• Run a Java program

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    4 Posts

    Hello, recently I have created “Java Plugin for Notepad++” that allows you to compile and run java in Notepad++.
    You can find more information here https://github.com/dominikcebula/npp-java-plugin

  • Stuck in [Administrator] mode - My solution

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    No one has replied
  • 0 Votes
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    Alan KilbornA

    @robert-carnegie said in Treat ANSI text file as UTF-8 while use utf-8-bom as default saving format:

    I may be misspeaking


    but I think you should be saying “ASCII” not “ANSI”


  • Save as .txt when no extension typed

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    I notice that if Append extension is ticked when the dialog box is invoked, unticking it will not remove the .txt extension from new 1.txt in the File name box. Thus, it must be removed manually – not a big deal IMO, because the new1 part is going to need to be altered anyway – before hitting Save. But some users may complain that this is a big annoyance.

    The Append extension checkbox has a “memory” so the next save of this type will be invoked with the checkbox unticked and only new 2 (for example) will appear in the File name box.

  • How can I search a specific numbers in between two numbers?

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @rab_road said in How can I search a specific numbers in between two numbers?:

    …between 1000 and 1500

    inclusion of the endpoints is implied? :-)


  • How to delete multiple words/part of lines in log

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Marko DmitrovićM

    Done it!
    It’s going with: \ (.*

    Thanks! :)

  • Creating a tally count of line duplicates

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thanks for the find @terry-r, I’ll find that PythonScript plugin and play with it.

    I assume I should be able to change the regex pattern to suit my needs in the line editor.research('\w+', match_found) to something like editor.research('^.*$', match_found) to perform a histogram by line.

    Much appreciated.

  • Why is there no showing function for member access in Notepad++?

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    Lycan ThropeL

    @youngsun-jang ,

    Also it also sounds like you’re interested in the Auto Completion capability, but again, if not a standard langauge, you’ll have to develop it yourself. Find more informatiton, here: Auto Completion Info:

    Good luck, and welcome to Notepad++.


  • HTML - Only save the heading and paragraphs text, remove images and links

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    4 Posts

    @daniel-norin, @guy038, all

    Just for the sake of variety, here is my take. It seems to work fine on input data, hope it can deal with other inputs.

    Note that it does not remove empty paragraphs, such as the first and sixth. Anyway, it is easy to delete them in a second step.

    Instructions are similar to the ones provided by @guy038. Open the Replace dialog (Ctrl + H) and type:

    Search: (?s)<(?!/?p>|/?h3>?).*?>| id=.*?(?=>) Replace: [leave empty]

    Put the caret at the very beginning of the document, select the Regular Expression mode and click on Replace or Replace All.


    <p></p> <p>Earlier this month we unveiled the nominees for the Ninth Annual Sprudgie Awards. Voting is now open across a dozen categories, honoring the very best in coffee. Voting ends December 31st, 2017 at 11:59 PM.</p> <p>In this feature, we’re spotlighting the 2017 nominees for Best Coffee Film/Video, one of the tightest races in all Sprudgie Award categories. Past winners for Best Coffee Film/Video include the Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life, Barista, Dunkin Love, Hey Girl Guide To Coffeeing, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, and “Kenya” (Stumptown Coffee Roasters).</p> <p>Let’s meet this year’s nominees!</p> <h3>The Young and the Spoonless by Cafe Imports</h3> <p></p> <h3>I Yelp By The Way by Dapper & Wise</h3>

    Stay healthy

  • Hi Users i need to search some word betwen words

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Terry RT

    @jan-kobiela said in Hi Users i need to search some word betwen words:

    I need to search some phrases between words or numbers for example:

    Your examples don’t really fit your explanation, however I will attempt to provide some information and also ask further questions.

    When you say you want to search for “phrases” this generally means strings of characters delimited by a space, these can also be called sentences of portions of them. Yet your example has only numbers which doesn’t really help.

    As it would seem that you want every second word/string of characters it implies the space character MUST be the delimiter. If so then the following would suffice. As this initial solution is destructive you would need to work on a copy of your file, not the original.

    Use the “Replace” function and as this is a regular expression you will need to have the search mode set to “regular expression”.
    Find What:[^\x20\r\n]+\x20([^\x20+\r\n]+)
    Replace With:\1
    Then click on the “Replace All” button. Every second word will remain.

    As I said, this is likely only an initial answer. If you were to read the `Please Read This Before Posting" at the top of this group you will then know how to properly provide examples, and you should provide better examples as currently your example and question are too vague to be sure that my answer will actually help.


