• Where are the Scintilla shortcuts saved?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Claudia FrankC

    Hello @Xen-Xennon,

    Unless you modify shortcuts, there are hardcoded.
    Once modifed, you will see it in shortcuts.xml

    The issue, you discovered, has been already addressed here.
    SCI_LINEENDEXTEND doesn’t exist anymore #1612

    In regards to their meaning, be referred to the scintilla documentation here.


  • Emmet problem

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Ian PeersI

    Bless you Claudia - you’ve made an old man very happy.

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Claudia FrankC

    Hello @John-Grinder,

    I assume the new laptop has a new operating system as well, hasn’t it?
    And I assume you are running npp as an administrator -> can be checked by using menu ? and click on debug-info.
    Might look similar to this

    Notepad++ v6.9 Build time : Feb 21 2016 - 21:27:55 Path : C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe Admin mode : OFF Local Conf mode : OFF OS : Windows 10 Plugins : mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll NppExport.dll PluginManager.dll PythonScript.dll

    If admin mode is ON then you run npp as administrator. In such a case, you might get problems with UAC and elevation.
    If you give it a try and run npp as non-admin you should get access to the virtual drive again.


  • git branch/tag in the header

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Claudia FrankC

    Hello @Croqueur-Fou,

    HEAD points to the active working “branch”. Can’t this be used?
    I’m using tortoisegit, not git, and I don’t know what you exactly try to achieve.


  • How do I go from A<CR><<LF>B<CR><LF> to 'A','B' ?

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Jim BiwerJ

    In Ultra Edit, I would search for ^p and replace with ‘,’

    Thanks again. Solved.

  • How do I disable the 'Delimiter' function in Notepad++?

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Sean de LeeuwS


    That worked like a charm, thank you very much!

  • Styling Questions.

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Fields BarleyF

    Claudia, that was just perfect. Now I’m able to do it.

  • N++ doesn't remember the settings on user's account

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Claudia FrankC

    Local in regars to the npp installation does mean configuration data, plugins and notepad.exe in one directory.
    So has nothing to do with your non-admin profile.

    I’ve asked the question because I wasn’t sure if your problem is solved or not.


  • Problem installing on Windows 10

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Claudia FrankC

    Hello @S-B,

    if it can’t write the file then it might be that you either haven’t the proper permissions to write to this directory
    or that another app has this file locked exclusively. If it isn’t the first, the second could be solved by a reboot
    if you don’t know which application might have locked the file.


  • Notepad++ Compatibility on Windows server 2008R2 & WS2012 R2

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Claudia FrankC

    Hello @pranami-desai,

    it is nearly impossible to answer this question as we don’t know what the users or adminsitrators did.
    It might be related to plugins, quotas, concurrent access etc…
    Espescially in terminal service environments you should have enough additional informations
    to see what has caused the issue.


  • Sorting Folded Lines (Blocks?)

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Hi Justin,

    Firstly, I downloaded the entire contents of your .yaml file ( 5175 lines )

    Secondly, I isolated the Presets section ( 4925 lines )

    Thirdly, I understood that your special characters belongs :

    At the Miscellaneous symbols Unicode script, in the range [\x{2600}-\x{26FF}] ( See http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2600.pdf )

    At the Dingbats Unicode script, in the range [\x{2700}-\x{27BF}] ( See http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2700.pdf )

    Fourthly, I only, extracted the lines which contain one of these special Unicode characters. I got a list of 51 items, below :

