• User defined language to highlight different parts of a line

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @AndrewCliffordOrica said in User defined language to highlight different parts of a line:

    I just want different background colours

    You can’t reasonably do what you want to the background coloring.
    But you can do it, with a plugin, to the foreground coloring, see EnhanceAnyLexer.

  • Regex - Extract range of XYZ coordinates

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    3 Posts

    @Mark-Olson Thanks for your response, appreciate it! I’ll look into other options then. I can actually open the file in Notepad++ but it sure takes a while to load.

    Anyway, thanks again!

  • regex to move entire line in a specific line position in multiples file

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    14 Posts
    Rockberto ManentiR

    @PeterJones said in regex to move entire line in a specific line position in multiples file:

    It’s because your file doesn’t end in a newline.

    Genius!!! Works great!!!
    many many many thanx!!! you rulez!

  • Edit with Notepad++ context menu missing from Windows 11

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    5 Posts

    I have overwritten the Pin function now because I was not able to get it to work with the other workarounds mentioned on the manuals page.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    “MUIVerb”=“Edit with Notepad++”

    @="“C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe” “%1"”

  • Macros disappear on v8.6.8

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @firstblackboy said in Macros disappear on v8.6.8:

    I’m not sure why it didn’t take it from the beginning, but alas it didn’t.

    My guess is you had some “bad data” somewhere in the XML. And by doing it in pieces, you avoided that bad data.

  • Sorting lines in multiples files at once

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    2 Posts
  • Remove every other character

    0 Votes
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    connor austinC

    @Alan-Kilborn this file i have the same one its from a game called “People Playground” and the Devs of the game made this file for people who know how to edit . JPG and they did this as a joke but despite this people were able to do this and see the image the file is modulo2.jpg if you want to know more about it just search up the file name and click on the first result.

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @kavish-jha ,

    I’m a little confused by some of your description, so sorry if I’ve misinterpreted things.

    AppData, Cloud, -settingsDir, and doLocalConf are the only four solutions I know of. You are rejecting AppData (for reasons of being “temporary”, which doesn’t make sense to me, but I am sure you know the details of your system more than I can guess from a brief description); you are rejecting cloud data because you cannot put %UserName% variable in the path; presumably doLocalConf won’t work for you, because you don’t want everyone storing their settings in the same app directory.

    But some comments from me:

    Idea 1: -settingsDir might work, if you can create their shortcut and/or batch file that launches Notepad++: you could have that run "\path\to\notepad++.exe" -settingsDir="Windows Server - A1\Notepad++\%UserName%\" to launch Notepad++. As long as they always start Notepad++ with that shortcut/batch, rather than running notepad++.exe directly, it would get its settings from the right place. (If you have context-menu commands in regedit, you could maybe even edit the registry so it always includes the -settingsDir argument in the registry calls as well)

    Idea 2: Since the Cloud Directory won’t allow variables, could you have a script that runs when a user logs in that creates a junction? You could make the junction always named Windows Server - A1\Notepad++\ActiveUser , but it would point to the Windows Server - A1\Notepad++\%UserName%\ , so you could set Notepad++ up to always look at Windows Server - A1\Notepad++\ActiveUser , and the login script would take care of making sure that always points to the user’s actual preference directory.

    Idea 3: Instead of having a script creating a junction and using Cloud Directory, you could have a script which copies Windows Server - A1\Notepad++\%UserName% to %AppData%\Notepad++ , and then a log-off script that copies it back the other way to save their settings long-term – so even if the %AppData% is “temporary” over the long-haul, it will exist while the user is logged in, and thus you can just have Notepad++ look in %AppData%\Notepad++ as normal.

  • Regex - Hex Code Not Working as Expected

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    9 Posts

    @Sylvester-Bullitt ,

    But when I type the same string into the forum dialog, the soft hyphen doesn’t show as it did before

    That’s because soft-hyphen is a non-printing character, and the forum doesn’t display non-printing characters (because they have no glyph to display). As I said in my first reply, your original paste into the forum used a normal ASCII hyphen, which is why it was visible in the forum.

