• New document | Default langauge not working for new NP++ instance

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Craig O'NeilC

    @PeterJones thanks for all your help with this.
    cheers, Craig.


    0 Votes
    3 Posts


    See a related discussion here, which mentions a non-Notepad++ tool for tracking the clipboard history. Normally, I wouldn’t recommend an external tool, but for you, it would help, because even if Notepad++ crashes, that external tool should not, so you should not lose your clipboard contents.

  • Notepad ++ not responding when saving XML file

    0 Votes
    18 Posts
    Graham CollinsG

    This happened to me on 8.4.7. Disabling the options mentioned by @joel-rodriguez worked for me

  • Find the specific word in notpad++

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    I misread the problem statement; @Silent_Macjedi 's answer is more accurate for the stated need than mine, please use that.

  • Comparing files

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Mario CastroM

    Thanks :)

  • find function

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Richard BruceR

    @Alan-Kilborn perfect thank you

  • Notepad++ Email Verification

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @PJRamaglia said in Notepad++ Email Verification:

    Or is it truly legit?

    It is truly legit. As @rdipardo said, it may have been an expired token. Or perhaps there was a temporary server glitch.

    If the latter, how would I go about requesting a new confirmation email?

    It’s not critical; the email verification is only used if you care about email notifications for replies, etc. Those don’t always work anyway, so you are not missing out on the essential functionality of the forum by not having a “confirmed” email address. (Until a few months back, the email verification didn’t work at all.)

    @rdipardo said,

    If you use GitHub, it’s much more reliable to simply link your existing account.

    Any of the login methods should be equally reliable. I’ve always used the “sign in with google”, and have had no reliability problems over the last 7 years I’ve been here.

    And if you didn’t use the “GitHub” login the first time you created your account, don’t try to use it for logging in (yet), because it will create a second account, which is not what you want. If you really want to be able to log in with multiple of the buttons:

    stay logged in using the button you used the first time Go to your icon in the upper right and select “Edit Profile”:
    8e10df2a-6fa0-4cc2-b32c-63b677eca3e3-image.png in the right column, there will be buttons that say either “click here to associate with…” or “associated with…”
    486a34aa-a679-4251-8498-b3b073e90fee-image.png If you want to add another, click on the “Click here to associate…” button. For example, you can see in my screenshot that I can log in using either my google account or my GitHub account. Both will take me to this same account. If I wanted to, I could also add my Facebook and/or Twitter accounts (though given recent changes at Twitter, that might not be so wise right now). BTW: Do not click “dissociate” on all the accounts; that will mean once you lose your active session, you will never be able to log in again.

    To sum up: You only need one sign-in service associated with your account. But if you were worried about losing access here, you could associate a second (or third or fourth) service. That way, if you lose your Google credentials (or if Twitter closes your account, or whatever), you could still use your GitHub to access this same account, or similar.

  • printing issues on color laser printer samsung Xpress c480w

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    25 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @Alan-Kilborn said in printing issues on color laser printer samsung Xpress c480w:

    I hope everyone doesn’t see it as 4K. :-(

    No, we see it as it’s supposed to be, but you have added a yellow background to it and changed the blue to black. :)

  • Add leading zeros between "0x" and comma, to make a 8-digit hex number

    1 Votes
    6 Posts
    Sankar SS

    @PeterJones @Terry-R , Thank you , I will check out these resources .

  • Regular Expression in c.xml function list

    0 Votes
    15 Posts

    My current proposal for the updated wording:

    Contribute your new or enhanced parser rule to the Notepad++ codebase

    If you have added or updated the parser definition file for one of Notepad++'s built-in languages, you are welcome to contribute your file to the Notepad++ codebase by creating “Pull Request” (also called a “PR”) on the Notepad++ GitHub page. (A “Pull Request” is just the GitHub mechanism for requesting that code you write be added to a project.)

    Please Note: You only need to create a Pull Request if you want your Function List definition to be bundled as part of the Notepad++ codebase going forward, so that everyone who downloads Notepad++ gets your Function List definition. If you do not need to contribute your Function List definition to everyone, then you do not need to read anything below this paragraph.

    If you created a Function List for your own UDL, you do not need to create a Pull Request using the link above, because user-created UDLs and their Function List definitions are not distributed as part of Notepad++. You do not need to read any further.
    If you just edited one of the pre-existing Function List definitions for your own personal use, and you don’t want to share it with anyone else, you do not need to create a Pull Request using the link above because you are not sharing it with others. You do not need to read any further.
    This Pull Request can be used to update the Function List for a language that already has a Function List definition, but you just want to make it better for everyone; or it can be for a new definition file for one of the builtin lexer languages that does not yet have a function list definition. If it does not not meet one of these requirements, you do not need to read any further.

    If you still want to believe you should be submitting your Function List parser to the Notepad++ codebase at this point, please follow the steps below to create and verify your Unit Tests and then submit the Pull Request.

  • How do I change the blue bookmark icon?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    If you are really out to change it to some custom bitmap that you define, you can get a start by seeing how it might be done:

    https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/17382 (see Apr 2, 2019 8:19AM posting)

    This posting doesn’t change what you want to change, but it gives some ideas on doing something similar.

