• XMLTools 3.0.0

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  • Advice developing plugin that should process large files

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    joakim wennergrenJ

    Since ScintillaStreams is something I wrote I can give you some tips.

    Reading 100 MB from N++ is going to take a few seconds, not matter how you do it. In order to not lock up the N++ interface you have to make sure you do the processing in a different thread, e.g. something like

    Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var data = ScintillaStreams.StreamAllText(); while (line != null) { line = data.ReadLine(); //etc. } // Only interact with N++ on the main thread this.Invoke((Action)(() => { MessageBox.Show("The stuff is finished", "MyPlugin"); })); });

    The way ScintillaStreams works is by getting a pointer to the N++ text buffer, and read it as “raw” as possible. This is likely going to crash horribly if the user modifies the text while it’s reading, so giving control back to the user is kind of a two-edged sword. I still feel it’s worth it though, the user experience is much better. Also consider showing the status of your progress somehow so the users feels something is happening.

    I don’t know why “the process never seems to finish”. A 10Mb file should take a second or so to read

  • Background Image Cover with an rgba(0,0,0,0.5) filter

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Well, here’s a comment.

  • No puedo previsualizar en ningún navegador notepad++ x64

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    I think this same question was addressed in the other thread. Let’s keep it to one topic, rather than two.

  • Problemas para previsualizar la web en los navegadores

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Juan-Valverde-Montalbán said in Problemas para previsualizar la web en los navegadores:

    Hola! Con la versión 64 bits no puedo previsualizar la web con ningún navegador.
    Ninguno de los navegadores está habilitado por el plugin de la aplicación.
    Qué puedo hacer?

    or translated via google translate:

    Hello! With the 64-bit version I can’t preview the web with any browser.

    None of the browsers are enabled by the application plugin.

    What I can do?

    Thank you.

    Unfortunately, you haven’t given us much to go on, like what version of Notepad++ (going to the ? menu, debug info, and copying/pasting the text in your reply will help with that).

    I’m not sure what the “application plugin” is referring to; that’s probably a language-barrier issue, unfortunately.

    Natively, Notepad++ can launch the active file in one of the main browsers using View > View Current File In > to select the browser; that works for me in 64-bit v7.8.2, with no plugins.

    my response, translated back:

    Desafortunadamente, no nos ha dado mucho para seguir, como qué versión de Notepad ++ (ir al menú?, Depurar información y copiar / pegar el texto en su respuesta ayudará con eso).

    No estoy seguro de a qué se refiere el “complemento de aplicación”; probablemente es un problema de barrera del idioma, desafortunadamente.

    Nativamente, Notepad ++ puede iniciar el archivo activo en uno de los principales navegadores usando Ver> Ver archivo actual en> para seleccionar el navegador; eso funciona para mí en v7.8.2 de 64 bits, sin complementos.

  • Installing zen coding in my notepad++

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  • 0 Votes
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    @Hans-van-Gelderen said in Attribute "srcset" not recognized as valid/standard attribute of the HTML tag "img":

    @PeterJones Your suggestion works. I have requested the fix for a future release by [issue#18769]

    That issue doesn’t exist: the highest numbered issue at the official Notepad++ issue tracker is #7858.

    Where did you make this feature request? (please provide full URL)

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  • New Plugin development find

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    joakim wennergrenJ

    @Luke-Liukonen you can no longer just drop DLL’s in the plugin folder, you have to create a sub-folder in the plugin dir and put it there.
    E.g. instead of “plugins/CoolFeature.dll” you have to put it in “plugins/CoolFeature/CoolFeature.dll”

  • translate plugin

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Bingomen said in translate plugin:

    I can not install the translator plugin

    What were you using? What did you try? What did you get when you tried?

    Please read this FAQ and then reply with more details.

  • Debug build of N++ 7.8.1 x32 missing plugin admin

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  • Notepad++ plugin template (& plugin demo) x64 build available

    2 Votes
    21 Posts
    Derek BrownD

    The Scintilla.h file in this template is out of date, causing runtime errors in x64 plugins.


