• 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @peterjones said in Changing the closing tag on a XML file, so it matches the opening tag, with notepad++ -:

    FIND = (?s)wp:postmeta-ingredients.*?\K</wp:postmeta>
    REPLACE = </wp:postmeta-ingredients>
    SEARCH MODE = Regular Expression
    REPLACE ALL (because of \K, hitting REPLACE multiple times will not work)

    Ehh, wow, fast and correct answer, worked like a charm.
    Super impress of the quality here.

    Thank you so much Peter :)

  • Compare Plugin isn't working

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @peterjones Thank you. It’s working now :)

  • Menu font size and coloring

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    No one has replied
  • Update crash : How do I manually remove Npad++

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @john-molyneux ,

    Gnu Octave is a completely different program than Notepad++, and has nothing to do with the Notepad++ project. It may have its own plugins directory, but that has nothing to do with Notepad++. If Octave bundles a Notepad++ copy with their distribution (which they are legally allowed to do, based on the LICENSE), then maybe there really is a Notepad++\Plugins directory there. But that would mildly surprise me (and some quick poking at Octave’s site doesn’t show me any obvious reference from Octave to Notepad++).

    Those .tmp files and rar folders likely have nothing to do with Notepad++.

    I think you’ve done a lot of mucking around, and you are in a strange situation. We are not generic tech support / Windows support, and if you are having problems at bootup, and if you don’t have Notepad++ left on your machine, then the problem is a Windows problem, not a Notepad++ problem. I don’t know how you got to where you are, but I don’t think we can help you out of the mess you’re in now.

    Sorry to not have better news for you. Good luck.

  • Multi to single selection after tab switch

    1 Votes
    4 Posts
    M Andre Z EckenrodeM

    @peterjones said in Multi to single selection after tab switch:

    this points to it being an implementation-detail/feature/bug of Scintilla 4.46, not of Notepad++ itself.

    Sounds logical to me.

    @alan-kilborn said in Multi to single selection after tab switch:

    If that behavior really bothers you (I don’t get the feeling it does – all that much)

    Nah — not so far, anyway. This was probably the first time I’d ever switched tabs immediately after creating a multi-selection.

    I’m thinking this may warrant mentioning as a limitation in the docs, though.

  • Auto-quit with ">"

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Michael VincentM

    @aliyah-lee said in Auto-quit with ">":

    Every time I try to type in a closing angle bracket “>” (meaning I have to press SHIFT + .) the program shuts down, making it impossible to use this program for XML,

    This is a known issue. It will be fixed in the next release. You can either downgrade now or replace current notepad++.exe with the artifact from the linked commit.


  • Notepad crashes while coding in HTML

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Michael VincentM

    @aditya-samaddar said in Notepad crashes while coding in HTML:

    While typing the code, whenever I try closing a HTML tag, it just crashes.
    Don’t know what more to say. Hope you can help

    This is a known issue. It will be fixed in the next release. You can either downgrade now or replace current notepad++.exe with the artifact from the linked commit.


  • Plugin window font is very faint - 4k display res issue?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @mr-brunes Hmm, the attached image displays clearly on mine but may be because it’s much larger than real size!

  • How to add external modules for python and autocompletition

    0 Votes
    4 Posts


    Could generate the autocomplete file with gen_python_3_api.py. Requires Python 3 obviously.

    Download gen_python_3_api.py from this repository. Copy gen_python_3_api.py to an empty directory for the operation. Run this command from the directory containing gen_python_3_api.py:
    "%ProgramFiles%\LibreOffice\program\python.exe" "gen_python_3_api.py"

    Notice the command will run Python built into LibreOffice, not the Python that you may have installed separately. If you want autocomplete from the Python installed separately, then run the script with that Python instead.

    Multiple files will be created. The files that are not xml are for SciTE. The main file for the Notepad++ autocomplete is python3.xml.

    Recommend to read the docstring at the top of gen_python_3_api.py which has some instructions and other useful information. A couple of different ways to setup into Notepad++.

    You could replace the original autoCompletion\python.xml with the content of python3.xml which replaces Python 2 with Python 3 as default for autocomplete. Do backup the original file before doing this. The file userDefineLang_python3.xml has keywords within that you may need to update in the Settings -> Style Configurator menu.

    Or you could copy userDefineLang_python3.xml into the userDefineLangs folder and copy python3.xml into the autoCompletion folder. This will display in Notepad++ as a UDL in the menu Language -> python3. This is not going to be so intergrated as the previous option with builtin theming and the other features.

    The python3.xml file will be quite large at approximately 960KB, though here is an excerpt of a uno function entry:

    <KeyWord func="yes" name="uno.invoke"> <Overload descr="[function] Use this function to pass exactly typed Anys to the callee (using uno.Any)." retVal=""> <Param name="object"/> <Param name="methodname"/> <Param name="argTuple"/> </Overload> </KeyWord>

    Tested with LibreOffice which has Python 3.8. I am the author of the gen_python_3_api.py script so I should be able to help here if any on-topic questions are asked about this script, otherwise suggest to discuss at the repository.

  • Replace multiple texts with other multiple texts

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @alan-kilborn Works perfect! Thanks a lot!

  • Where are the opened files data saved?

