able to write the file properly.

    Is there some way to download the actual plugin and install it manually ?

    Yes. If you go to https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/nppPluginList/tree/master/src, and look in the pl.x64.json (for 64-bit Notepad++) or pl.x86.json (for 32-bit Notepad++), you can see the download URLs that Plugins Admin uses for any given plugin – or the homepage field gives the homepage URL for that plugin. Manually download and unzip the file it links to. If the zipfile just has a single DLL, then copy it to c:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\_____\____.dll, where the two ____ are the same as the DLL filename. for example, JSON Viewer names its DLL NPPJSONViewer.dll, so you would create the folder c:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\NPPJSONViewer and the DLL would be c:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\NPPJSONViewer\NPPJSONViewer.dll
    But again, you need write permission to the plugins subfolder to be able to do that.

    (Using the portable version, which doesn’t go in the program files hierarchy, might avoid UAC/permissions issue; but it might bring down the wrath of corporate IT, so check your work’s policies.)

  • NppExec: future plans

    6 Votes
    3 Posts


    Really great ideas!

    But you forgot the most important feature modern software products offer to their users to please them: The NppExec Cloud!!!

    I would like to store the settings file of NppExec and the npes_saved.txt file into the cloud to be able to sync them with all my devices (my private Windows desktop PC, the iMac at work, the iPhone my company gave me for use at work and my private Android phone). This would greatly simplyfy my life and my workflows.

    Of course, this wouldn’t be enough! I would like to share my favorite NppExec scripts with other users and I want to be able to give/receive ratings for otherones/my scripts. These features should be available via a package manager as part of your plugin which users can use to publish own scripts and download scripts of others.

    The NppExec Cloud should also provide automatic backup features for the files hosted there to protect them from data loss and device failures. Please use a failover cluster structure for this to guarantee 100 % data availability.

    All in all, I have to admit that I already thought about to stop using your NppExec plugin because it is so catastrophicaly outdated and old fashioned. But now I can see that you think about the urgent needs of your users. So I will give your dinosaur a final chance to arrive in the modern times and keep using it for the next months.

    But be warned! If you will not modernize this crappy piece of software you will loose a longtime user which will decrease the income you hope to gain with the ads you want to include into the plugin!

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Michael VincentM

    @Alan-Kilborn said in Setting or Plugin to Highlight Lines that have been modified since last change:

    It needs better exposure – is there a reason it isn’t found via Plugins Admin?

    As the “author” of Changed Lines (and use that term loosely) - I wanted this feature and it was available in Location Navigate, which unfortunately was 32-bit only and seemed abandoned. I tried unsuccessfully to port to 64-bits and eventually gave up, lifted the important bits into a 64-bit plugin architecture and got it working. I then added a few bells and whistles and diverged a bit from the original code.

    Like most of “my” plugins, they aren’t mine, they are someone else’s abandoned work which I compiled for 64-bit and stashed away. Many I don’t even use. But I’m hesitant to list in Plugins Admin since it isn’t my work, I can’t really support them properly and - in this case - Austin Young seems to have gotten Location Navigate working for 64-bit:


    Now regarding what @Shawn-Jackson really wants:

    I’m looking for a plugin that highlights the lines of code that have been modified since last save.

    @Terry-R may also have a solution with Compare plugin - I use it, it works fine. It is more of a diff tool whereas Location Navigate (or Changed Lines) simply shows a visual marker (generally in the margin) for each line that has changed since the last save. Note Changed Lines does not remember changes between Notepad++ sessions (I think Location Navigate has a setting for that, but I’ve never got it working). I mainly use the Compare plugin to visual diff to “different” files rather than compare different versions of the same file, as @Terry-R indicates with the menu options for:

    Diff against Git (with the help of libgit2 ) Diff against SVN (with the help of sqlite ) Diff since last Save*

    Hope that helps clear things up a bit.


  • RestApiToText Version Available

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  • Notepad++ v7.9.3 won't start with the "Save As Admin" Plugin installed.

    0 Votes
    3 Posts


    Do you have SaveAsAdmin plugin?

    For running 7.9.3 you need the older version v1.0.195 to remove it.

    1.0.211 @Hsilgos Hsilgos released this 21 days ago Removed "Save As..." feature and fixed crash.

    Just released the version 1.0.211
    Download manually from from https://github.com/Hsilgos/nppsaveasadmin/releases

    Unzip the new version put these files to folder C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\NppSaveAsAdmin and get overwriten (if UAC appears select “YES” to confirm that). And should works fine with Notepad++ 7.93 with NppSaveAsAdmin v1.0.211.
  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts


    It’s over my head but I do have few more clues:

    -“Spanish” is a red herring, same results in English (ie Narrator “Café”, speechplugin “Caf”)
    -Same in Windows 7, and portable 32bit NP++ (with SpeechPlugin_0_2_1_dll circa 2008, using Win10)
    -Same after convert/save/reload file with encodings: ANSI/UTF-8/UTF-8 BOM/UCS-2 BE BOM/UCS-2 LE BOM
    -Also tried saving files in various formats in Notepad/Wordpad, then opening them in NP++, no luck

    Even if this goes unresolved, a sincere thank you for chiming in and contributing to the excellent and noble Notepad++!

  • Explorer that can handle local net

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    Really hard to tell what you are talking about.
    Perhaps that’s why you’ve gotten no replies.

    It seems like you may be referring to plugins.
    Plugins for N++ aren’t “official”, and this site is primarily intended to deal with the standard product, so if you are describing plugin behavior you have to state that, otherwise what is assumed is you are trying to open files with Notepad++'s File > Open mechanism.

    You can certainly discuss plugins here, though, don’t get me wrong.

    But, really, can’t tell if you still have a problem or have figured it out yourself. Clarification welcome.

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    But you can actually build Notepad++ and start a debugging session from a Visual Studio.
    This will allow you to use “Diagnostic Tools” to monitor the performance.
    I see this as the easiest option.