@kavish-jha ,
I’m a little confused by some of your description, so sorry if I’ve misinterpreted things.
AppData, Cloud, -settingsDir, and doLocalConf are the only four solutions I know of. You are rejecting AppData (for reasons of being “temporary”, which doesn’t make sense to me, but I am sure you know the details of your system more than I can guess from a brief description); you are rejecting cloud data because you cannot put %UserName% variable in the path; presumably doLocalConf won’t work for you, because you don’t want everyone storing their settings in the same app directory.
But some comments from me:
Idea 1: -settingsDir might work, if you can create their shortcut and/or batch file that launches Notepad++: you could have that run "\path\to\notepad++.exe" -settingsDir="Windows Server - A1\Notepad++\%UserName%\" to launch Notepad++. As long as they always start Notepad++ with that shortcut/batch, rather than running notepad++.exe directly, it would get its settings from the right place. (If you have context-menu commands in regedit, you could maybe even edit the registry so it always includes the -settingsDir argument in the registry calls as well)
Idea 2: Since the Cloud Directory won’t allow variables, could you have a script that runs when a user logs in that creates a junction? You could make the junction always named Windows Server - A1\Notepad++\ActiveUser , but it would point to the Windows Server - A1\Notepad++\%UserName%\ , so you could set Notepad++ up to always look at Windows Server - A1\Notepad++\ActiveUser , and the login script would take care of making sure that always points to the user’s actual preference directory.
Idea 3: Instead of having a script creating a junction and using Cloud Directory, you could have a script which copies Windows Server - A1\Notepad++\%UserName% to %AppData%\Notepad++ , and then a log-off script that copies it back the other way to save their settings long-term – so even if the %AppData% is “temporary” over the long-haul, it will exist while the user is logged in, and thus you can just have Notepad++ look in %AppData%\Notepad++ as normal.