But, why you don’t simply use the Ctrl + D shortcut ? It quite faster than clicking on any button, anyway ;-))
i think @taa1 thinks the same about that, as we do.
i guess its just: “i don’t need it at all, but now that i’ve found this bug, i somehow i just want it” 😂😉
i’ve found a workaround using the built in macro function, together with customized toolbar.
first open or create any text file for testing, and select any amount of text
then go to macro > start recording
now press ctrl+d to duplicate your selection at the test file
go to macro > stop recording
go to macro > save current recorded macro and save it as Duplicate Current Selection (without setting any keyboard shortcut)
now open your custom button config file, CustomizeToolbar.btn, usually located at: %AppData%\Notepad++\plugins\Config\CustomizeToolbar.btn
add this line at the position you like: Macro,Duplicate Current Selection,,,optional_icon.bmp
it should look like the screenshot below
then save CustomizeToolbar.btn
now restart notepad++ and … tadaaa … here is the button 😃
note: you can also execute SCI_SELECTIONDUPLICATE using powerful scripting plugins like pythonscript, but for ctrl+d alone, the macro workaround will be the simplest solution.