    [deleted post]

    I originally commented on your deleted post (yes, as a moderator, I can see it), but I decided to retract that part, because maybe you deleted it because you already realized what you did wrong.

    I’m going to have to shut down for the night

    Sounds like you need the sleep. I hope (by the time you read this) that you got it.

  • find a string and move to new line

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    2 Posts

    @Sudhir0103 ,

    You don’t say what the “specific character” is, and there is no specific character in your example data. But if what you want is to convert space character followed by set to newline sequence followed by set (but only if set is a whole word, not the start of some other word like setting), an easy way to do that is:

    FIND WHAT = \x20set\b the \x20 means the space character; if you wanted, you could just type a space as the first character in FIND WHAT, but it’s hard to copy/paste unnoticed space character from the forum, so I use the escape sequence instead the \b is what keeps it matching set but not setting REPLACE WITH = \r\nset \r\n is the windows CRLF line ending. SEARCH MODE = Regular Expression Click REPLACE ALL

    There are other ways to do it, but this one is pretty easy for a regex (regular expression) newbie to understand

    (update: fixed from saying wrong \x32 to right \x20)


    Useful References Please Read Before Posting Template for Search/Replace Questions Formatting Forum Posts Notepad++ Online User Manual: Searching/Regex FAQ: Where to find other regular expressions (regex) documentation
  • Spellchecker not underlining errors

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @ronsipherd Never mind; I found that the English (United States) dictionary was missing.
    All better now. :-)

  • Change History keeps turning back on.

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    I’ve looked for other installations and didn’t find any, but like I said in my last post, I uninstalled and reinstalled and am now running 8.6.8; I may have checked config.xml after the reinstall.

    Whatever the case, it’s been behaving since the reinstall. Thank you all for your help.

  • Font Changes

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    3 Posts

    @Michael-DeWaters ,

    FAQ: Notepad++ is a text editor, not a word processor, so it cannot set fonts arbitrarily for different paragraphs or phrases inside paragraphs.

    And if, as @Alan-Kilborn assumes, you are asking how to write HTML, then You’ve asked your question in the wrong place

  • Startup to Tray

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Perfect, many thanks!

  • what is this?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Nguyễn-Đông said in what is this?:

    how to edit it?

    That is not reasonably answerable on this forum.

  • How to enable Plugins Admin when building notepad++?

    1 Votes
    5 Posts
    Graham NorrisG

    @Michael-Vincent said in How to enable Plugins Admin when building notepad++?:

    I think it’s a separate project that you need to build separately:

    Is there a way to actually combine this build with that of NPP itself, or to put it another way: is there no way to avoid building them separately and copying the plugins dll into NPP afterwards?

  • Autodetect spaces or tabs in a file

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    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Nope. There is no autodetection. Whether spaces or tab characters are used is solely a function of the setting selected for it for the particular language (based on extension) of the file.

  • Page break?

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    5 Posts

    @Marty-Kay Read the message @PeterJones posted above three years ago on how to get the FF.

    If you want Notepad++ to do something special with FF then you could try FAQ: Feature Request or Bug Report

    Notepad++ already has a number of configuration settings related to printing. With that in mind I could see some support for FF being added. However, I suspect though that the request for FF support would get declined or ignored as the FF feature could easily creep into a later request to display a horizontal line at the FF and then to creep into displaying page number and the line within that page. It sends Notepad++ drifting into the FAQ: “Notepad++ is a Text Editor, not a Word Processor” territory.

  • How can i get rid off the syntax?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Mister PLM

    @PeterJones thanks for the tip. The problem was solved.

  • Notepad++ Missing from Windows 11 Context Menu

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Sam IamS

    in the search box on the explorer bar at the bottom of your screen (by default), you need to type “open with”, it will bring up a menu that has the apps > settings > default apps window open for you. You will see a text box that says “search for a file type”. In that box type “txt” without the quotes, or “.txt” without the quotes. You should see an option for notepad++ in the resulting list, as long as notepad++ is installed on your system already. click on the notepad++ icon, and it will be assigned as the default app for .txt files. you should now be able to right click in any usual spot i.e. your desktop, and you should now see an option to use notepad++ under the “new” menu item from the right click menu.