  • 0 Votes
    16 Posts

    @Ekopalypse said in External SendMessage to Notepad++ for NPPM_GETOPENFILENAMES and other TCHAR**:

    Any reason for that?

    Yes. Mostly, because I didn’t know it contained much the same information as Scintilla.h. And I already had my script to convert from .h to a Perl data structure, so even if I had known it was there, I probably would have preferred the .h .

  • Installing 7.82 - error!

    1 Votes
    4 Posts
    Perry WolfeP


    No Worries. Figured out. We have a new security policy at work. I had to login as local admin to do any application software install.

    All good.



  • code alignment plugin got disabled in in the new version release

    0 Votes
    12 Posts
    Сергей ДрузьС

    @Meta-Chuh said in code alignment plugin got disabled in in the new version release:

    Well, in a nutshell:

    In folder C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins create folder CodeAlignmentNpp > transfer files from the folder CodeAlignmentNpp_v14.1_x64.

    THE END. 🙃

  • FunctionList Plugin v2.1

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Сергей-Друзь said in FunctionList Plugin v2.1:

    …this plugin seems to make it easy and fast to work with functions. Am I right? 🙃

    🙃 Like I said before, I didn’t know. I just downloaded the source code and read the readme.txt: “This sources contains a dockable function list for Notepad++ version 5.1 UNICODE. With this plugin you could easy browse between functions in a file.”

    So, yes, as I thought, it was a plugin that implemented an early version of what became the builtin View > Function List. There is no reason to continue trying to install it (and many reasons not to: it was optimized for a version of Notepad++ that is 9+ years out of date; it is a 32-bit DLL and you have 64-bit Notepad++, so it is not compatible; it’s features have been superseded by the builtin feature; …) I suggest not trying to install it anymore (and deleting all the instances of the three files in different locations), since it won’t do anything for you.

  • Any tips on how to actually process Text Editor text? haha

    2 Votes
    3 Posts

    Just in case you aren’t aware, here the link how to develop a npp plugin.

  • "MenuIcons" how to use?

    1 Votes
    12 Posts
    Сергей ДрузьС


    Thanx, with procmon i find that .ini file was in another place:


    I also have an IDE installed in Russian language. In order for the icons to work, I need to translate the files in the folder as well:

    C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\MenuIcons\MenuIcons\

    alt text

    For example:
    Menu > Edit > Copy
    Menu > Edit > Paste

    Translate to:
    Menu > Правка > Копировать
    Menu > Правка > Вставить

    alt text

  • Trouble compiling test plugin (ANSI error)

    0 Votes
    8 Posts


    as @PeterJones already posted you need to implement isUnicode function and return True.
    In addition, these functions need to be implemented as well

    isUnicode -> return True always getName -> return your plugin name setInfo -> informs your plugin about notepad++ and scintilla handles beNotified -> called in case of npp or scintilla events messageProc -> called in case of windows messages forwarded by npp getFuncsArray -> return the functions which should be available within your plugin menu
  • Include new style for new language (gcode language) in the notepade++

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    In Notepad++ syntax highlighting and code folding is managed by the editing component Scintilla. This is an external open source project and the basis for a lot of editors and IDEs (Integrated Development Environments).

    Notepad++ only provides native support for programming languages that are supported by Scintilla. But it is possible to create control files for so called UDLs (User Defined Languages) to extend the language support of Notepad++. However, the configurator of UDLs integrated in Notepad++ has some limitations, thus it is almost not possible to achieve the same quality of language support for UDLs as for languages natively supported by Scintilla.

    So, you have two options:

    Go to >>> the project site of Scintilla <<< to file a feature request for including GCode as a natively supported language. But it likely will take a long time until it has been implemented. In Notepad++, go to (menu) Language -> Define your language. The UDL configurator will open and you are ready to start defining GCode as UDL. >>> This page <<< of the Notepad++ user manual provides some basic info how to do that and, most important, you will find there a link to a detailed manual.