• Wrong parsing for C function

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Yes, it seems that way. One more thing: if I change the language to C++ the issue goes away. It is probably related to the horrendous regexps used for parsing C function definitions but I’m not smart enough to figure it out.

  • 0 Votes
    9 Posts


    unfortunately I can only upvote once. You are right!!!

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Michael VincentM

    There is also the PreviewHTML plugin that may work. Not sure how well it renders; it’s based on the installed Internet Explorer versions.

  • Open .csv files don't work at first / change default selections

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Jan-Öhman said:

    that’s when I got an error when opening the file …

    It’s really doubtful that the filter settings had anything to do with the error you received.

    Is it possible to change which file types are displayed in Notepad ++?..not only *.txt files but also *.csv and *.skv files

    Probably not easy to get just those 3 types filtered.

  • How to detect lines lacking "..." at end?

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Hi, @silent-resident, @peterjones, @alan-kilborn, @dinkumoil, and All,

    @peterjones :

    Peter, your search regex [^\.]\K(?=\R\R\d+$) ( which could be written [^.]\K(?=\R\R\d+$) ) does not work as expected ! Why ?

    Well, considering the first sub-title, in a Windows file, your regex first matches the zero-length gap, between letter t and the \r EOL character and it correctly adds the symbol. OK !

    Now, the regex engine location is between the two characters and \r. At this location, is there a single char, different from a dot, which can be followed with two line-breaks. The answer is YES : it’s just the \r EOL char, which is followed with \n ( so the first \R ) and the \r\n couple ( So, the second \R ). Thus, it adds a ... symbol between the \r and the \n of the first line-break

    This situation cannot occur, again, right after as, if it had chosen the \r char ( as [^.] ), then the remaining EOL characters were, only, the \n character, which cannot match the \R\R part of your regex ! So, the next match happens, wrongly, between the \r and \n EOL characters, at the end of the line on earth’s surface. and so on ... -((

    Luckily, 3 solutions are possible to get the right behaviour :

    The [^.\r\n]\K(?=\R\R\d+$) syntax to forces the character, before the EOL characters, to be different from EOL chars !

    The [^.]$\K(?=\R\R\d+$) syntax. Adding the $ anchor forces the [^.] character to be located right before an end of line ( so, obviously, not between the two EOL characters \r and \n). It’s the solution adopted by @dinkumoil !

    Finally, use the exact Windows EOL definition, with the [^.]\K(?=\r\n\r\n\d+$) syntax



  • Spell Check Not Working

    0 Votes
    17 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    I believe the poster is after a replace-on-misspelled word function.

    Think about Notepad++'s Replace button functionality, but where the Find what is the next sqiggly-underlined misspelled word. :)

  • GraphQL schema syntax highlighting

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  • Is there a way to close the window without confirming the save?

    0 Votes
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    Munsen TidocoM

    Here you have the answer.
    It is very useful to close everything from time to time.


  • Formating in Notepad++ after pasting text from a web page.

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn said:

    I get multiple lines

    So do I.

    You have ignored two requests for version information about your Notepad++.


    It might also come into play what browser that @Patrick-Maher is using… maybe his browser isn’t putting the newlines into the clipboard. I’m using Chrome Version 76.0.3809.100 (Official Build) (64-bit).

    As another test, what happens if it’s pasted into some other application, like MS notepad.exe? If you get a single line when you paste into Notepad++, but get multiple lines when you paste into notepad.exe, then it’s likely a bug on the Notepad++/Scintilla end; if you get single lines no matter where you paste it, it’s likely a bug in how the browser is populating the clipboard.

  • Finding and Removing LF within a comma delimited comments field

    2 Votes
    4 Posts

    Hello, @john-ditzel and All,

    I tried to re-visit the general problem, when a list of records, in a delimited file, is completely unformatted and may contain :

    Line-break(s) and/or blank character(s), possibly consecutive, inserted before and/or **after any field separator symbol ( generally a comma, semi-colon or colon char )

    Blank character(s), possibly consecutive, located at beginning or end of any field contents, right before and/or after the delimiter symbol ( generally a double or single quote char )

    Line-break(s), possibly consecutive, located inside any field contents, between two standard characters, different from, both, the delimiter and the separator symbols

    Additional line-break(s) and/or blank character(s), possibly consecutive, between two records

    Unnecessary space characters char(s)( or tabulation chars, when not a delimiter ) inside field contents

    So, here is a way to get a neat formatted list :

    Let SEP be the field separator ( The , character, in your case )

    Let DEL be the starting AND ending character delimiter ( The " character, in your case )

    IMPORTANT : The separator character is NEVER part of any field value !

    IF the separator is not the tabulation character, use these four generic regex S/R, below, in that order :

    SEARCH  1 [\h\r\n]*(SEP)[\h\r\n]*|DEL\K[\h\r\n]*(?=DEL|\z)

    REPLACE 1 ?1SEP:\r\n

    SEARCH  2 [^DELSEP\h\r\n]\K(\h*\R+)+\h*(?=[^DELSEP\h\r\n])

    REPLACE 2 \x20

    SEARCH  3 (^|SEP)DEL\K[\h\r\n]+|[\h\r\n]+(?=DEL(SEP|$))


    SEARCH  4 (['-])\h+|\x20{2,}|\t+

    REPLACE 4 ?1\1:\x20

    IF the separator is the tabulation character, use these four generic regex S/R, below, in that order :

    SEARCH  1 [\x20\r\n]*(\t)[\x20\r\n]*|DEL\K[\x20\r\n]*(?=DEL|\z)

    REPLACE 1 ?1\t:\r\n

    SEARCH  2 [^DEL\h\r\n]\K(\x20*\R+)+\x20*(?=[^DEL\h\r\n])

    REPLACE 2 \x20

    SEARCH  3 (^|\t)DEL\K[\x20\r\n]+|[\x20\r\n]+(?=DEL(\t|$))


    SEARCH  4 (['-])\x20+|\x20{2,}

    REPLACE 4 ?1\1:\x20

    Practical example :

    Assuming the sample list, below, containing 3 records, and, really, very, very twisted !