  • Images no longer showing in any browser after View Current File

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    8 Posts

    @Sleepless-naShadow said in Images no longer showing in any browser after View Current File:

    If I can rule out Notepad++ that’s a win

    Create an HTML c:\path\to\ms-home\index.html file with MS notepad.exe, which just has a single embedded image ./images/abc.jpg (putting that image in the appropriate location, c:\path\to\ms-home\images\abc.jpg) Open that file with browser X, and prove to yourself that it it can see the image properly on your local machine Create an HTML c:\path\to\npp-home\index.html with Notepad++.exe, which just has a single embedded image ./images/abc.jpg (putting that image in the appropriate location, c:\path\to\npp-home\images\abc.jpg) Open that file with browser X (using either View Current File or the browser’s local-file-open) Notice that if the HTML is equivalent, and the relative paths are equivalent, then a file edited with Notepad++ behaves identically to a file edited with MS notepad.exe, thus ruling out Notepad++ as the culprit. If “5” was true, find an HTML forum to help you with debugging your faulty HTML, or a forum that helps with using a browser correctly for viewing of local files, because here is not the right place; if “5” was false (I am quite certain it won’t be), include screenshots and pasting the raw HTML (using the </> button after pasting to make the HTML source text appear in a text box) proving it, so we can show you where things are different, again proving that the culprit is not Notepad++. Because it’s not.

    So far, everything you have described (despite your assumptions) says that you have an HTML problem. Nothing specific to Notepad++ should change that HTML or the way that a browser interprets that HTML.



    <p>text before</p> <img src="./images/abc.jpg"> <p>text after</p>


    <p>text</p> <img src="./images/abc.jpg"> <p>after</p>
  • "Copy Failed" when installing/updating Notepad++ localization options

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Terry RT

    @PeterJones said in "Copy Failed" when installing/updating Notepad++ localization options:

    but your normal user does not

    I have that as well on my work PC. But when I install I have a higher level account which is used which does have permissions. I assumed here that the same must apply as the image shows other localization files being successfully copied.


  • Add "New Notepad++ file" in Windows11 context menu?

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    2 Posts

    @Marc0loide ,

    When Windows 11 creates a “New File” for a plaintext file, it will show the icon that is currently associated with .txt, and will give it the name of the .txt filetype. So if you choose in Windows to always “Open With” Notepad++ for a .txt file, it will generally change the name and icon (in that New File submenu, and in Explorer directory listings) to reflect the default application for .txt. But because Windows is Microsoft, it doesn’t always, and sometimes fights you. It’s a quirk of the OS, and nothing controlled by Notepad++.

  • How to set a global comment style?

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    2 Posts

    @PaulStSmith ,

    The reason you could not find it documented anywhere is that there is no easy way to do that. One of the problems is not all the COMMENTs (for example) have the same style ID or same exact name in every language; and not every language has a COMMENT. (It’s one of the reasons that designing a whole style takes effort, rather than just a couple quick tweaks.)

    If you wanted to change something like that, you could open up %AppData%\Notepad++\stylers.xml and do a series of regex-based search-and-replace like

    FIND = (?i-s)(name="COMMENT.*?fgColor)=".{6}"
    REPLACE = ${1}="XXXXXX"
    SEARCH MODE = Regular Expression

    (that will replace the foreground for any style name that starts with COMMENT with the color XXXXXX of your choice)

    You would then have to do that for every style name that is reasonably consistent throughout all the language style definitions.

  • How can I stop edits being highlighted in printing?

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    3 Posts
    Jonathan SzantoJ


    Unbelievably fast response! I think that must be it, and at least I am not going crazy, as it seems to be a recent addition to the program. My coding days are long-gone, so it is not necessary to me. Thanks again for spot-on, x-fast help! ~ Jon

  • How to use characters like \t or others for style some lines?

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    EnhanceAnyLexer uses indicators to highlight the text in question and these do not have access to font attributes. More precisely, as of today, indicators only have the possibility to change the foreground color. The reason why indicators are used is simple, lexers use styles and EnhanceAnyLexer should not compete with Lexers for this resource.

  • How to add a table to the first block of headings?

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    21 Posts
    dr ramaanandD

    @PeterJones and @Terry-R, it worked. Some auto-correction was making the h2 become H2 (and I had selected the match case option) and I have corrected it now for which I apologise. Thank you very much.

  • How you add line splitter every tag?

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    4 Posts
    Neil SchipperN


    I will assume you want the new line inserted after each and every instance of </Entry>.

    Here is a solution using “Find and Replace”.

    First, make sure you have a safe backup of the original file.

    Next, use the backward P toolbar button (“Show all characters”), or, menu item View -> Show Symbol -> Show all chars, to view your file’s line endings. (You can show or unshow all chars whenever you want. It has no effect on the text in the file.)

    Probably the line endings are CRLF. If they are LF then, in the solution below, instead of \r\n use \n. If they are something else, you will need to describe them, and an adjustment will be needed.

    Invoke Replace dialog (Ctl+h)

    Find what: </Entry>\r\n
    Replace with: </Entry>\r\n<-------------------------------------------------->\r\n

    In the group of four options on left side, first three UNChecked; 4th one ‘Wrap around’ should be checked.

    Search mode: Extended

    Now use Replace All to process the whole file, or, you can use Replace if you want to see how it works line by line. Ctl+z to undo.

    Check the end of the file and decide if you want to keep the last inserted line.

    Let us know if it worked the way you needed.

  • Indent lines still on after i turn it off

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Terry-R Thanks so much! Have a great rest of your day.