• Activate next newest tab on tab closure (not last active tab).

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn Awesome, thanks!

  • Selecting Text With the Use of the Ctrl + Shift + Up/ Down Combination

    0 Votes
    20 Posts
    Michael VincentM

    @Michael-Vincent said in Selecting Text With the Use of the Ctrl + Shift + Up/ Down Combination:

    The “better” news – Notepad++ may be upgrading soon again …


    The “best” news - it will be in the next release. I downloaded the artifact and it seems to work as intended!


  • Search/Replace Question

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Papryk-G said in Search/Replace Question:

    that works except sometimes I’m left with empty titles

    None of your examples showed titles with no lines after the title, sorry.

    FIND = (?-s)^".*?"(\R[^#\$].*?$)*?(\R\R|\Z)
  • UDL for .ini and .cfg files

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @PeterJones Thanks for the quickl answer. Will try the addon.

  • Specific Answer

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Please don’t answer off-topic questions.
    OP was asked to show it is on-topic first.

  • Blank lines at the end of the text.

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    David TelloD

    Hello! Thank you very much for your reply. it has actually worked. Sorry for the inconvenience and my uselessness, with the blank lines I didn’t know what to call them, but I knew they weren’t normal lines.

  • Help moving to 64 bit sourcecookifier plugin wanted.

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Michael VincentM

    @Ian-Hobson said in Help moving to 64 bit sourcecookifier plugin wanted.:

    installed the 64 bit version (7.7.1).
    Now I want to (re)install SourceCookifier.

    Seems the (perhaps) original author finally got around to it:



  • Is there any way to use regex replace function in the Hex Editor?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    I suppose your goal, purely for hacking purposes, is a reasonable one. :-)

    I’m still a bit light on knowledge on exactly what you have, but can’t you just use Notepad++'s normal Replace operation for it (forgetting hex editing)?

    It might require opening your file in “ANSI” encoding mode…

  • Send mail from Notepad++

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Nathan-Levesque said in Send mail from Notepad++:

    send email from notepad++

    I have a Run menu entry that prepares a file for sending via Outlook, if that kind of thing is what you mean.

    Go to the Run menu and choose Run… and input:


    Press the Run button to test it out.
    If all goes well, make it a permanent entry in your Run menu by coming back in and pressing the Save… button.


    the | after _PATH) in the box is just the typing caret if you use an email program other than Outlook, you’d have to find the correct command for it even if you do use Outlook, you may need to specify the full path to it in the Run… box – I don’t know how your system is set up
  • N++ 8.x crash dump file

    0 Votes
    4 Posts


    I’m not sure I understand what you mean. If you rename the plugin folder and it still crashes then it is triggered by Npp itself, otherwise it is triggered by one of your installed plugins.
    If it is a plugin, then one option would be to figure out which one is responsible, by renaming all the plugins and reactivate one by one until the crash occurs again.
    The other option would be to open the dmp file in a program like windbg and analyze which call threw the exception, which means having a good understanding of how things work under the hood.

  • [help] search and replace with searched + more

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alberto ZanotA

    Worked perfectly! Thanks a lot!!!

  • Special sorting

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Hello, @vavoices, @alan-kilborn and All,

    There is an easy solution to your problem. You just have to, temporarily, copy all the fields, which need sorting, at the beginning of curent line, accordingly to their sorting order ;-))

    For instance, starting with this INPUT text ( dummy text to illustrate the technique ! ) :

    skill_begin skill_name=[auto belt1] skill_id=10022 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_begin skill_name=[auto_belt2] skill_id=10023 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_begin skill_name=[auto_belt3] skill_id=10024 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_begin skill_name=[auto_belt4] skill_id=10025 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=1 skill_begin skill name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_vp_up] skill_id=22005 level=2 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=7 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=8 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_power_a] skill_id=22000 level=3 sklll_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_power_b] skill_id=22001 level=4 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_power_c] skill_id=22002 level=4 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=9 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_time] skill_id=22003 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[chain_hydral] skill_id=18230 level=1 operate_type=A2 skill_begin skill_name=[chain_hydra2] skill_id=18230 level=2 operate_type=A2 sklll_begin skill_name=[chain_hydra3] skill_id=18230 level=3 operate_type=A2 skill_begin skill_name=[chain_hydra4] skill_id=18230 level=4 operate_type=A2

    Let’s suppose that you want to sort these lines, in ascending direction, by skill_id values and by level values

    Then, perform the following regex S/R :

    SEARCH (?x-is) ^ .* \b ( skill_id= \d+ ) .+ \b ( level= \d ) \b .*

    REPLACE $1 $2 $0

    you’ll get this temporary text :

    skill_id=10022 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[auto belt1] skill_id=10022 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_id=10023 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[auto_belt2] skill_id=10023 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_id=10024 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[auto_belt3] skill_id=10024 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_id=10025 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[auto_belt4] skill_id=10025 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_id=22004 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=1 skill_id=22005 level=2 skill_begin skill name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_vp_up] skill_id=22005 level=2 skill_id=22004 level=7 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=7 skill_id=22004 level=8 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=8 skill_id=22000 level=3 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_power_a] skill_id=22000 level=3 skill_id=22001 level=4 sklll_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_power_b] skill_id=22001 level=4 skill_id=22002 level=4 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_power_c] skill_id=22002 level=4 skill_id=22004 level=9 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=9 skill_id=22003 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_time] skill_id=22003 level=1 skill_id=18230 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[chain_hydral] skill_id=18230 level=1 operate_type=A2 skill_id=18230 level=2 skill_begin skill_name=[chain_hydra2] skill_id=18230 level=2 operate_type=A2 skill_id=18230 level=3 sklll_begin skill_name=[chain_hydra3] skill_id=18230 level=3 operate_type=A2 skill_id=18230 level=4 skill_begin skill_name=[chain_hydra4] skill_id=18230 level=4 operate_type=A2

