• 0 Votes
    2 Posts


    I’m totally sure you know the meaning of “rhetorical question” because you asked something like that.

    However, in software development such stylistic means are not helpful. Instead you should ask questions like “Is there any setting to avoid the message ‘Close the files?’ when Compare Plugin found a 100% match of two files?” or “Where can I file a feature request to avoid the message … ?”.

    The answer to the first question would be simply “No”. The answer to the second question would be “Go to >>> the GitHub repository <<< of the plugin.”

  • NppExport plugin - 'copy HTML to clipboard' does not work anymore

    3 Votes
    16 Posts

    @Carl-Witthoft What exactly is not working? Which version of the plugin do you use?

    Since https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/nppPluginList/commit/c85225bb5272e8e0dc7f5e36ba1acfbdd7ff0fba -> tag 1.1.3 used by N++ 7.8.1 the plugin is avialable via the builtin pluginAdmin of N++.

  • Publish new SQLinForm Release

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Guido ThelenG

    Thanks, this is what I was looking for!!

  • Why there is no new HexEditor now?

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Uffe Peter WalderöU

    @Alan-Pugh I had the same problem, but I figured out it was a UAC problem, i.e. run Notepad++ as Administrator

  • Trying to get python script and testfx.

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    For both npp versions

    create PythonScript folder under plugins directory

    Npp >= 7.8

    download PythonScript 1.5.2 zip and extract it to newly created PythonScript folder -> done.

    Npp >= 7.7 and < 7.8

    download PythonScript 1.5.2 zip and extract it to newly created PythonScript folder move Python27.dll from PythonScript folder to notepad++.exe directory.
    -> Done.
  • JNI in CPP plugin

    1 Votes
    11 Posts
  • RDMD for Notepad++

    1 Votes
    2 Posts
    rinku singhR

    about dependency declaration for win10

  • Help to build PythonScript plugin

    1 Votes
    7 Posts


    it looks that the general environment variables are defined in
    Microsoft.Cpp.Common.props file which is located at
    ...\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets

    and the toolset specific props are read from
    ...\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Platforms\x64\PlatformToolsets

    So I assume that one of those props files point to an non-existent atl include path.

  • Transpose multiple selections

    3 Votes
    16 Posts
    -- Transpose selections or characters or lines. -- If there is 1 empty selection at the start or end of a line, then -- transpose the line with the one above it (the pre-existing Ctrl+T behaviour). -- If all selections are empty, then transpose the characters on either side of -- any that are not at the start or end of a line. -- If there is 1 non-empty selection, rotate its characters forward. -- If there are 2 or more selections that are not all empty, rotate the selection contents between selections. -- Useful for rotating the rows in a rectangular/column selection (Alt-select) local function transposeSelectionsOrCharactersOrLines() -- According to the Scintilla documentation, there is always at least one selection local lastIdx = editor.Selections - 1 -- Indexes for multiple selections are zero-based editor:BeginUndoAction() -- Begin the sequence of actions to be undone or redone as a unit if editor.SelectionEmpty then -- If all selections are empty, i.e. consist only of an insertion point if lastIdx == 0 and isStartOrEndOfLine(editor.CurrentPos) then -- If there is only one selection and it's at the start or end of a line editor:LineTranspose() -- Transpose the current line with the one before else -- Else multiple empty selections or a single empty selection not at the start or end of a line -- Transpose the characters on either side of each insertion point that is not at the start or end of a line for idx = 0, lastIdx do local pos = editor.SelectionNCaret[idx] if not isStartOrEndOfLine(pos) then -- If this empty selection is not at the start or end of a line transposeCharactersAt(pos) -- Transpose the characters either side of the given position -- The insertion point will now be before both characters -- Put the insertion point back in between them, allowing for different numbers of bytes per character pos = editor:PositionAfter(editor.SelectionNCaret[idx]) editor.SelectionNAnchor[idx] = pos editor.SelectionNCaret[idx] = pos end end end else -- Else selections are not all empty if lastIdx == 0 then -- If there is only 1 selection --[[ Alternative behaviour: editor:LineTranspose() -- Transpose the current line with the one before --]] -- Rotate the characters in the selection (ignores virtual space) local selStart = editor.SelectionNStart[0] local selEnd = editor.SelectionNEnd[0] rotateCharacters(selStart, selEnd) -- Restore the selection editor.SelectionNStart[0] = selStart editor.SelectionNEnd[0] = selEnd else -- Else there are 2 or more selections -- Rotate selection contents between selections local str = getSelectionNTextVirtual(lastIdx) -- Save the last selection including any virtual space for idx = lastIdx, 1, -1 do -- Shift the other selections along setSelectionNTextVirtual(idx, getSelectionNTextVirtual(idx-1)) end setSelectionNTextVirtual(0, str) -- Make the first selection be the saved last selection end end editor:EndUndoAction() -- End the sequence of actions to be undone or redone as a unit end -- Rotate selections backwards -- Useful for rotating the rows backwards in a rectangular/column selection (Alt-select) local function rotateSelectionsOrCharactersBackwards() -- According to the Scintilla documentation, there is always at least one selection local lastIdx = editor.Selections - 1 -- Indexes for multiple selections are zero-based editor:BeginUndoAction() -- Begin the sequence of actions to be undone or redone as a unit if lastIdx == 0 then -- If there is only 1 selection -- Rotate the characters backwards in the selection (ignores virtual space) local selStart = editor.SelectionNStart[0] local selEnd = editor.SelectionNEnd[0] rotateCharactersBackwards(selStart, selEnd) -- Restore the selection editor.SelectionNStart[0] = selStart editor.SelectionNEnd[0] = selEnd else -- Rotate selection contents backwards between selections local str = getSelectionNTextVirtual(0) -- Save the first selection including any virtual space for idx = 1, lastIdx do -- Shift the other selections along setSelectionNTextVirtual(idx-1, getSelectionNTextVirtual(idx)) end setSelectionNTextVirtual(lastIdx, str) -- Make the last selection be the saved first selection end editor:EndUndoAction() -- End the sequence of actions to be undone or redone as a unit end -- Reverse selections -- Useful for reversing the order of rows in a rectangular/column selection (Alt-select) local function reverseSelectionsOrCharacters() -- According to the Scintilla documentation, there is always at least one selection local lastIdx = editor.Selections - 1 -- Indexes for multiple selections are zero-based local lastSwap = editor.Selections // 2 - 1 editor:BeginUndoAction() -- Begin the sequence of actions to be undone or redone as a unit if lastIdx == 0 then -- If there is only 1 selection -- Reverse the characters in the selection (ignores virtual space) local selStart = editor.SelectionNStart[0] local selEnd = editor.SelectionNEnd[0] reverseCharacters(selStart, selEnd) -- Restore the selection editor.SelectionNStart[0] = selStart editor.SelectionNEnd[0] = selEnd else -- Else there are 2 or more selections -- Swap selection contents between opposite pairs of selections for idx = 0, lastSwap do local str = getSelectionNTextVirtual(lastIdx - idx) -- Save the later selection including any virtual space setSelectionNTextVirtual(lastIdx - idx, getSelectionNTextVirtual(idx)) -- Replace later selection with the opposite earlier selection setSelectionNTextVirtual(idx, str) -- Make the opposite earlier selection be the saved later selection end end editor:EndUndoAction() -- End the sequence of actions to be undone or redone as a unit end -- Add menu entry for transposing or rotating selections, characters or lines. -- The Ctrl+T shortcut may need to be added manually via -- Settings -> Shortcut Mapper -> Plugin commands -> Transpose Selections/Characters/Lines -> Modify. -- You can ignore the conflict with the shortcut for Scintilla SCI_LINETRANSPOSE. editor:ClearCmdKey(string.byte("T"), SCMOD_CTRL) -- This doesn't seem to work here npp.AddShortcut("Transpose Selections/Characters/Lines", "Ctrl+T", transposeSelectionsOrCharactersOrLines) -- Add menu entry for rotating selections backwards. npp.AddShortcut("Rotate Selections/Characters Backwards", "Ctrl+Alt+T", rotateSelectionsOrCharactersBackwards) -- Add menu entry for reversing selections. npp.AddShortcut("Reverse Selections/Characters", "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T", reverseSelectionsOrCharacters)
  • 'Open folder in Notepad++' context menu entry

