• Zooming with mousewheel not working

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Chris MartinC

    @ekopalypse Yes it works there

  • Save As multiple open documents in Notepad++ at one time.

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Aside from the File > Save all command (sensing not what you want), or writing a script, there really isn’t an automated way to do what you’re asking.

  • 0 Votes
    26 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @dennis-mz ,

    I wasn’t going to respond, but let’s start with at least one language that I know of, since the original inception of the Big 3 desktop applications, dBASE does it. Most software does it, to some extent and gives you the option to turn it off. NOT the other way around.

    I am amazed at the power users who don’t RTFM, but then quip other users should RTFM, and try to evicerate anyone that dares look at life differently than themselves.

    So be it. Notepad.exe does not come with anything but word wrap, cut, copy, paste, a generic find and replace capability, and a time/date insertion macro.

    You folks want a programmer’s editor, without paying for it, like we did with Multi-Edit, and several others from days gone by, in what is essentially supposed to be a Notepad.exe replacement. The fact that it is quite good at it, freeware, is a nice thing. To expect it to cater to your’s and only your point of world view to the exclusion of others that you can’t understand, is arrogance. But. cie la vie. You guys seem no better than the cranky old dudes you wanted to replace because they couldn’t learn to do things more modern…and here you are, still crying because someone changed your brain dead default. You installed a new installation, what did you think was going to happen? RTFM and RTRN.

    Rant over.


  • Creating Line Break when there are multiple spaces on tagged line.

    0 Votes
    17 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @ashley-hoogenboom ,
    All they can ask. I feel for these guys that do this day in and day out. You were my first attempt, and I was kind of angry when you changed the goal. :) That said, welcome to the NPP forum, community and ask away. The only stupid question, is the one not asked. :)


  • search and extracting text from text file

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @mpheath said in search and extracting text from text file:

    Press button Copy Marked Text.

    Press Ctrl+N to open a new tab and press Ctrl+V to paste.

    The result may have ---- lines separating the captures in the pasted content.

    This (the ---- lines) will happen when marked text contains a line-ending(s).

    If you search for something simple, e.g. foobar and it occurs many times, when you do Copy Marked Text each match will be separated by a line-ending, typically CRLF, and no ---- will appear.

    However, if the search hit contains a line-ending, then a Copy Marked Text, in the copied text the matches are separated by ----CRLF, so that you can see what is actually part of the match and what is delimiter. In other words, the ---- lines are the delimiter.

    Example text:

    fubar foobar foo bar fu bar

    Use the Mark function and mark the regex (?-s)f[ou].*?bar and press Copy Marked Text, and then Paste elsewhere to obtain:

    fubar foobar

    Use the Mark function and mark the regex (?s)f[ou].*?bar and press Copy Marked Text, and then Paste elsewhere to obtain:

    fubar ---- foobar ---- foo bar ---- fu bar

    I don’t know that this is expressed in the user manual.

  • Notepad++ crashing

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Michael VincentM

    @rick-grunwald said in Notepad++ crashing:

    I have not been able to load NP++ since 8.2.1. I am using a portable version under Win 10 x64. It will almost load showing white window then crash. In task manager It seems to start twice. Same behavior if I right click and “open” the executable

    Run from the command line with -noPlugin option and when it (most likely) works, you’ll need to re-enable your plugins 1-by-1 to find which one is causing the issue. You can do this by moving all the plugins out of the Notepad++\plugins directory and then putting them back one by one and closing / launching Notepad++ each time you add a new one.

    Alternatively, paste your ?=>Debug Info… menu item output here (which you probably should have done) and we may be able to identify the faulty plugin.


  • How to find a line by a tag and remove data from line.

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Neil SchipperN

    @ashley-hoogenboom Appreciation appreciated.

  • Cursor starts at column 1 instead of column zero since 8.2.1

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Michael VincentM

    @alan-kilborn said in Cursor starts at column 1 instead of column zero since 8.2.1:

    talking about the -n command line parameter

    There are actually 2 bug fixes in that commit - one for the -n command line parameter and the other for putting the cursor at column 2 (Scintilla column 1) when opening N++.

