• Feature Request Web Link Hint and pop-up Box

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    It is more likely to be included if you make a request for a new feature here. Please check to see if it hasn’t already been requested.

  • reference to undefined entity after save file xml

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Virus GamersV

    No I do not think so; it’s my keyboard that eats too many breadcrumbs
    I’m blocked 1 hours for that’s. i’m so stupid ^^
    Thank u so mush for reply :)

  • ASCII Box drawing characters forcing me to use alternative text editor

    0 Votes
    21 Posts
    Neil SchipperN

    @gregory-g Happy Birthday, post about ASCII Box drawing!

  • bak file as new default

    3 Votes
    10 Posts

    @edzilla2000 ,

    Continuing with another thought: As you said regarding the config.model.xml files, the usermanual documentation is rather lacking on the deployment perspective. Unfortunately, even though I am the primary usermanual contributor, I don’t have the expertise to write such a page to be added to the manual, so I wouldn’t know where to start with such a thing.

    What would be great is if someone (hint, hint) who had just finished figuring out how to get things running smoothly for deployment were willing to lend a hand, by giving some notes, or at least coming up with a list of questions that deployers will likely want answers to, I might be able to start working on such a thing. I have created an issue for the usermanual, requesting help for this task – so replies can go there. (And I’ll try to avoid getting overly sarcastic again.)

  • Don't open folders anyway... how?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @roman-lt said in Don't open folders anyway... how?:

    Is there a way to open notepad++ with folder parameter given when it ignores such folder parameter? So, it starts, but without any new opens?
    For example, Notepad3 in this case just shows Open Dialog…

    Sorry, my English is not good…

    Thanks for trying.

    If I am understanding correctly, you want to be able to give a folder as an argument to Notepad++… but instead of opening every file in the folder (the default action) or opening FolderAsWorkspace (one of the advertised command-line options), you would like it to do something different. If I am understanding correctly, you would like it to just open Notepad++ with the Open dialog automatically showing, so that it asks you to open a file from that particular folder? Or maybe you want it to just open Notepad++ normally, but in a way that when you access the Open dialog, it will default to the given folder?

    There is no such command line argument for either of those interpretations. But there may be workarounds that are sufficient for your needs:

    If you want it to auto-spawn the Open File dialog, one could make use of the -z command line option with the PythonScript plugin, with a discussion about how to do so linked from the usermanual

    If you want it to change the default directory, you might be able to just run Notepad++ executable from that directory, or have a Windows shortcut for Notepad++ that changes the “Start In” directory. The Settings > Preferences > Default Directory may influence how effective cd __SOME__DIRECTORY__ & notepad++.exe or the shortcut – I think you want 🗹 Remember last used directory. Yeah, I just set to that Default Directory option, then created a shortcut that changes the “Start In” directory; when I run Notepad++ using that shortcut, the first time I hit File > Open (or the Open toolbar icon), it opens in the “Start In” directory.

    Addendum: sorry, after reading Alan’s response, I realized I hadn’t noticed the “Total Commander” aspect of the question. I know nothing about how to make Total Commander interact with applications in a desired manner.

  • Using UDL as default file type?

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @john-english and others reading this discussion:

    I have submitted #11097 Allow UDLs in Default Language, due to this discussion and another recent one. (As well as the related #11096 Allow UDLs in SaveAs, which should also make dealing with UDLs easier)

    I cannot guarantee that anything will happen as a result of those issues, but they’ve at least been submitted. And anyone reading this discussion who agrees that one or more of those is a good idea is free to go upvote or comment on those issues.

  • Persian (Farsi) font has different style in NP++ and MS NP!

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    I use NP++ as a better alternative for MS NP and I don’t use it as a programming text editor, just use for edit txt, srt, cue sheet, ini files.

    You can see my NP++ settings in SS below (I don’t know why NP++ has such an odd behaviour with all “Persian” fonts! It shows the fonts illegible and thinner than they are with jagged edges!).


  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Ahmed ObaidA

    @peterjones Thanks alot,

    That solved my issue.

  • -1 Votes
    5 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @peterjones said :

    TL;DR Please post in English in this forum, as you have been asked multiple times.

    Of course, the option exists for those that don’t post in English to reply to them with:

    Please re-post that in English as this is an English forum; unless you do that your posting will be ignored and not replied to.

  • Notepad++ update error (schannel)

    0 Votes
    6 Posts


    Finally the (schannel) issue has been resolved, the main cause of this and other similar issues related to SSL/TLS errors is incorrect security settings in Windows Registry located in HKLM SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL. The easiest way to correct SSL/TLS settings is IIS Crypto utility disabling all obsolete protocols, ciphers and leave TLS 1.2, Triple DES, AES ciphers along with SHA hashes only. After changes and computer reboot the error SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE (0x80090326) was gone.

  • Need help with replacing/editing lines!

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Moking CM

    @alan-kilborn thank you it helps ;)

  • Function List not working in v8.2

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @peterjones - thanks for the point-out
    I forgot about the overrideMap.xml file.
    I copied that over and it is now working as before


  • Not sycning with modifications made in browser

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    @peterjones I’ve just check, it was disabled, now it works just well, thanks!

  • How to create textblocks in a LOG file

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @andre-bergmann said in How to create textblocks in a LOG file:

    So I can save a couple of hours I’ve not to reard hugh LOG files to find the main tags.

    This phrase makes me want to suggest something I’ve discovered to be useful recently: the Analyse plugin. It isn’t quite the same, but I think its original design was to make log file data easier to visually process. Just a suggestion.

  • Lexicographically ascending with index

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Amazon BooksA

    @neil-schipper Thanks.

  • Default to 'Run as System'

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    SJ GoodsonS


    Thanks for idea. I checked it out but unfortunately it misses the mark. The FULL_CURRENT_PATH is only the top Open file; not the one selected in the Folder As Workspace. So, I’d have to open the file first (a .jpg in the text editor, Ugh!, and then run the command by keystroke). Easier to right mouse-click and hit “Run By System”. I was just hoping to double click and get “Run By System” as the default.

    Thanks for taking a swing at it.
    More ideas welcomed!!

  • Is this possible in regex.

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Mass Multiply and Replace Values

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Danny BD

    @peterjones I am using the Plugin XML tools and Transforming with an XLST similiar to the second body of code in the original post.

    I will Check into the Python thing.

  • how to remove all lines that contains duplicates.

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Neil SchipperN


    Clarifications are needed here.

    True or False: the duplicates will always be adjacent (= consecutive = one immediately following the other). You have sent mixed signals on this.

    True or False: when a duplicate is identified, the first of the pair is always to be preserved (kept, retained), and the second of the pair is always to be removed (deleted, discarded). This is implied but should be clearly stated.

  • newbee, macros and basic algorithm with Python Script

    0 Votes
    34 Posts
    Mathias LujanM

    @alan-kilborn I’m sorry again. I try to do my best…
    Your formulation is perfect.
    Just a detail, ‘icon =’ is not important for me. So :
    For any other lines, leave them as they are after the ‘song_length =’ line in the output.