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    v1.1 - Updates:

    Fixed .reg file formatting issues Changed context menu entry text to Open as workspace in Notepad++ to better align with Notepad++ terminology Tested and fixed some previously present issues with space characters in paths Added version requirement (Npp 7.8+) to readme Added license info (MIT)
  • Autosave with some features

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Notepad++ Portable FTP Unable to Connect

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Ronald BesdanskyR

    Thanks for your replies. I tried using ftp from a Windows command prompt to upload my file but it was blocked by the Firewall. That’s presumably why the NPP Plugin was failing, although it wasn’t saying what the problem was.

    Thanks again
    Best wishes
    Ron B

  • Scintilla script help for 'Show white space and TAB'

    1 Votes
    7 Posts

    @PeterJones said in Scintilla script help for 'Show white space and TAB':

    I’ll leave it at that.

    When have you known me to leave it at that? ;-)

    To set the whitespace size with a scripting language (in case you don’t want to use ExtSettings):

    PythonScript: add the following to your startup.py (or to another script you call from startup.py:

    editor1.setWhitespaceSize(0) editor2.setWhitespaceSize(0)


    Plugins > NppExec > Execute, type in:

    set local x = $(FILE_NAME) npp_switch $(LEFT_VIEW_FILE) sci_sendmsg SCI_SETWHITESPACESIZE 0 npp_switch $(RIGHT_VIEW_FILE) sci_sendmsg SCI_SETWHITESPACESIZE 0 npp_switch $(x)

    Save…, pick a name (like ZeroWhitespaceSize)

    Plugins > NppExec > Advanced Options

    Execute this script when Notepad++ starts = ZeroWhitespaceSize

  • NPPM_INTERNAL_* commands

    1 Votes
    6 Posts

    @pnedev said in NPPM_INTERNAL_* commands:

    For example those messages might be doing only part of the job you think they are doing.

    That’s probably the best reason right there. :-)

    Thanks for the explanation.

  • Getting BufferID from ScNotificationHeader in C#

    0 Votes
    9 Posts


    :-D just done, and I assume code part has been identified as well.
    Thx for confirming.

  • NPP Messages & Notifications reference?

    1 Votes
    5 Posts
  • Rescue me from getting insane.

    2 Votes
    9 Posts

    But if the clickbait was chosen that good,
    then one might remember it and find it easier :-)

  • New plugin development library released

    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    @PeterJones - something for in-other-languages?

  • Batch: add highlighting of EQU NEQ LSS LEQ GTR GEQ as keywords

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    You can add keywords for each language yourself

  • Request: GPT-2 based text generation

    1 Votes
    3 Posts
    Victor MilovanovV

    Hi Zachary,

    I am the author of both Gradient and GPT-2 adaptation for it.
    Unless you are planning to sell your plugin, feel free to use Gradient. If you want to make it open-source, I’d be glad to provide help.

    Note though, that one would have to install Python + TensorFlow to use GPT-2.