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Pessimist KaiP

    @neil-schipper No, I think this is just what I needed. Thank you! :)

  • Notepad++ v8.3 crashing due to nppAutoIndentDetect.dll

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    @clem-patafio ,

    @Michael-Vincent said,

    Resolved - https://github.com/Chocobo1/nppAutoDetectIndent/issues/5#issuecomment-1033939578

    This says that if you exit Notepad++ completely, go download the most recent nppAutoDetectIndent release 2.3, and put the new DLL overtop your old DLL, and restart Notepad++, it should fix your issue.

    (The author of the plugin has submitted the PR so that the updated nppAutoDetectIndent will be available in the next release of Notepad++ as well.)

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts


    This forum is for Notepad++ questions. Your question has nothing to do with Notepad++: the answer will be the same whether you are using Notepad++, MS notepad.exe, or copy con. If you think “I am typing this with Notepad++, so it should be on topic,” then you haven’t read our FAQ which explains why that is a false interpretation, using the example of baking cookies.

    But I’ll give you a hint: on my machine, that HTML doesn’t display with bold characters:bec266e6-2703-494b-8566-8b69172090c7-image.png.
    (My guess is that it’s a font issue on your PC.)
    Further, the snippet you showed has no characters outside of the ASCII range, so it doesn’t matter whether you have set charset="iso-8859-1" or charset="utf-8". If you do understand why having no characters outside of the ASCII range necessarily implies the “so…” part of my previous sentence, you need to go find a better tutorial on character encodings and HTML, because you obviously don’t understand the technology you are working with sufficiently. If you still don’t understand, you will have to find a forum that’s about HTML and web formatting, not one for a particular editor, and ask there. The Notepad++ Community Forum is not the right place for further discussion on this.

    You can even use Notepad++ to prove to yourself that it doesn’t matter which charset you pick, given the data you showed:

    FIND = [^\x20-\x7e\r\n] – this will find any character that is not between ASCII 32 (0x20) and ASCII 126 (0x7E), or not a CR or LF newline character. COUNT

    In your snippet, it finds 0 characters outside of that range. That means there is nothing in that snippet which is not ASCII, and thus nothing that will be different between ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8.


    OTOH, if I add the characters ÀÁÅËË and do the COUNT again, it now counts 5 matches in the file, for those five characters.


  • 1 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    If you look at the RELEASE NOTES for 7.9.3, specifically point 17, you’ll see that in this version a change was made.

    Unfortunately, it seems that this change did not work for all users, so it was reverted in the next version; see THESE RELEASE NOTES for 7.9.4, point 2.

    All this tracks exactly what you’ve said.

    Unfortunately Notepad++'s DPI problems continue to this writing, with no global resolution that works for all. :-(

  • /D=%ProgramData%\Notepad++ not working

    0 Votes
    15 Posts

    @mpheath said in /D=%ProgramData%\Notepad++ not working:

    I do not see how you got C:\TEMP for the 1st messagebox

    I described the sequence of the $INSTDIR assignment in my patch Notes too: ; - before .onInit is executed, $INSTDIR has been preset by the InstallDir attribute ; - then if the value defined by a possible InstallDirRegKey attribute is valid, it overrides original InstallDir ; - finally, if the user used "/D=..." at runtime (at installer cmdline), $INSTDIR has been changed to that parameter before .onInit
  • Weird editor behaviour

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @peterjones said in Weird editor behaviour:

    Maybe someone who can see your video will be able to give insight.

    I could not see the video yesterday, though today I could.

    The highlighted text dances with a shifting move of 2 characters, every couple of seconds. It is like an inline selection rather than a block/column selection.


    I cannot reproduce, though perhaps I may not have the same version. Can you post your debug info from the ? -> Debug Info... menu option.

    What I would try is to run Notepad++.exe -noPlugin command and see if the issue can be reproduced. If not, then a misbehaving plugin might be the issue.

    You could download and try a portable version and try to reproduce the problem.

    These ideas might help to narrow down the cause.

  • Change Text Highlight colour

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thank you for the tip. Appreciated and now fixed.

  • text-highlight file extensions

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    It might work better if you prefix every extension with a dot (and get rid of the free-standing dot):

    <Keywords name="Operators1">.txt .asc .bin</Keywords>

    That seems to force an exact match:


  • Replace strings with specific lines content

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @andres-garzon said in Replace strings with specific lines content:

    is there any way to put all these steps into a macro?

    IMO it would be insane to try to record that as a macro, or to even hand-edit a macro to try to do it.

    I wouldn’t have written to just say that though. I wanted to point out a specific thing as I look over the list of what Guy gave you.

    I see:

    Click on the Copy Marked Text button

    I’ve noticed that this button on the Mark window isn’t macro-recordable. :-(

    But… happily, this is the equivalent command and it IS macro-recordable:


    As to the rest…good luck with the macroizing!

  • Secondary branches in the Function List Panel

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @kiyn ,

    The function list has one level for classes with a sub-level of functions below it, and functions not in classes go at the top level. You cannot go any deeper than that. The top-level filename root node is unchangeable.


    UserManual Function List description: https://npp-user-manual.org/docs/function-list/ Community FAQ: Function List Basics: https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/19480/faq-desk-function-list-basics