  • Plugin ACCPC instalation problem

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    3 Posts
    Salim houssiniS

    @standog same problem, it’s the same dll version in notepad ++

  • How to open Notepad++ with a new empty file?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Robert CarnegieR

    Referring to https://npp-user-manual.org/docs/command-prompt/

    another approach is to start Notepad++ with the “command line” parameter of: -nosession

    For instance, a Windows 10 desktop icon (shortcut) for Notepad++ can be copied and/or can have its “target of shortcut” changed to:

    “C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe” -nosession

    This is for the 64-bit version.

    This customized icon starts Notepad++ without opening the auto saved session. Only an empty “new 1” tab appears.

    It appears also that this Notepad++ instance does not create a saved session for the default Notepad++ configuration to reload later, and does not remove the saved session that the default configuration remembers. (I am only trying it with one file to be remembered open when I close Notepad++.)

    Another “command line” or shortcut option to consider is “-multiInst”. This opens a window for Notepad++ even when Notepad++ is running already. Trying it now, the second window will contain the saved session tabs evidently, unless -nosession -multiInst are used together.

    Up to now, I’ve just been closing my tabs (Ctrl+w) before closing Notepad++ and especially if I’ve had a very large text data file open: these are other good options.

  • How to delete autosaved "unnamed" `new 1` files?

    1 Votes
    3 Posts
    Peter PeterP


    Exactly, great! Thank you!

  • someone help me with this

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    Looking through your previous postings, that’s about the end of the “freebies” you’re getting. Time to start doing some learning, so that you can solve your own problems! See HERE for a good starting point!

  • Can't open .txt files - "Session file is either corrupted or not valid"

    0 Votes
    15 Posts
    Jonathan NichJ

    DR Smockovich is correct.

    The problem only occurred when I changed the setting in:

    Notepadd++ > Settings > MISC > Session file extension, and Workspace file extension

    They were blank. I changed them to “.php” thinking it would then save files in .php extension rather than me having to type out the extension every time I saved a file.

    That is not so.

    I removed and cleared those two settings to make them blank again and viola, the probelm of the original poster went away (session corrupted etc).

    If you’re attempting to get notepad to save in a particular file extension every time you save a file by default, then click on:

    Save As… > Append Extension (little tick box by the “save” button).

    Have a good day :)

  • create a diary calendar for 2022

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Off-topic. Downvoting.
    Responding to off-topic posts only encourages more people to use this forum as a free for all to ask any question they like, adding to the clutter for those of us interested in only Notepad++ topics here.
    Please don’t claim it is “on topic” because it generates data that can be pasted into a Notepad++ tab.
    Surely if you are good at AutoHotKey you can go over to their forum and write as many scripts for people as you like.

  • Ayuda txt

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @nippurdelagash ,

    Please write in English to this forum. This is the second time you have been asked.

    Notepad++ keeps track of the most recent files edited in Notepad++, either in the File menu or in the File > Recent Files… submenu, depending on the Settings > Preferences > Recent Files History settings (as documented in the user manual).

    If you don’t know where you keep your own files, then you can use a Windows OS-based search for filename across your whole filesystem, or you can use Notepad++'s built-in Search > Find in Files dialog to look for particular text in files that have a particular extension. And, in the future, I would recommend organizing your filesystem in a manner that allows you to know where your own files are – because where on the disk that you store your files is, in the end, up to you.

  • Lost unsaved windows after upgrade

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    6 Posts

    Hi, @HappySave,

    Your name is quite humorous, considering your initial situation, where you did not know if a solution was possible !!

    Best Regards,


  • Practical to remove "white" areas between marked data on adjacent lines?

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @dail nailed it, and @Nick-Brown was very close (but slightly incomplete). Thanks, both of you.

    If I do this in PythonScript:

    editor.indicSetStyle(31, 16) editor.indicSetOutlineAlpha(31, editor.indicGetAlpha(31))

    Then I get the effect I’m after:


    Note that 31 is the indicator number for red-marking, and 16 is the value for INDIC_FULLBOX.

  • Notepad getting hanged when I fold my file

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    6 Posts

    @arpan-kumar ,

    Well, if you don’t need spell check turned on while editing XML files, you can go to Plugins > DSpellCheck > Settings, and change the “File Types” section to “Check only NOT those:” and *.xml as the text entry, as shown in my screenshot:


    When I do that (and APPLY or OK), it stops spell checking the XML files. I don’t know if that will be sufficient for you. (I created a 2MB XML file, and even with DSpellCheck doing spell check and finding misspelled words, I couldn’t get it to hang when folding/unfolding the various levels. So I cannot replicate your problem to know whether turning off spell checker for XML is sufficient.)