    - - '✥ --- dscan: ships' - - '★ friendly: logistic' - - '♞ hostile: carriers' - - '★ friendly: dreads' - - '♞ hostile: battlecruisers' - - '♞ hostile: antibombers (!)' - - '♣ pve: salvage/loot' - - '★ friendly: capitals' - - '♞ hostile: fighters/fibos' - - '♞ hostile: dictors' - - ❏ hostile brackets - - '★ friendly: fleet' - - '♞ wartargets only' - - '★ friendly: sc/t' - - '♞ --- normal pvp' - - '✥ dscan: pos all mods' - - '♞ hostile: cruisers' - - '♣ pve: mining' - - '♞ hostile: logistics' - - ❏ no brackets - - ❏ skirmish brackets - - '✪ extra: podsaver (!)' - - '♞ hostile: cmd dest' - - '★ friendly: recons' - - '♞ hostile: drones' - - '✈ travel: show all' - - '♞ hostile: dreads' - - '♞ hostile: titans' - - '♞ structures' - - '♞ hostile: frig/dest' - - '♞ hostile: supers/titans' - - '♞ deployables' - - '♞ hostile: recons' - - '✈ travel: hide stations' - - '♣ pve: anoms/ratting' - - '♞ hostile: supercarriers' - - '♞ bombing warpouts' - - '♣ pve: show drones' - - '★ friendly: dictors' - - '★ --- friendly: all' - - '✈ --- basic travel' - - '♞ hostile: caps' - - ♣ --- basic pve - - ❏ default brackets - - '♞ npsi' - - '♞ hostile: cs/t3' - - '♞ hostile: battleships' - - '✥ dscan: pos' - - '♞ - ships only' - - '★ friendly: carriers' - - '✪ extra: align points'

    Finally, I performed a classical sort ( Menu Edit - Line Operations - Sort Lines Lexicographically Ascending ) and I got the list below :

    - - '★ --- friendly: all' - - '★ friendly: fleet' - - '★ friendly: capitals' - - '★ friendly: carriers' - - '★ friendly: dictors' - - '★ friendly: dreads' - - '★ friendly: logistic' - - '★ friendly: recons' - - '★ friendly: sc/t' - - '♞ --- normal pvp' - - '♞ - ships only' - - '♞ bombing warpouts' - - '♞ deployables' - - '♞ npsi' - - '♞ structures' - - '♞ wartargets only' - - '♞ hostile: antibombers (!)' - - '♞ hostile: battlecruisers' - - '♞ hostile: battleships' - - '♞ hostile: caps' - - '♞ hostile: carriers' - - '♞ hostile: cmd dest' - - '♞ hostile: cruisers' - - '♞ hostile: cs/t3' - - '♞ hostile: dictors' - - '♞ hostile: dreads' - - '♞ hostile: drones' - - '♞ hostile: fighters/fibos' - - '♞ hostile: frig/dest' - - '♞ hostile: logistics' - - '♞ hostile: recons' - - '♞ hostile: supercarriers' - - '♞ hostile: supers/titans' - - '♞ hostile: titans' - - '♣ pve: anoms/ratting' - - '♣ pve: mining' - - '♣ pve: salvage/loot' - - '♣ pve: show drones' - - '✈ --- basic travel' - - '✈ travel: hide stations' - - '✈ travel: show all' - - '✥ --- dscan: ships' - - '✥ dscan: pos all mods' - - '✥ dscan: pos' - - '✪ extra: align points' - - '✪ extra: podsaver (!)' - - ♣ --- basic pve - - ❏ default brackets - - ❏ hostile brackets - - ❏ no brackets - - ❏ skirmish brackets

    Notes :

    You’ll notice that most of these “header” lines begin with the string - - '

    Only five lines, which have a special character, instead of the single quote, are, of course, moved at the end of the sorted list.

    And, generally speaking, all these special Unicode characters are sorted, according to their Unicode number ( 2605 for the Black Star, 265E for the Black Chess Knight, and so on… )

    So, If you agree, with that specific sort ( May be, at the end, you’ll have to move one or few blocks to an other place ! ) I’ll give you, next time, the complete method to get the sorted list of these “header” lines with ( the most important ! ) all their contents unchanged :-))



  • Code folding without closing bracket

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Nima Mir HabibollahiN

    you can save your file as a python source file (simply by changing the extention to .py)
    then you can handle your folding by **indenting **lines using **tab character **

  • Wierd issue with notepad++

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Hi, Claudia,

    Concerning your last question, it’s just because I directly modified a N++ configuration file ( config.xml ).