    Now, run the Edit > Line Operations > Sort lines lexicographically Ascending N++ option

    skill_id=10022 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[auto belt1] skill_id=10022 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_id=10023 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[auto_belt2] skill_id=10023 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_id=10024 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[auto_belt3] skill_id=10024 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_id=10025 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[auto_belt4] skill_id=10025 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_id=18230 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[chain_hydral] skill_id=18230 level=1 operate_type=A2 skill_id=18230 level=2 skill_begin skill_name=[chain_hydra2] skill_id=18230 level=2 operate_type=A2 skill_id=18230 level=3 sklll_begin skill_name=[chain_hydra3] skill_id=18230 level=3 operate_type=A2 skill_id=18230 level=4 skill_begin skill_name=[chain_hydra4] skill_id=18230 level=4 operate_type=A2 skill_id=22000 level=3 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_power_a] skill_id=22000 level=3 skill_id=22001 level=4 sklll_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_power_b] skill_id=22001 level=4 skill_id=22002 level=4 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_power_c] skill_id=22002 level=4 skill_id=22003 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_time] skill_id=22003 level=1 skill_id=22004 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=1 skill_id=22004 level=7 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=7 skill_id=22004 level=8 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=8 skill_id=22004 level=9 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=9 skill_id=22005 level=2 skill_begin skill name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_vp_up] skill_id=22005 level=2

    You can verify that all the lines :

    Are first sorted by skill_id values ascending, then by level values ascending

    And, for a same skill_id key, are sorted by level values ascending ( case of skill_id=22004 )

    Finally, run this final regex S/R, in order to delete the temporary leading keys :

    SEARCH (?x-is) ^ .+ (?= skill_begin )


    And here is your expected OUTPUT text :

    skill_begin skill_name=[auto belt1] skill_id=10022 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_begin skill_name=[auto_belt2] skill_id=10023 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_begin skill_name=[auto_belt3] skill_id=10024 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_begin skill_name=[auto_belt4] skill_id=10025 level=1 operate_type=P magic skill_begin skill_name=[chain_hydral] skill_id=18230 level=1 operate_type=A2 skill_begin skill_name=[chain_hydra2] skill_id=18230 level=2 operate_type=A2 skill_id=18230 level=3 sklll_begin skill_name=[chain_hydra3] skill_id=18230 level=3 operate_type=A2 skill_begin skill_name=[chain_hydra4] skill_id=18230 level=4 operate_type=A2 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_power_a] skill_id=22000 level=3 skill_id=22001 level=4 sklll_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_power_b] skill_id=22001 level=4 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_power_c] skill_id=22002 level=4 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_kimchi_time] skill_id=22003 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=1 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=7 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=8 skill_begin skill_name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_recovery] skill_id=22004 level=9 skill_begin skill name=[br_s_item_herb_of_ginseng_vp_up] skill_id=22005 level=2

    Now, just tell me how you would like your file sorted and if all your numbers contain the same number of digits

    See you later !

    Best Regards,


  • Jittery display with dynamic width line numbers

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    M Andre Z EckenrodeM


    Noted, thanks, and sorry, I missed that.

  • Backup plugins and their settings

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @Destroy666x said in Backup plugins and their settings:

    yea, that’s pretty much what I wrote in initial post

    I was confirming that your description was close enough, and thus trying to imply that thus all you had to do to back up a plugin was back up those two directories. I am sorry that my implication was not clear.

  • the run button

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @zeta-orionis ,

    It allows you to run an external command. If you use the variables mentioned in the user manual, you can get it to pass the name of the active file to that external command, or the selected text, or some other similar info. You can save those Run > Run commands into an entry in the Run menu so that you don’t have to keep retyping a command that you use frequently.

  • automate task question

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Ruebezahl11 said in automate task question:

    I could add the undo to the macro

    Hmm, when I tried that with my quick experimentation, it didn’t work, but if it works for you, great.

  • "Encode selection to QR code" button with no selection crash

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Known issue: https://github.com/vladk1973/NppQrCode/issues/6

    On that thread you’ll find an unofficial patched version I compiled.

    If the guy would only put a clear license in the repository, I could properly publish a new release.

  • Find and Replace help

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Levan DavitadzeL

    @Alan-Kilborn Thank you.

  • Clarification

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    dr ramaanandD

    @Terry-R said in Clarification:

    Open both files side by side. Copy and paste between them.

    Thanks a lot @Terry-R
    I will follow both your suggestions

  • Black background when printing

    1 Votes
    3 Posts
    David FawcettD

    Yes that fixed it. I thought I had just done a recent update and had the latest version (but times flies). I read the article and I understand what was happening. I was not aware of this web site before, and now that I know about it , I will make sure to consult it before posting any more problems (should there even be any). This is the first problem I have had in the entire time using Notepad++ (10- 15 yrs )
    Thank you Alan Kilborn.