  • VBA formatting with line after SUB's

    0 Votes
    15 Posts

    @peterjones very fair points. I will use your alt0 recommendation. thank you for the quick and helpful feedback.

  • Have I lost all my Notepad++ unsaved documents?

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    @fairbanksbiz said in Have I lost all my Notepad++ unsaved documents?:

    it appears so. well, at least I haven’t lost 457 documents

    Lucky you!

    I highly recommend you take the advice in this thread, and take an active role in making sure your important data / files (and which files aren’t important, really?) are saved to known locations, and backed up, with revision control if necessary. There are settings and plugins which will help with that, as long as you understand their configuration and limitations.

    I myself hope so.

    The only way that hope will turn to reality is by one or more conscious decisions on your part. And, obviously, you are the only one who can make that decision, and take appropriate actions on that decision, enough that personal data integrity becomes part of your natural behavior.

    “Save early, save often”

  • How to show "C" languag struct members?

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Paolo SantiniP

    Very Good!!!
    I’ll be waiting for it.

  • Not seeing how to enable word wrap default per file type

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Neil SchipperN

    @viri-davu Also, the Word Wrap button on the toolbar makes this limitation a little less painful.

  • path for notepad++

    0 Votes
    16 Posts
    Eric BlochE

    Right click on Icon and select “Properties” and then click on “Open File Location”. At that location can <shift><right click> and select “Copy as Path”

  • How to transfer wildcards from FIND to REPLACE

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Neil SchipperN

    @danny-spence You should try to describe in a more precise and complete way all the types of strings you wanted altered. If you are happy doing a separate F&R operation for every date of interest, that’s what Peter’s solution provides. If you wish to alter every Feb date, you need something like Feb/\d+. If you wish to alter a restricted range of dates in Feb like say 8th to 23th, you need something a bit more complex. If you wish to alter every date in the format you’ve shown, you need something like (Jan|Feb|..etc..|Dec)/\d+. Try to eliminate the need for your readers to do guesswork.

  • Crash upon opening any file after a manual upgrade from

    1 Votes
    6 Posts

    Good afternoon,

    Just a bit of news;

    I’ve submitted a pull request and it got merged in with a version bump, so it’s available to all through the Plugins Admin!

  • Issue with autocompletion - comparing 7.3.3 and 8.3

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Thank you everyone ^^

    The .xml file name has to match the UDL name, but inside it the language field is purely descriptive (see https://npp-user-manual.org/docs/auto-completion/#auto-completion-file-format)

    Next time I’ll try to be more verbose and explicit on my posts to be precise when it comes to reproduction steps

    Really appreciate all you’ve done over the past days!

  • Autocomplete error after version 8.3

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Laura Ess 0L

    Thank you, that worked! I did try searching the community posts but this is the first time I’ve used it and got a bit lost. Thanks again.

  • How to disable txt syntax automatic checking?

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    oa klkO

    @michael-vincent @alan-kilborn


    I close the txt file and reopen it, now I cannot reproduce the issue.

    But before that, if I just close notepad++ and reopen notepad++(not close txt file and reopen txt file), I got the issue every time.

    In the bottom, it shows that it is a user defined language file, I don’t know why.

    Notepad++ v8.2.1 (32-bit)
    Build time : Jan 19 2022 - 18:38:49
    Path : C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
    Command Line :
    Admin mode : OFF
    Local Conf mode : OFF
    Cloud Config : OFF
    OS Name : Windows 10 Enterprise (64-bit)
    OS Version : 2009
    OS Build : 19042.1466
    Current ANSI codepage : 1252
    Plugins : DarkTheme.dll mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll NppExport.dll XMLTools.dll

  • Locate and insert new value

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @guy038 said in Locate and insert new value:

    I"m surprised and don’t understand your regex replacement

    I don’t understand it now either.
    For some reason I thought OP wanted to insert the ssn tag and value!

  • ctrl+f #/count

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @alan-kilborn said in ctrl+f #/count:

    You can hope, but it has a better chance if you make a real feature request out of it; see HERE for how to do that.
    Probably it doesn’t stand much of a chance, though, IMO.