    But, you’re right ! I could just have used the Edit - Control Panel ( or the method : ALT + 0nn on numeric keypad ) to write these Control characters, first, in the normal text window and, secondly, use CTRL + C/V to copy them into the Settings - Preferences… - Delimiter section :-)

    Best Regards,


  • Undo a change made in the source-files between v6.5.4 and v6.7

    0 Votes
    17 Posts

    Hello Claudia,

    Many thanks again. I do appreciate it.

    Best regards.

  • Compiling NP++ - Error compiling scintilla

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Oh, I didn’t try compiling within the developer command prompt. Now it works. On to the next step. Hope the rest goes to plan :)

    Thank you for the help on this matter.

  • Notepad++ font is permanently bolded after new GPU drivers

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Hello Claudia,

    I appear to have only one font: DejaVu Sans Mono Bold. I guess this explains why the italic/bold options had no changing effect.
    I’m completely lost as to how these fonts can suddenly dissapear from my computer after a simple GPU driver reinstall.

    Anyway, I’ll reinstall the DejaVu fonts and I’ll post/edit if it works.

    Kind regards,

  • Plug nppCrypt not start

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Claudia FrankC

    Hello @nivez.no1,

    which npp version do you use?
    Is the plugin compatible to your npp version? (ansi vs. unicode)
    Do you get any error message indicating a problem with plugins when starting npp?
    Can you post, if available, the debug-info? (Can be found under ? menu)


  • Jump List not working

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Claudia FrankC

    Hello @Gagan-Pal-Singh-Ahluwalia,

    what do you mean by jump list?
    Maybe a screenshot might clarify it.


  • Help with Bookmarks, please

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Hi Doug Farm,

    First of all, congratulations ! Indeed, very few people use as many N++ plugins as you do ( 61 ) !

    However, be aware that some problems may occur when such a lot of plugins are simultaneously opened in a N++ session. As for me, on an old 6.4.5 N++ locale version, some time ago, it was the case, with 70 plugins installed, just for tests !

    But, let’s back to your problem ! I think that your troubles come from the NppPlugin_ChangeMarker.dll plugin. Just remove it or check the Disable Plugin option of this plugin and everything should be OK :-)

    You may, either, remove its two associated plugins NppPlugin_PluginMargin.dll and NppPlugin_SciMarkerSymbol.dll



  • Fin/Replace in Determined Lines

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Fabrizio and All,

    From your post, I tried to find a generic way to achieve this kind of question, with regexes ! Please, just consider my solution as, only, one, among all the possible solutions !

    The Fabrizio’s goal is to perform a Search/Replacement on a line, ONLY IF a SPECIFIC condition is true on that particular line

    I would use the general regex syntax, below :

    (Regex_Condition)[^@\r\n]*$|(Search_Regex)(?=.*@)|@ (?1$0@)(?2Replacement_Regex)


    Go back to the very beginning of your current file

    In the Replace dialog, check the Regular search mode

    Check, preferably, the Match case option

    Click TWICE on the Replace All button

    NOTES :

    The arobase character @, is, simply, any single character, which DOES NOT exist in your current file. and preferably, NOT a meta-character of regular expressions. So, according to your file’s contents, you can choose, for instance, the ! character, the # character, the % character, the & character, the = character, the _ character, …

    Regex_Condition represents the regex that satisfies the specific condition, which allows the associated Search/Replacement. Of course, Regex_Condition may be, also, a simple literal string, even a single character !

    Search_Regex represents, of course, the area of text, which will be replaced. As above, Search_Regex may be, only, a simple literal string, even a single character !

