• Where to store custom XML plugins on Windows 10?

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Justin NoorJ

    @Ekopalypse Great thanks.

  • PHP AutoComplete Plugin 64Bit

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @MadTomT ,

    From what I can tell, not yet.

    You might want to poke at https://github.com/StanDog/npp-phpautocompletion/issues/6

  • NppFTP Unable to connect

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Дмитрий-Суричев said in NppFTP Unable to connect:

    provide debug information
    and where to get it? I would like to see it myself.

    Go to the ? menu in Notepad++, and it has a Debug Info entry.

    When I tried with the URL (by the way, it would have been nice if your “working filezilla” example had actually been to the same site as your “not-working NppFTP” example) – FileZilla gave

    Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/"... Status: Directory listing of "/" successful

    With no username or password, using FTP, NppFTP gave

    [NppFTP] Everything initialized -> TYPE I Connecting -> Quit 220 Welcome to Pineforest.info FTP service. -> USER 331 Please specify the password. -> PASS *HIDDEN* 503 Login with USER first. Unable to connect Disconnected

    When I changed the settings to give an anonymous username, and ask for a dummy password


    When I ran that connection I typed anonymous, it gave:

    -> TYPE I Connecting -> Quit 220 Welcome to Pineforest.info FTP service. -> USER anonymous 331 Please specify the password. -> PASS *HIDDEN* 230 Login successful. -> TYPE A 200 Switching to ASCII mode. -> MODE S 200 Mode set to S. -> STRU F 200 Structure set to F. -> PWD 257 "/" is the current directory Connected -> CWD / 250 Directory successfully changed. -> PASV 227 Entering Passive Mode (91,122,30,115,135,92) -> LIST 150 Here comes the directory listing. 226 Directory send OK.

    So NppFTP connected just fine to

    ? > Debug Info:

    Notepad++ v7.9 (64-bit) Build time : Sep 22 2020 - 03:19:04 Path : C:\usr\local\apps\notepad++\notepad++.exe Admin mode : OFF Local Conf mode : ON OS Name : Windows 10 Enterprise (64-bit) OS Version : 1903 OS Build : 18362.1016 Current ANSI codepage : 1252 Plugins : ComparePlugin.dll LuaScript.dll MarkdownViewerPlusPlus.dll mimeTools.dll NppConsole.dll NppConverter.dll NppEditorConfig.dll NppExec.dll NppExport.dll NppFTP.dll NppUISpy.dll PreviewHTML.dll PythonScript.dll QuickText.dll TagLEET.dll XMLTools.dll

    Plugins > NppFTP > About

    So, it works for me.

  • How to write a plugin

    0 Votes
    13 Posts

    @Michael-Vincent said in How to write a plugin:

    I use Notepad++ completion Settings => Preferences => Auto-Completion. It’s not ideal and only works on the local file - it’s not Intelli-Sense, but suffices for most my simple programming needs. For code navigation, I use a modified TagLEET.

    This is sometimes not enough, maybe.

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @dail Thanks, I will take a look at it when I have the time.

  • Autosave plugin fails to install

  • Context menu for plugin icons on the toolbar!

    2 Votes
    3 Posts

    Also applies to the plugin’s toolbar!

    Harmony !!!

    image (2).png

  • NppExec v0.6 RC4 has been released!

    6 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Vitaliy-Dovgan said in NppExec v0.6 RC4 has been released!:

    There’s even a syntax highlighting for NppExec’s scripts

    Moreover, there is also a function list extension for NppExec scripts:

    @Vitaliy-Dovgan Thank you for this new release!

  • How to debug plugins during development?

    1 Votes
    18 Posts
    Output to Dialog TCHAR buffer[100]={0}; wsprintf(buffer,TEXT("position=%d"), _oldproc); ::MessageBox(NULL, buffer, TEXT(""), MB_OK); Output to the status bar TCHAR buffer[256]={0}; wsprintf(buffer,TEXT("IdealRows=%d"), IdealRows); ::SendMessage(_pMainWindow->getHParent(), NPPM_SETSTATUSBAR, STATUSBAR_DOC_TYPE, (LPARAM)buffer); Create Unit Tests
    See examples in the TextFx plugin : https://github.com/HQJaTu/NPPTextFX/blob/VS2017-x64/Tests/scintilla_simu.cpp
  • Notification for command state changes

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    I had a quick poke through NPP source… the main messageProc call (via _pluginsManager.relayNppMessages) is after the main “process message” Switch in NPPBigSwitch… but only for a few messages with “break”.

    I don’t think the TB_CHECKBUTTON messages make it to the Big Switch though since it has the same 0x402 value as NPPM_INTERNAL_CMDLIST_MODIFIED already present there.

    I’ll dig further if/when I get the chance!

  • Show TaskList option not working for Tasklist Plugin

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Makwana PrahladM


    Please follow this steps,To Show TaskList option not working for Tasklist Plugin

    Step 1: How To Install This Notepad++ Todo List Plugin

    You can install this plugin from within Notepad++. Steps are, Notepad++ Menu Bar –> Plugins –> Plugin Manager –> Show Plugin Manager. In the “Available” section of the Plugin Manager, you
    can find this plugin with name “Task List”. Click the check box next to it
    and then click on Install button.
    Step 2:- How To Use This Notepad++ Task Todo List Plugin

    Notepad++. Steps are, go to Notepad++ Menu Bar –> Plugins –> Task List –> Show Task List. A Task List Navigation bar will be added on the right side of Notepad++.