    "John","Smith","Chicago","Illinois","Likes to bicycle and swim. " " Mary Elisabeth " , " Ditzel " ," Los Angeles" , "California"," Love skiing and snow- boarding" "Andrew " , " Mc Millan " , "San Francisco " , " California" , " This is a small Test "

    With the first regex S/R, below,

    We delete any range of blank and/or EOL characters, located outside fields and which surrounds separators

    We replace any range of blank and/or EOL characters; between two records, with a single line-break

    SEARCH [\h\r\n]*(,)[\h\r\n]*|"\K[\h\r\n]*(?="|\z)

    REPLACE ?1,:\r\n

    So, the text is changed into :

    "John","Smith","Chicago","Illinois","Likes to bicycle and swim. " " Mary Elisabeth "," Ditzel "," Los Angeles","California"," Love skiing and snow- boarding" "Andrew "," Mc Millan ","San Francisco "," California"," This is a small Test "

    Now, after running the second regex S/R, below, which replaces any range of blank and/or EOL chars, containing, at least, one EOL char, between 2 non-delimiter/blank/EOL characters, with a single space character :

    SEARCH [^",\h\r\n]\K(\h*\R+)+\h*(?=[^",\h\r\n])

    REPLACE \x20

    We get the changed list, below :

    "John","Smith","Chicago","Illinois","Likes to bicycle and swim. " " Mary Elisabeth "," Ditzel "," Los Angeles","California"," Love skiing and snow- boarding" "Andrew "," Mc Millan ","San Francisco "," California"," This is a small Test "

    Then, using this third regex S/R, which deletes any consecutive range of blank and/or EOL characters, beginning or ending any field :

    SEARCH (^|,)"\K[\h\r\n]+|[\h\r\n]+(?="(,|$))


    We get :

    "John","Smith","Chicago","Illinois","Likes to bicycle and swim." "Mary Elisabeth","Ditzel","Los Angeles","California","Love skiing and snow- boarding" "Andrew","Mc Millan","San Francisco","California","This is a small Test"

    From now on, we almost have our neat list, without unnecessary line-breaks ! Finally, with that fourth regex S/R, we normalize any consecutive range of blank characters to a single space character, except when right after a dash or apostrophe. In that case, the space char, wrongly added, by the second S/R above, is, then, deleted !

    SEARCH (['-])\h+|\x20{2,}|\t+

    REPLACE ?1\1:\x20

    And, here is our final and expected list :

    "John","Smith","Chicago","Illinois","Likes to bicycle and swim." "Mary Elisabeth","Ditzel","Los Angeles","California","Love skiing and snow-boarding" "Andrew","Mc Millan","San Francisco","California","This is a small Test"



  • Notepad++ crashing

    1 Votes
    10 Posts
    Hana EmadH

    <title>العماد كلين0531610566
    <body>افضل شركة تنظيف منازل بجدة</body>

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts


    would you mind sharing a code example which can be used to test?
    In addition it would be helpful to see your debug-info from 7.6 and 7.7.
    The info can be found on the last menu item, the ? menu.
    And if you make screenshots, upload it to an hoster and embed it here with a syntax like
    ![](url_of_the_uploaded_imagel) would be helpful too.

  • In rows with notepad

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    So you have to pick out some sort of pattern to be able to do this. If your lines are always in pairs then it is fairly easy:

    Find what box: (?-s)^(.+)\R(.+)
    Replace with box: \1\s\2
    Wrap around checkbox: ticked
    Search mode: Regular expression
    Action: Press Replace All button

    Of course if your data is not as regular as it appears, then we will move on to something else…

  • coldfusion lexar plugin not highlighting tags in 7.7

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  • "&" characters in JavaScript code are rendered as blanks

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Settings (menu) > Style Configuator…

    See if you can change the global font. It isn’t the most user-intuitive thing to set up, unfortunately.

    BTW a lot of people have success in Notepad++ with the “Consolas” font.

  • Help, problem with decrypt

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Џо-Ни said:

    header version is no longer supported

    See this FAQ from the author of the plugin. You need to install an older NppCrypt (, then decrypt any files that were encrypted before, then update to the newer, then do a new encryption using the new tool.

  • Recover unsaved file, missing from backup

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    I closed accidentally a file called new 46 never saved

    Notepad++ will give you a prompt in this case, if you “accidentally” close a file, for example:


    If you answer No to this, Notepad++ takes you seriously.

  • Macros don't work

    1 Votes
    13 Posts


    let us try something different, goto https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v7.7.1.html and download one of the portable versions, the zip package or 7z package. You DON’T have to uninstall the current version just make sure, that you don’t have your current version running when redoing the test with the macros. If this works, then I suspect something corrupted your config files.
    So, the steps are

    download a portable version unpack it where ever you want make sure the installed version is not running start npp from the downloaded package create you macro and check if it works stop npp and restart npp and see if the macro still works.

    If this doesn’t work, then you need to explain in details what exactly you did in each step described above.

  • Does Notepad++ keep a History or Log of "Find in Files" made?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thanks I had a check and it shows the same values as in the drop down lists in the UI and I’ve applied them as well. I also found the verbose backup option (that I hadn’t enabled) so I think I’m out of luck.

  • Find and replace ... HELP

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Jin-Wook-Lee said:

    can you double check #2?


    looks right to me.


    If it doesn’t work for you, maybe your data didn’t match your example, or something else is going on. Feel free to supply more details.