    Replacement_Regex is, obviously, the regex to generate the text that will replace the area matched by the Search_Regex

    Below, I’ll expose 3 different examples ( The Fabrizio’s one and two others )

    Regex_Condition : ^Value= Search_Regex : \bbla\b Replacement_Regex : blue Regex_Condition : \b\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\b Search_Regex : [a-z] Replacement_Regex : \u\2 Regex_Condition : \d$ Search_Regex : [[:alpha:]]+ Replacement_Regex : <\2>

    In the first case, we’ll replace the lowercase word bla, with the word blue, ONLY on lines beginning with the exact string Value=
    ( Fabrizio’s problem )

    In the second case, we’ll replace any lowercase letter, with the same uppercase letter, ONLY on lines that contain a date, of the general form xx-xx-xx, at any position of the line

    In the third case, we’ll replace any set of uppercase or lowercase letters, with the same set, surrounded by the two angle brackets, ONLY, if the current line ends with a digit

    To see the results of each example, I’ll use the SAME 10 lines test example, below :

    Value= bla bla testblatest bla That's only "bla bla" speech My NEXT bithday falls on 19-05-16 Every 25-12, Chistmas is celebrated Value= Test of bla and BLA Christmas is celebrated each 25-12 On the 01-01-17, we'll wish a Good New Year Don't change the word "bla", in that TEST line no 8 01-01-00 was the first day OF THAT century Value= bla blabla bla

    So the first example :

    (^Value=)[^@\r\n]*$|(\bbla\b)(?=.*@)|@ (?1$0@)(?2blue)

    would give the changed text ( Lines 1, 5 and 10 ), below :

    Value= blue blue testblatest blue That's only "bla bla" speech My NEXT bithday falls on 19-05-16 Every 25-12, Chistmas is celebrated Value= Test of blue and BLA Christmas is celebrated each 25-12 On the 01-01-17, we'll wish a Good New Year Don't change the word "bla", in that TEST line no 8 01-01-00 was the first day OF THAT century Value= blue blabla blue

    The second example :

    (\b\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\b)[^@\r\n]*$|([a-z])(?=.*@)|@ (?1$0@)(?2\u\2)

    would give the changed text ( Lines 3, 7 and 9 ), below :

    Value= bla bla testblatest bla That's only "bla bla" speech MY NEXT BITHDAY FALLS ON 19-05-16 Every 25-12, Chistmas is celebrated Value= Test of bla and BLA Christmas is celebrated each 25-12 ON THE 01-01-17, WE'LL WISH A GOOD NEW YEAR Don't change the word "bla", in that TEST line no 8 01-01-00 WAS THE FIRST DAY OF THAT CENTURY Value= bla blabla bla

    Finally, the third example :

    (\d$)[^@\r\n]*$|([[:alpha:]]+)(?=.*@)|@ (?1$0@)(?2<\2>)

    would give the changed text ( Lines 3, 6 and 8 ), below :

    Value= bla bla testblatest bla That's only "bla bla" speech <My> <NEXT> <bithday> <falls> <on> 19-05-16 Every 25-12, Chistmas is celebrated Value= Test of bla and BLA <Christmas> <is> <celebrated> <each> 25-12 On the 01-01-17, we'll wish a Good New Year <Don>'<t> <change> <the> <word> "<bla>", <in> <that> <TEST> <line> <no> 8 01-01-00 was the first day OF THAT century Value= bla blabla bla

    NOTES :

    Throughout these 3 examples, the lines 2 and 4, which do not begin with the string Value= nor end with a digit and which do not contain any date, remain UNCHANGED

    For a correct behaviour of the proposed regexes, don’t forget to click, TWICE, on the Replace All button

    Best Regards,


    P.S. :

    The underlined idea, about these general regexes, below :

    (Regex_Condition)[^@\r\n]*$|(Search_Regex)(?=.*@)|@ (?1$0@)(?2Replacement_Regex)

    is :

    Add a specific character ( @, or else, not used in current file ) at the end of EACH line that satisfies the Regex_Condition ( 1st S/R )

    Perform the wanted S/R, ONLY on the lines that end with the @ character ( or else ) and finally delete that extra character, at the end of each concerned line ( 2nd S/R )

    As usual, I could give some extra information about these regexes, if needed !