    Step 3:-
    The syntax of the TODO task line is “TODO: task name” “TODO:” is the keyword, and “task name” is the name of the task. If “TODO:” is misspelled, the task will not be listed in Navigation Bar.

    I hope this information will be useful for you.
    Thank you.

  • icon (disk) on non active tab

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    So, here’s a procedure for “hacking” Notepad++ in order to get better-looking and easier-to-differentiate tab bar icons.

    First, get what is needed, and put everything together in a temporary folder somewhere:

    Obtain “Resource Hacker” from http://angusj.com/resourcehacker/
    I chose the ZIP install, but whatever your pleasure.
    Really what you need in this step is ResourceHacker.exe

    Get some replacement icons, by downloading:
    Extract these files only: accept.png, lock.png, pencil.png

    Use an online conversion tool to convert all 3 of the .png files to .ico files
    One that I found simple to use was: https://icoconvert.com/
    Name the resulting .ico files this way: accept.ico, lock.ico, pencil.ico

    Also add to this collection of files a copy of your usual notepad++.exe file.

    Next, and also in the same folder, create hack_npp_icons.txt with the following content:

    [FILENAMES] Open=notepad++.exe Save=notepad++_hacked_icons.exe Log=con [COMMANDS] -modify accept.ico,ICONGROUP,501,1033 -modify pencil.ico,ICONGROUP,502,1033 -modify lock.ico,ICONGROUP,503,1033

    Now, obtain a CMD.exe window in your temporary folder (not going to do a lot of hand-holding here) and run the following command:

    ResourceHacker.exe -script hack_npp_icons.txt

    If all goes well, you should end up with no error messages and a new file called notepad++_hacked_icons.exe in your folder.

    Copy the hacked exe back to the folder you copied your original notepad++.exe from.

    Now test-run the hacked exe (after closing any running instance of N++ of course).

    It should start and any tabs on the tab bar should now have the alternative icons:

    A “pencil” icon for modified but unsaved files:

    A “green checkbutton” icon for saved files:

    A “lock” icon for readonly files:

  • Python Plugin Development

    1 Votes
    6 Posts
  • Be ready for upcoming NppExec v0.6 RC4!

    5 Votes
    2 Posts
    Michael VincentM


    That is great news! Not that I think anything is missing in NppExec, but happy to see it is still actively supported. Thanks for a plugin I use everytime Notepad++ is open.


  • Editor right-click, outside current text selection, lose this selection

    0 Votes
    35 Posts


    ok i see
    [https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/pull/8564](link url)
    ‘Keep selection when right-click outside of selection’ has been added, or will be added to the next NPP version (as an option).

    So I will remove this specific feature from my
    NotepadPP-PythonScript-Mouse_Select_Gesture script
    once I have updated my NPP and tested the native option.

  • The problem with removing plugins in notepad ++ version 7.8.9.

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Егор МалашевскийЕ

    @PeterJones I ran the program as administrator, and plugins were not removed from me. I selected the necessary plugins, clicked “delete”, confirmed the deletion, and after restarting the program started again with the same plugins))) And I started Notepad ++ as an administrator. I could solve the problem myself: I just went into the folder, went into the folder with plugins, selected all the folders (except for the config folder, because the text editor would be unstable without it), moved it to the trash, then cleared it, launched Notepad ++ again and no plugins never saw again.

  • Want the ability to delete some context menu items from Doc Switch panel

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn said in Want the ability to delete some context menu items from Doc Switch panel:


    Originally, I was going to develop a plug-in that would disable or change context menus, but after two days of holding onto it because of my poor knowledge of MFC coding, I decided to modify the source code of notepad++ and build it in Visual Studio Community edition. So I searched the source code files and found out which parts to modify. As you can see from the screenshot, I had to modify two files.

    I finally succeeded in building the error code by using Google search power to search for the error code and correct the problem after half a day without being able to build it due to minor warnings and errors in the source code. The built ‘notepad++.exe’ file was overwritten in a folder that was already installed, and most of the menu items were removed as I wanted, such as a screenshot.

    Before that, it was common to be embarrassed because it was difficult to predict which direction the tall context menu panel would be displayed vertically, or to accidentally press the “close all” item. I’m so happy that it didn’t happen anymore.

    I turned off ‘automatic updates’, but even if I update them later, I’ll have to get the source code for the new version, modify it like this, and build it. If a competent developer develop and release the Doc Switcher as a single plug-in or, like I did, an advanced plug-in that has eliminated most of the context menu items, this inconvenience will be eliminated. But In my Google search, I found a lot of similar requests for improvement on DocSwitcher over the last five years. Judging from the fact that they haven’t been reflected at all so far, I don’t think I can expect much from now on. Thank you both for your answers.

  • cant install zencode plugin in notepad++

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    “zencode” is an outdated plugin, I suggest installing the newer “Emmet” plugin from the same author!

  • Combiner Plugin 64bit

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    See https://www.scout-soft.com/combine/, you might request a 64 bit version from the author at info@Scout-Soft.com.

  • Looking for a freelancer to develop a plugin: Misspelled Word Counter

    0 Votes
    41 Posts
    Miguel LescanoM

    @Ekopalypse Thanks! I’ll check it out.